So you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

Of new client my stuart lemon who um very nice gif he got from obviously his children. For father's day um and it's massive benefit he's his golf his swing and his improvement he's made today.

Has been quite incredible in such a short time um stuart currently plays off 12. But i saw him warm up just before the lesson so i'm hitting some shots sorry swing and i i would have predicted before i even spoke to him that he was playing off single figures when he came in. And told me playing off 12 and kind of struggling a bit off 12 i was really surprised. But then.

We looked into his swing a little bit deeper and and all things were explained. And what we see on screen at the moment is stewart before this is on the left hand side um. And stuart's main issue with the uh irons was that he was hitting fat shots he was also hitting fades slash drivers slices with his driver. And i'm going to show you that towards the end of this video. But we fixed we looked at addressing the fat shots first now if we look at his setup uh just with the seven iron we noticed a couple of things that could lead to a fat shot one of them being the ball position a long way forward for us every night the other thing being the sternum the middle of his golf swing is too far behind the club head then..

So both of those two things straight away can cause fat golf shots then.

From there we're moving our goal swing. And actually move a long way to the side laterally as well so now not only did we have the ball position forward not only did we start behind the golf ball we've even now moved further behind the golf ball. So our sternum and our middle of our body is all the way back here. So this this gap has to be made up somewhere and that gets made up in the the fact that the downswing is massively lateral shifting as well. So the movement in the downswing is huge as well. But very often stewart just doesn't get back in time therefore. the bottom of his golf swing is still underneath his sternum. And you can see there clearly on the video that club head is hitting the ground behind the ball. So this is the first thing that we addressed we see a couple of things really his grip gets a little bit stronger there. But it's nothing that massively concerned about now stuart's never had a golf lesson before and his swing mechanically is very very strong very very good um. So now this is what we've improved we've first off moved the ball position more central. So it's just in front of center we talked about keeping the sternum much more over the top of the golf ball certainly when we're swinging the club as well so we talked about staying more central and rotating over the top of the golf ball straight away here we see a huge improvement at the very top let me bring these two swings in the same position what you'll notice on the screen there now is a couple of things not only just in his body shape how much better his back angle is on the right hand side how much more he's over the golf ball how his legs have stayed more stable. But also look in the background the the trafford golf center kind of banner here behind of how much different how much different that is. And the ball's not moved the ball's in exactly the same place but on the left hand side there he's moved all the way back so you can see the whole of the double f. And ord of trafford where here on the right hand side you can only just see the r. And the d so the difference now is incredible awesome then.

On the way down on this left hand side his body weight would stay more central more over the top of the golf ball. And if anything his sternum started to be in front of the golf ball and guess what that's going to promote it's going to promote a strike where we hit the ball first. And then.

The floor after lovely finish awesome so what we did there we stayed more central keeping his his sternum the middle of his body in the middle of his his uh rib cage over the top of the golf ball. And then.

We talked about keeping it over the top of the golf ball as we came in to hit now this was interesting i'm going to move on to the driver now with stuart. And show you the improvement that we made with the driver as well so stuart originally was hitting lovely draw shots with his irons dropping the club nicely on the inside. And hitting these really nice draw golf shot sometimes over drawing it but fatten it a lot of the time as well but couldn't do that at all with the driver not at all really was moving the ball all over the show with the the flight of the golf ball mostly to the left mostly to the right as well. So what we talked about with the driver was a couple of of things really we noticed our alignments a little bit off. So we squared the shoulders up a fraction kept the ball position further forward so everything's more in line where before his shoulders were going left his feet were going right then.

We just talked about keeping this the middle of his swing now this is his new swing now this is the one on the right on both sides of the screen this is his new driver swing we came back to the sternum again. And talked about how the sternum now is behind the golf ball. And how it wishes to stay there so as we turn the sternum stays behind the golf ball rightly so but it's not moved side to side it's just stayed behind the golf ball and as it stays there during the downswing we now encourage more of a slight upward hit onto the golf ball which is just amazing the other thing we just talked about was hitting the golf ball more from the inside. And more on the way up now that granted that instruction is not. For everyone who slices the driver because you know that that's quite a basic instruction to open more on the inside i'm sure many of you have tried it but because stuart did it. So well with his irons that the movement the transition was just. So good hit the ball much more from the inside hit it on the way up hit this lovely draw that carried i mean strew it's a massive way let me show you a swinging normal speed just to give you an idea i mean he bombs it out there kind of carries it 260 270 carry distance. So then.

To tie that in with a nice little drawer as well it reduced the backspin and the the ball was traveling much further in the total distance as well we could see that on the range. So what we've what we've seen today.

Sometimes that when i saw stewart swing at the start today's session i'd have said without question he was a single figure handicap without question it was only when we started to look into his swing a little bit more in depth did we notice all these little characteristics that stuart had developed in his golf swing to cause him to be. So inconsistent certainly the fat iron shots they're not hitting it from the in and up on on his uh on his driver and suddenly now we're starting to hit more cleaner strikes with our irons we're not fattening it that's going to make a huge improvement. And we're starting to control the shape of the driver so it doesn't end up you know three fairways to the side it's going to hit our fairway. So i'm looking forward to keeping up with stuart's progress now uh i'll keep all you guys watching informed as well so i'll let you know via facebook and twitter uh you can check me out on the links just above. And i look forward to seeing you all soon if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and do subscribe well done stuart great session saying i look forward to seeing you again next.

Time. And happy father's day.