Right you've got the shanks and this is drill number three to help you try. And fix it i've already done an intro to the shanks i've done drill number one two and this is now the third one this is one one if the other two has failed this one will help you okay. So keep watching this my name is rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester. And obviously you're watching this video because you're hitting the heel of the golf club it's shooting off to the right hand side it's horrible it's disgusting your confidence is down on the floor. And we want to try and get you improving and hitting the golf ball better so this dead simple drill all i've done is i've set up my original golf ball next.

To a practice golf ball um a tpeg a basket your mobile phone maybe not your mobile phone. But put something on the other side of the golf ball so if you were to line the club up that would be right in the middle now. And you would not hit that other golf ball that secondary golf ball the yellow golf ball for this instance if you would hit the heel so hitting the heel of the golf club would cause you to hit that other golf ball now you might look down at that and go nah i'm not going to hit that a little kind of way be able to gauge it you should be able to slide your club in between them okay. So being out to make sure you've got that club in between it's really really key so put your club behind the ball first take your stance make sure your hands are below your chin you've got nice room away from you in the club. And then.

Swing through and do it easy at first do it nice. And deliberate do it nice. And precise and try and hit the one that's closest to you missing the other golf ball so as you can see the other golf ball is still there left on the floor you can do that with a tee peg you can do that with a basket you can do that with a practice golf ball you can do that with anything that you don't mind damaging house blood not a house brick sorry forget that's a double something that you don't mind damaging okay. So put it down set up and your mission is to try. And miss that other golf ball if you find that you're still hitting it work on it harder work on it more and more and more and try now some of you out there might be like well i keep hitting it i must be doing something wrong yeah you might be doing something wrong. And you need to check the other two drill videos out for that is it your hips. Or is it your swing. Or if that fails come and see me down at traffic gold center go and see a coach that you you're familiar with not if it's not me sorry someone else who you if i'm a bit too far away so club down make sure there's a nice gap between you and that ball and if you hit that other ball it means that you'd be hitting both the heel and the toe with the other one if that fails feel like you're doing some practice swing set up to this golf ball and do some practice swings like this. And try and miss the original golf ball closer to you so you set up normally and even try and miss that golf ball closer to you use that feeling use that kind of idea of what you're trying to do do the same. But try and hit this ball if you do that successfully that will really help you fix those shanks you can also guys get some impact tape now the impact tape you can pop on the golf club this is actually my own impact tape you can pop it on the golf club. And you can actually check where you're hitting the golf ball from. So pop a ball down hit it from there and it'll leave a nice big mark on the club head so you know exactly where you see i'm a little bit toei there but you can see exactly where you've hit it from guys i hope you've enjoyed those videos please please do watch them enjoy them share them like them subscribe to the channel check me out on facebook. And twitter i've got other uh drills for shanks and everything else and hopefully if you leave some more comments tell me how successful they were telling me it didn't quite work i can always do some more thanks. So much for watching my name's rick shields down here at traffic center in manchester and hopefully that's fits your shanks you.