So when we're out playing golf we hope our ball lands on perfectly manicured fairways we hope when we do go in a bunker it's sat on soft fluffy sand. And if we do miss a green we hope that the golf ball is sat up lovely on some nice soft grass. But as we know girls don't always like that and sometimes you find yourselves in the most awful situations in this video i'm going to show you how to deal with those situations. And how you can still keep a good score going situation number one you've hit an absolute perfect drive right down the middle of the fairway. And would you believe it your ball is finished in an old divot maybe somebody's not repaired it which is shame on them. Or a bird might have flipped the divot over or whatever it may be your ball has ended up in a horrible situation i'm going to show you how to deal with it. And how to escape a shot like this and still be able to hit a good golf shot the first thing you've got to just manage your emotions don't get annoyed with it it's situations that happen it's rub of the green sometimes you get it it happens sometimes it doesn't what you've got to establish then.

Is how you're going to best play this golf shot the first thing to know is often you will have to take a little bit more loft than what you would do normally because to get that divot loft is going to help you definitely. So take take a little bit more loft next.

Thing to do is position your body to help you strike the ball first. And then.

Take even more of a divot after and to achieve that you've got to make sure ball position is slightly back from center just feel like the sternum is slightly more to the left than what you would do normally. So feeling like your weight is a bit more on your left hand side. And have the sensation the weight stays around your front leg your left hand side that way you're going to strike the ball first. And then.

The ground after and then.

Lastly take even more of a divot like don't be scared about hitting even more of a diver you can always replace what mess you make. So ball just back from center weight a little bit more to the left hand side the extra bit of loft will definitely help. And then.

Feel like you stay on this left hand side as you hit the ball first and take even more of a divot gotta hit down on the ball and that way it'll come out like an absolute rocket i must actually hit the green from there check out that more of a divot that's where the ball was roughly i've hit the ball first. And take even more of a divot after hitting slightly more down is gonna help you right let's get on to horrible situation number two. And remember always repair your divots so situation number two i'm just off the back of the green got about 25 foot to the flag now on this lie where the ball's finished here the ball's on a lovely soft fluffy lie i can easily slide my golf club underneath no problem at all. But in reality that doesn't always happen as we know sometimes the ball can nestle in a little bear lie if we look down here there's hardly any grass not me i'll be honest not many patches of light this round here today.

But if it buries itself in that little nasty lie that becomes harder it becomes harder for the club to slide underneath so a technique that i use i change the club slightly and this is going to help you off this bare lie instead of having the wide base use the toe just the toe to dig in the ground a little bit more you've got to change your setup. But just having that toe making contact with the bottom of the golf ball pops the ball up really nicely and because of that technique it stops you from using your wrist too much let me show you what that looks like so using that toe requires you to stand a little bit closer to the golf ball feel like you're sticking the toe into the ground more notice i'm really lifting the shaft up and because of that you've got to grip down slightly and then.

Quite simply use it like a putting stroke feel like the toe of the golf club is going to dig in the ground. And the ball will just pop up lovely from that lie. So when we go into a bunker that's how we'd like to find the golf ball sat up on top perfect but in reality it's not always the case sometimes it'll come in from such a height it'll do that it'll plug in the bunker it goes straight in the sand it's you can't do anything about it there's no way of preventing it's horrible situation. But you've got to deal with it i'm going to show you how to deal with it first thing is get your most lofty club 60 degree lob wedge is perfect. For a shot like this next.

Thing is to know that this ball isn't going to play like a normal bunker shot it's not going to go high it's not going to stop quickly. So you've got to play that into your judgment when playing a shot like this i mean this is quite hard i've got to get over this bank first. And get it on the green and stop it on so i can't play this nice little floaty shot i would have done normally i've gotta play it with a little bit more roll because it's gonna roll out next.

Thing to do is make sure we hit behind the golf ball i'm looking i'm going to draw on the stand. And come in closer you can see this you can't normally do this obviously you want to hit behind the golf ball by about two. Or three inches and you want to hit down you want to hit below the surface of the golf ball while still maintaining as much loft as possible and believe me when i say you've got to hit it hard you hit this with speed it's going to pop out. And give you the best chance of holding it on that green so like normal shuffle your feet in open the golf club a little bit turn it to the right more so you're pre having the face pointing more up to the sky you're gonna hit two or three inches behind the golf ball that name to hit down but the last trick is make sure you don't just stop as soon as you hit the sand keep that club accelerating through. So i'm going to land it try. And land on top of that hill and let the ball roll out it's not going to spin up it's not like a normal bunker shot i'm going to hit down. And keep that club traveling through [Music] oh and i'll be honest with you that's one of the greatest shots i've ever hit in my life coming close this is where that line was that's where the golf ball was notice how i've really hit down i've taken explosion of sand what a shot that was guys if you enjoy the tip videos make sure you share them around with your friends also like the video. And make sure you subscribe believe it or not only 40 of my audience is subscribed it's free to do doesn't cost you a penny hit subscribe. And you'll stay connected to all the videos coming soon we'll see you next.
