Recently i've been putting terribly so i'm gonna spend some time here on the putting green and show you what i'm gonna do to fix that. And the things that you can take away from as well to help improve your putting okay. So this little practice routine is going to take me about half an hour. But gonna break it down into this video into three areas the first one is line if you're not starting your ball online coming straight off the putter face there's little chance of getting in the hole this first drill is really important all we need is a few balls a few t-pegs. And a straight six or seven foot put now i'm gonna do here i'm gonna start off with a gate here either side of the golf ball t to the right t to the left just level with the flag i'm going towards. And then.

Roughly about three foot in front of me all i'm going to do is put two t-pegs in line with the golf ball. And the flag that's roughly the width of a golf ball come in close and have a quick look at that so you can see it. So that is roughly the width of a golf ball my challenge here i'm going to start the ball through those t-pegs. And towards the hole and spend a bit of time doing that what i would typically do is line my golf ball up in line with the hole. And our first mission is to hit as many through this gate as possible [Music] [Music] [Music]. So all in all really happy with that been about 10 minutes practicing this drill i probably only hit this left t-peg maybe three times out of all the time then.

Which was pretty impressive. But it also shows me i've got a bit of a left bias my face must be shutting down a little bit something i can learn from. And something again if you practice this you can learn from too now it's also very worth trying to practice under pressure this is my last part through this gate talking to you guys on the video can i get it through. And kind of get it in let's see if all that practice has paid dividends take that every day [Music] so the second thing i'm going to practice. And it's unbelievably important pace control so i've set up a little station here i actually got this off a good friend of mine chris hanson who used to play out on tour what you do you start off with a starting t-peg that's here where my golf ball is it's then.

Six foot to four to get to the first t-peg from there then.

The separate zones each a foot apart. So zone one two three four five six and seven now the trick is you wanna land finish the golf ball the first shot here in between zone one. And two and i'll use my head cover as a marker so you guys watching can see where i'm going. For so i'm going to take seven shots at this station to see how many i can get in the correct zone. So my score is out of seven effectively i obviously want to get as high as i can something like a four. Or five would be a really good target you can go. For the elite level where you've got to get it in the zone to progress to the next.

One if you then.

Fail you have to go all the way back to start again that's a really tough way of doing it but i'll go the easy way first seven shots starting in zone one let's see what i can score [Music] too much pace way too much pace [Music] oh [Music] no doesn't count [Music]. And one foot past every time [Music] [Music] [Music] so three out of seven there not maybe as good as i'd wanted to be so obviously got some something to work on what i did notice when i didn't get it in the correct zone it was always past that zone which i can take as somewhat as a positive. But something i definitely need to work on you can also then.

Put a t-poke peg on the other side. And do the shots almost down the hill. So it has a different speed again but we'll take that three out of seven see if you can beat that at home [Applause] [Music] last test put it under some pressure i've got five putts here around this hole all the different lengths all from different positions around the hole. And i'm going to try. And hold as many as i can i'm going to put a target on this as well i'm going to go. For minimum three what's good about putting a target on it next.

Time i come to practice it's something i've got to try and beat can i beat my personal best it's something if you can measure it. And track it you can monitor progress. So let's go let's learn from all those straight puts i did where i was working on my line that was really good i've now worked on my pace control which i did last now this is pace. And line and end result let's go with this one first i'm going to proper read it go through the whole process you might have seen recently as well i've been using a bit of aim point it's really difficult to explain on a video because it's a lot about feel. But effectively you stand over the line of the pot and which foot is lower than the other is the way that it breaks if my left foot is lower than my right it'll break to the left. And then.

You have to calibrate by how many degrees it is lower than your right again very difficult to explain on video. But i'd highly recommend checking it out let's see if we can start strong i'm going to proper mark it go through the whole process. And see how many i can hold out of 5. [Music] bit weak bit low [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay last one. And this is. For you know what i'd classify as being acceptable three out of three out of five so i really do need to hold this one [Music] feels good when you practice under a bit of pressure like putting yourself under a almost more like game like scenario definitely transl transcends out into the golf course as well slippery one down the hill left to right to finish off the practice session to go into my next.

Round of golf brimming with confidence it's going to be fast down the hill a little left to right oh too much never mind i feel like i put a good practice session in there i felt like i worked on some good aspects. Or failing that i can always put another putter in the bag guys thanks. For watching station lots more to come we'll see you next.
