Writing guys so we are down here today.

Truffle golf. So hopefully using the title this video and our exciting Mia PR we are with very Golf personal trainer stars to Austin swinging flipping you swing fit UK into some fantastic work with been working with myself to try. And build up my golf Fitness strength getting it knocking in pass vintagey I'm doing my best and he reckons today.

The bold statement the neck on the line in a twenty minute stretch he can help us hit the ball 15 yards further 15 yards further in 20 minutes that's caught your attention uptick okay. So what we're gonna do we're going to show you what stretches are. And we're going to show kind of what we need to do we're going to hit some shots as well. And record it on two piece of measuring device we're going to measure on GC 2. And also on flight scope flights don't for the club head speed and GC 2 for the carry distance we hit some real balls I'm also actually brought in Vinci to make it a little bit more of a ferret test so it's not just me looking like I'm hitting it harder my office and I need all the help I can get at the moment yeah I can't be having Ricky in it past me I may need all that yeah it's very nice - yeah he said his body's net right on the line. So what we're going to now me. And Pete you're going to hit five shots each with real golf balls. And we're going to measure our average carry distance yeah out of five our average club head speed what you reckon we can get increase. And when our Mountie miles per hour increase we're looking at four five four or five miles per hour increase that's what I'm locking okay. So I should short equate to 50 not shave will happen on the average I've raced you know at least two of the swings hopefully we can get ya sorry bailing out. So we're going to look at anything that's gonna see if we can hit this ball further by doing some stretching with him we're gonna hit five cold golf balls we're not warmed up. Yet so how you would normally get to the golf club jump out you go and hit some shots and I'm going to disrespect this even further writing guys. So we've hit five shots they each me and finchy and completely cold we've had a busy day teaching so this is the worst prep we can possibly other up. And we've got some distances so we're going to go distances first we got the GC to carry distance with five real golf balls Finch you're not is not hitting it the furthest. Yet because that's how you would hit it if you were called two five three carry distance he's average club head speed was 106.7 okay which I reckon about yeah it's about right also got to be connected with a middle of the clubface much good pretty much what I was getting. So I reckon that's about about where should they be myself I was hitting it 274 yards carry distance already if I was hitting it a lot better. And that's all day wizardry with science is my transistor this is Paul right yeah Michael head speed is currently a hundred. And seven point four so 106.7 one hundred and seven point four to seventh or what I say yours was Finch I don't care two five three. So he we can see finished Vinci should make a big leap. But the important one is this club head speed that's what going to see. So Joe can we can become in the direction. So we're going to do some stretching stay tuned right guys. So we are stretched out I'll guess very much I'm ready to go sapsuckers about 50 minutes 15-20 minutes through all the stretches I've obviously sped it up. So you'll have to sit there watching me or doesn't or projection the point we can I give you our takes I think the more the more you do the stretches the obviously the quickie look. So how would you do it well to do this I mean we'll be in the put in a minute yeah that's it I mean you've got around 20 to 30 minutes before the effect of the stretch really well off of you the view satyric a far too long we would have to reach stretch well you know you could do them at home some at home. And then.

The lower body ones are home to a little bit more comfortable. And then.

Do you look. For body ones when you get to locker room or ever enjoy whatever you can do them all at home you know as long as you you do them in you've got 20 to 30 minutes maximum before you start to hit box. So we're now going to test this theory we're going to hit five shots each then.

I get on camera G see to it flights go Pickford's club head speed just a reminder Pete was carrying it to five three nights best. But he was lucky was cold. And not ready to go yet and club head speed was 106.7 106.7 myself I was carrying at 273 my club head speed was 107 point. For some berries confident confident yet that we should be both hitting into 110 certainly cash I mean I wanted the guys to do it to do it cold as you just took me out yeah I don't want you already Lou because I was the thing. So if you are ready to tag well they were cold it's not that that's what we're looking. For again don't be that guy we're lucky we log in and turning up at the golf course with and the cold winters dare get an oakley carotene off I know before we far we cold hey Europe that's our Barry are you feel if I get closer to the door are you feeling every shot yeah confident feeling confident I've you know I've had the results before I know it worked okay. So yeah we're not yeah are you feeling i I don't know I've never done sort of the 9/10 before. So it was quite a stretch. And so cheer like you would doing online so I put in 10 with that it's awesome stretch yeah. So I just hit five I've done those stretches I'm not here anymore in between so straight into exciting strange that looks and I start well we've already got 274 carry distance and a club at speed of still tracking a hundred and sixteen miles per hour 160 okay next.

116 awesome is ringing it up now char to 74 again. So 274 carry different again and the clubhead speed it's just searching it on five so it takes a little bit longer 108 so it's dropped a little bit but 108 great distance still so 275 carry distance 275 and clubhead speed it's just going to load up we'll wait. For that for a sec so already after three shots is averaging much higher that's gone 108 again. So he's up to a couple of miles per hour that distance is massively up to six one. So again still a massive increase in distance that didn't look the fastest that time no it wasn't work swiftly. But that did a lot your fastest 110 110. So he's still faster didn't look it so we got one more you're currently averaging 271 carry distance so much much longer and 111 miles per hour dead clubhead speed nice shot 279 carry distance that time I go through you hit that well and wait for it wait for it wait for it 112 miles per hour Club ed speed so that so that's an increase of nearly 20 yards and the club head speed of I can't work out the mass exactly some like 6 miles per hour extra club head speed right need to go be that pressure laughter I'm happy with that yeah it also knows that I come. So I was 107 point. For averaging it to 7 3 C whacking at this time yeah I know what you mean about feeling I feel a bit it's just jet like bit jelly kind of thing is the club feel of why yeah very light. So 274 carry distance about where it was before I don't know if I hit heart on quite as well. For that speed morning landed on it either now I've never got open to nearly 120 so could be interesting see how these next.

Few if I do that felt amazing to 80 to 87 the only two servants carry that felt awesome what's the club at Smith what exactly the same body 11 - seven - Kerry this is not too bad let's be 110 110. So it's still the average look I've got one more shot - - two more shots yeah yeah three yeah yeah oh really good - 74 carry distance we'll just wait. For the clubhead speed on that one I felt really nice popular number that being it is to simply fall yeah 111 111 we'll take that to 79 carry distance. And clubhead speed up out nice I felt faster definitely see 113 Wow 137 so if we have a look at the results right guys so I think you don't know I'm late on it don't really argue with it come here. So we've just put all the data in that which kind of something oh there's been a huge increase in club head speed without question big time peak started at 106.7 and is now 111 point woloson through all. But one five volunteers so 111 point one four so massive increase there I started at 107 point for club head speed miles per hour and I've upped its one hundred and eleven point three three so a tangible improvement because I massive improvement now distance wise with both increased distance definitely and well I look at the distance that we've increased by so P starts at two five three so cold just got out of the car you know the way you would possibly turn up to a golf club so you went from two five three carry to carrying it to seven three right that's when C yards I three around routine sources two yard in freakin might be able to keep up that so I need yard so that was good very very awesome more miles per hour Clemente is equated to twenty mark twenty yards carry. And like I said that was cold never hit a golf shot to twenty minute walk straight on hit some shots. And best club head speed was 116 as well as we really got some out there as well myself I started at 274 I've increased. But not quite as much so you know it's hard to find tuna rolls royces to say so i i've got up now to carrying it 277 so i mean i've increased it by four yards which is still unhappy lata oh yes it was four miles per hour quicker ball speed I just couldn't come to power bases I just got a bit of a base doing it. So that with me increasing increasing clementa people just couldn't quite find the middle of the face and however. are still tangible improve. Yet because accounts so guys that is how you can hit the ball further in twenty minutes. So we've done what we said on the tin you can hit the ball further I do twenty minutes of stretching the stretches that Barry down at swing fit UK provided thanks bar owners mats ops 3 shadows Riley really do you can check Barry out on Twitter names down here. And I'm just a fitness and strength videos with him as well so our targets to get to 300 yards carry distance that's our targets are aiming to those I think realistically I probably need to apostille meant to be to at 116 117 to achieve that. And when we're on the way well well on the way my longest was 287 something that 287. So we're not far away now and also guys you know my partner in crime Peter Finch check out channel layer by clicking the link you subscribe to my channel by clicking the link down here as well and hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it thumbs up that is now these stretches go. So please do do them locker-room car park here at home before you get to the golf club. And there should be golfers all around the country doing these stretches of driving range etc now after watching this so that's how we are going to see you improve your distances by taking care of you. And your body before you go and play golf you know you're an engine getting warmed up before you go why don't be embarrassed by yeah be embarrassed by stretch it's not a problem go. And do it it'll help it'll help you hit the ball further. And it'll reduce injury as well guys thank so much watching and thanks very few time problems occasional further really good isn't have to run anymore now but that was ever going to chase him let's be honest tell you what you do when you got you use the four miles an hour. So checkpoint two.