[music] so i struck that perfect i hit the ball first and then.

The ground after and took a very minimal slight divot perfect however. it's not always the case for many golfers watching often too much ground gets hit and i don't particularly mean behind the golf ball my name is rick shields i'm a pga girl professional if you are new to my youtube channel welcome hit that subscribe button you don't miss out on any videos. And hit that like button if you enjoy it's tremendously simple drill that's going to help you strike the ball ridiculously better i've got a mid iron. And i've got three golf balls teed up at three different heights i've got wide classifier as the beginner height intermediate height and expert height almost like a driver ball teed up and the drill here is to go through these three stations to figure out. And take ownership of the low part of your swing so knowing where the bottom of the golf club is in relation to the ground whether it's too high. Or too low you need to take ownership of it once you do that it's. So much easier to judge when you're going to hit the ground. And at what point and by how much so important so setup to level number one this is beginner level almost like a a t height that's too high. For an iron shot but definitely not a wood height almost like a three-wood height what i'd like to do is sell to the golf balls you will do normally slightly hover the club at address. And almost feel like you're pushing the golf ball forward as opposed to digging down so i'm going to hover the golf club. And almost push the ball forward and just take it clean off that tee just nip it away and straight away i didn't take as much ground it was a cleaner contact i took ownership of the first station once you've done that. And only once you've done that successfully move up to the intermediate level now this t-height now for a mid iron is really high this is almost a low teed up driver shot same again applies hover the golf club take ownership. And work out where the low part of your swing is push the ball forward. And clip it off that tee you can see that i've literally just taken it off the top of that tee now the expert level this is where you've got to go through those two stations i wouldn't jump straight into expert level unless you're feeling tremendously confident this is this is the golf ball now it's teed up at driver height hover the golf club push the ball forward. And take ownership of where the bottom of the golf club is. And clip it off the tpeg if you get that one wrong it really hurts now what i'd recommend is go through the three stations again expert level in reverse order intermediate level beginner level until your golf ball is back on the ground you're fully aware of where the low part of your swing is you know where the bottom of the golf club is. And take ownership of it and on that shot back on the ground you know where the bottom of the golf swing is. So you can take a lovely shallow divot improve your ball striking in an unbelievably simple. And effective way that you can do out on the golf course you can do it the driving range you can do practically anywhere thanks. For watching guys stay tuned lots more to come if you're new to my youtube channel welcome hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any videos if you enjoyed how simple that drill was smash that like button. And leave me a comment down below i'd love to see your thoughts i'd love to hear your success stories once you are striking the golf ball better with your eyes thanks. For watching we'll see you next.
