So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

Of chris brown it's actually two lessons apart this was chris about three weeks ago on the left-hand side. And chris currently playing kind of quite a bit of golf but not an official handicap just yet what if you've got scores that you go around at the moment chris so he's going around at about 100 at the moment. But that is definitely soon going to change because the improvement he's made in such a short space of time is incredible i want you to watch this guys as well because there's a little drill in here that's going to help if certainly if you come over the top of your swing got a little drill in this video that's going to help you fix that. So do stay tuned. For that so we've got chris on the left hand side this was like say two. Or three weeks ago we've got chris now on the right hand side and the improvement you're going to see to his downswing. And his ball striking is unbelievably good. So what we've got at the moment chris was complaining that he was hitting the ball massively from left to right. So we're slicing the ball we've seen it before the club gets to the top of the swing and the club would then.

Come over the top and really chop across the golf ball you can see how severely outside to inside that is now we're losing distance we would hit a 7-9 not considerably far at all um. For someone his stature and his size just the ball just wasn't traveling far enough at all it was going kind of 130 odd yards with a seven iron. And at the end say we've actually got this up to 170 which i'm going to show in a moment 168 to be precise i'll just show you his downswing now of how we've changed it. And improved it you can see the improvement there. And the way that the club comes down and hits the ball more from the inside he's just creating so much more power so you can see that the huge difference there from before. And after where like i said before he was massively over the top now is much more from the inside um i'll show you how we've changed that as well. And how we've developed that to get chris hitting the ball just so much better so incredibly better so first lesson what we mainly identified was the fact that when chris would hit his um his club face would remain open to his path. And the main reason this is this is the last one now that his grip was very weak. So the first thing that we addressed in the last session was making sure that his grip was correct i wanted him to see two knuckles on the back of his left hand. And i also got chris just let in his right forearm to kind of cross over his left forearm i wanted them to extend and cross over that way chris was hitting more to the golf ball straight left which was brilliant is exactly where i want him to get to as well. So today.

We've talked about how we can hit this ball further. But much straighter and further and this is the drill that we actually came into play you might have seen this before. And we did we did a very closed split stance drill. So we got his right foot all the way behind his left i got him to feel like his body was facing more towards the right. And i got him to encourage him to swing it aggressively down this stick because the forearm rotation was really good chris was allowed then.

To really try. And get that club swinging much more from the inside all the way to the right so hitting it from the inside and then.

Hitting it way off to that right hand channel and when he did that. So well the ball just came off like a rocket i mean he really did start to hit the ball. So much further even doing this stance and i think that chris one stage said why don't i just play like this well i wasn't a big fan of that. So we've gone back to being more conventional in our stance and i honestly just encouraged him to feel like he was swinging more from behind him on the way down. And then.

Because his arm action was. So good through the ball i got him to feel like he was hitting it. So far to the right and trying to emulate what he was doing in this swing trying to do exactly the same action. And when he would come into hit he would just then.

Drop the club much more from the inside the club is. So much more for the inside there and then.

Exit more to the right because his forearm action was. So good through the ball he would then.

Hit the ball so good and straight i'm going to show the image of that in a moment as well like i say carried it 168 yards. And straight down the middle and just the improvement was unbelievable. And i'll show you the the uh the image now of how far he hits it so here's the shot that he hit towards the end of the lesson 168 yards which was a good 40 well 50 yards further than what you were hitting it. And arrow straight literally arrow straight and this is that goal swing here on the right hand side after doing the right foot below left stance allowing his forearms to cross. And with the correct grip he just bombed it now i realized some of you might have noticed that his takeaway has just gone a little bit inside we're gonna let that slide for the time being because that's something that we can fix later on down the line i wanted to get his downswing working well first getting hitting the ball. And enjoying the game and getting them hitting the ball and shooting under 100 every time and then.

We're going to tidy up the backswing. And stuff out so i know some of you might notice yeah it's backstreet's got a bit inside. But we will fix that. And get that right chris great session say i feel like the improvement you made in just three weeks and this only two lessons in is incredible that you've made some really good progress after having lessons before. And and kind of feeling like you needed just that bit of injection to play some better golf and there's no question you should be shooting much lower scores way under 100 if you hit the golf ball like you have on that right hand side guys if you if you've enjoyed the video. And kind of used the split stance closed stance drill effective and you want to use it feel free let me know you get on please do like the video subscribe to the channel. And also check me out on facebook and twitter and chris weldon and i look forward to seeing how you progress in the future you.