So you want to fix the shanks this is drill number one my name's Rick shields down here at traffic golf Center in Manchester only if you drill one to help you fix the shanks I've just an intro video to the shank to tell you why you shanking it. And why you could possibly a number of different reasons why you could be shanked it and this is number one the kind of obscured angle of attack the path being either to inside. Or to outside and the club can glance anywhere on the clubface. And it can just shoot off to the right tense up around shorter clubs because this kind of angle would be more outwards it's kind of slightly more offset. So we're going to do that. So this is my wedge. So we can start doing it today.

With the wedge now what you've got to ask yourself is I can't obviously know what what angle of attack that you come from I've never met half here. So do a pod. Or unless you come down for last night what I wanted to do is be honest how do you hit your driver. And I sound like a daft question do you hit your driver with more of a slice yeah most people that hit the driver with a slice hits the shanks because their angle is too much from out to in now with the drive you can kind of get away with it you probably hit it somewhere near the heel. But because there's no hosel on it it starts to the left hand curve to the right you go yeah at least I've hit the fairway. So what I want you guys do this is. For the slice swings first is what I want you to guys to do it feel like you're hitting it much more from the inside path. So as you come not on your takeaway this is really important I don't want it to go back here on your takeaway try. And come straight back to camera get to stop and then.

Just just slightly change direction so you swing it more down this line more down this channel do it in slow motion first. So straight back to the camera away from the target just a small turn back in I can just try it really slow. And rehearsed at first if you hook your driver so if you one of those people who hook your driver you're more likely to have your swing to be too much from the inside so you're normally in from here too much you hit it from the inside that's why you got that big right-to-left shape on it if you're riding the golf you need to do the opposite you need to feel like you cut across the ball a lot more if I put the stick here that's aiming down that left-hand side I want you to go straight back to camera again don't go over here on your takeaway straight back to camera I'll straight up away from the target. And then.

Just feel like you're swinging across your body more so once you let this set up straight back to camera and then.

Do it nice. And slowly at first again and then.

Just across the ball just in a way that you feel like you're swinging it this way more okay now some of you might have to make that feel more exaggerated in others. But practice it rehearse it do it in slow motion first. So if you are a slice of the driver you've got to come in more from the inside to stop you shanks with your wedge if you're a hooker the drivers if you hook it you've got to come more from the outside with your wedge okay practice rehearse it do it in slow motion first please do let me know how this tip worked out. For you if it didn't there's always drill number 2 which is in the next.

Video thanks. So much watching guys my name's ben rick shields down here at truffle golf Center in Manchester you can check them out on Facebook Twitter. And please do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers I do the more videos I can do. For you thanks very much for watching.