Okay mate just get my shoelaces three times all right this is great viewing right what club we got here i've got a new toy new toy a little sldr mini nice. So the reason why i'm playing this on this hole because quite a tight par four stroke connects one this one is it goes down. And it's funny because all the whole everything slopes to the right yeah it's a dog leg left straight downwind straight downwind. So i'm going to play hopefully. For a safety shot with the mini 14 degrees so basically it's a strong it's a three wood with a driver head or smaller driver head rocker that one loves it yeah i'll take that i'll take the little mini driver right sam with his old conventional big driver yeah there's gonna be a little bit of aggression in this one. But it's too down he's gotta he's gonna start doing something i need to find a fair way to be honest well done yeah fairway would be nice. So guys just if you didn't check out this is part two me. And sam meller sam's a fellow pro at traffic golf center myself plays a little bit as well just a bit of coaching and first debut on the video here today.

And currently it's too up to myself you can go. And check out part when i'll start speaking now sam hits this yeah it's okay i think you might have actually drawn that around the corner there you know someone's never played here before. But i'm new to it so but i think that's good you know i think that's good he's he's actually drawn it over these tree lines. But that's kind of where the hole is i think you're all right there man yeah okay approach shot a lot of undulation off the fairway there is mine hit fairway there. And then.

Bounced off and yeah. But this is this is i was saying about that hole everything's soaked that way yeah it's a dog left yeah i've got 176 downhill downwind i'm gonna try. And throw it all the way there with a seven where's that pin top left that left yeah back left actually. So probably i want to hit quite high draw down here not an easy shot great strike really putting it to me today.

Mate that's great shot yeah heart of the green great shot pleased with that right miller she's taking tiger line yeah about timing i don't prime location 132 132 big big hit down there um downhill pin if we zoom let's have a look i don't know if you can pick you up there on video it's kind of back here about left somewhere. And it's on you yeah i've got a gap wedge that wedge because it goes downhill down wind yeah usually get wet yeah about 120. So slightly on the downhill slope as well so that's going to make the ball travel a bit further yeah i'm gonna go. For the heart of the green maybe a little drawing okay that's good oh it's right on it is it yeah seven of the green yeah good shot beautiful hole this fourth hole down here dun forest golf club uh sam's actually not as close as we thought you were yeah i thought it was middle you look back down the fairway you can really see how undulating it is uh i'm pin high down that my left butt from the hole it was down the right side this needs to be closer it does you need to you need to knock this this one in same you're going on it's bang on line bang on line all right yeah not bad. But okay rick we've got 20 feet yeah 30 up. And down and round and quite a tricky putt beautiful day gorgeous get that claw going again oh my god i'm getting the speed spot i'm not scared yeah that's good that one is that good yeah okay right sam two foot left sorry mate i would give you this unbelievable bread. And butter yeah well done sorry i feel bad enough i do feel bad now i should have never doubted you i just had two though right. So game still two up to rick four down how many holes we've got left we're gonna play probably gonna play nine i need to pull my finger out majorly so here we are chasing off some rabbits beautiful down here dunham forest right anyway back to the action sorry sorry i was just chasing rabbits there mate yeah i'll i'll see you off while you play with the puddings what do you like. So this is a par four they're all donkeys around there um beautiful sweeping sweeping par four um you can probably just about pick up the flag which is right down there on about that line there. So we're gonna play for position pop it in the fairway and then.

Play it to the green it's quite plateaued green as well right sorry sam what we're hitting i've got four right it's only three six nines so play for the position there i really need to find another fairway and just get it close and put some pressure on really go for it try and play a low little draw around that little low drawer sounds like the shot yeah shot dead beautiful that was a good strike it was rick minnie's out again piling some pressure on what's this a low draw around the corner yeah i'm gonna sting one round uh that is unreal might have overcooked it just slightly loving that club it's nice yeah i think i might have just missed fairway there. But it's down there third down anyway all right sam into breeze yeah 161. 161 yards kept on this top side you have actually one bout. And it would have been shooting down there smack bang on the fairway um pin is like say really plateaued green here i'm gonna give sam some advice he's never played it. For don't go left seriously is that that oh left is dead you'd make a great psychologist you can only go right yeah there's not a lot of room left. So it's going to be a little cut around the corner i think we have seven eight a little fade seven iron see what we can do come on fade fade fade fade oh it's the left edge of the green yeah it's fine left edge of the green hey rick super drive thank you i'll come back see they can see the undulation couch 102 i've left myself in yeah proper shape around the corner um two hundred. And two we hit little gap wedges up hill and into breeze so i think sam's gonna head down to the green. And see what happens yeah we'll see him in the shot okay we can just make out right there the salmon top great drive cat wedge here it comes a bit big yeah it's perfect lucky boy very lucky i said you couldn't go left it just prop just straight down there. So i have to give you a bit of an idea i'm just going down down down down down i mean i think you're right with that i think you've got very very lucky though i think you hit the green. And then.

It's just split off the side so a little chip on what we're playing it with a 60 again just get it up in the air quick quite soft fancy this one oh you got the distance perfect distance didn't get the direction okay i rick i have to work on my wedges it's a little bit have you repaired your pitch mark good boy i thought it was good from down there you know yeah well i did say perfect it wasn't again a little lengthy birdie. For all about pace that's it but it's it it's close here's a full shot from there oh what a disaster i've made this hole after a great tea shot i've got this idea to halve the half the hole oh very good save look you say yeah you can have that mate are you sure yeah you can have that i feel bad after lasso how quick did you pick that up by the way god pretty quickly i did indeed i need to uh. So we're currently still two got myself out two down two down we've played five yep five got a great power five next.

Hole yeah you played that a bit scrappy in there needed my drive. And then.

Your wedge distance yeah okay ricardo. So great all this par five but it's like it's almost a double dog like it's left off the t and then.

Right into the approach so i've got the big stick this time the big the big driver it's nice you've invited me when i've never played it thanks for that again that was my drive that's right though just a touch yeah too far right okay all right sam i think i'm just in the trees over here. Or just on the edge of the trees anyway that's your target line down there that's your target line down there great golf shot perfect you've ripped that have you tried the new covert then.

The nike i have it's a good driver very low spinning this is a little bit light i'll do like the lighter can swing a little bit quicker show us the fancy exotic shaft it's only a wrong box it's not too exhausting x flex 74 grams like that big boy stuff yeah it's just a punch down i think well i've blocked myself out here well. And truly where's the green top green yeah i mean i'm over here in the fairway absolute beast uh green's going to the right now quite a severe one maybe 50 yards i don't have the bumpers see the bush in the background there i think that's a good line just right of it here yeah past the fairway just put one down you two hope you know me too aggressive i do i do want to be aggressive all right i'm gonna go a little five iron then.

Bump it towards that hedge okay hopefully get a bit of fade on it see if we can get a little bit of the flight here stays down all right it's fine not quite what i wanted to do it's come out it's fine good lay up it's par 5. that was a joyful shot great drive here sam thanking you how far have you got left 205. okay the pin is like round here you're gonna have to still cut out that tree. So it's gonna have to be a little fade fade shot it's gonna be a baby cut uh five iron 205 it's downhill again and then.

Left edge of the green and just maybe maybe a five six yard faith i know i do all right thanks thanks. For that no worries sorry to remind you oh it's caught the top branch of that tree i think it might get there still oh you've got lucky there it's jumped over that bunker oh look straight yeah that was really lucky too straight you needed to start that further left. But you're at front edge of the green i think you've still got there yeah lucky lucky boy okay what we got uh 126. i've got. So i hit that tree and then.

Bounce back yeah thanks. For that perfect layup perfect right one two six i'm just going to hit a little wedge in there i don't get like i've got okay. So keep hitting it too far with the wedges not easier prototypes today.

You can hear the wind whistling things at the back looks really good it's all about the distance get up there yeah good shot please do that 30 chance on the dance floor played salmon all right. So as we're approaching this is myself am i approaching a bit better distance control that time at least sam's got very fortunate front edge sam what are you going with sandwich got a little sandwich at it he really needs to get inside my ear to give himself a good chance keep going keep going yeah go put good chips sorry. But unfortunately because it's rapidly downhill but he's inside mine that was the main job anyway okay rick ready foot quite a nice one as well i don't feel like i deserve all this all those things no grab my wedge shot right this is to really put the nail in the coffin this one is it sam yeah this won't be good. But see how you do as soon as seriously came off the butter i knew that was bad oh look here you can have that. For far okay right sam i'm generous give me a bit of a chance here buddy yeah well i definitely need this one it's got a drop mate ready pork must drop slightly down the hill it looks right edge. But i think it moves a little bit more sorry about the wind noise if there's some about guys it's blustery up there it's got a drop right got it back to one down sam hey man we've got three holes left to play that's the end of part two part two if you've not checked out sam's page. Yet click on his face and direct it to his facebook his twitter the youtube yeah. And we're gonna head now over to we might go and play a different hole than the seventh we might try and jump somewhere on the back nine because some great finishing holes some really nice holes so we might jump out there and we've got three more holes to play i'm currently one up but sam's uh sam's fighting back so stay tuned and subscribe to the channel by clicking the link below like the video please do comment me. And some are going to be on there replying to as many um comments as you put on there. So please feel free and we'll do our best to keep replying stay tuned. For part three.