So do not ignore this putting advice we've enlisted the help of the best putting coach in the world phil kenyon has given us three very simple tips to help you improve your putting hi guys it's rick shields if you're new to my youtube channel welcome hit that subscribe button. So you don't miss out on any videos hit the like button if you enjoyed this new type of video and leave me a comment down below i'd love to hear your thoughts so at the british masters i was joined by phil kenyon phil kenyon coaches some of the best players on the planet you've got tommy fleetwood justin rose francesco molinari the list goes on. And i asked him to give you guys three very simple ways to improve your putting let's hear what he says personally for me i think you've got three skills which you've got to try. And master the first one is can you start your ball online. And if you if you look at the pros one of the things they're very skilled at is the ability to start the ball online if you have um if you can develop accuracy to within half a degree then.

That is a really really elite level you know if you've got accuracy that's nowhere in well if you're as poor as two degrees of air in your start line you're gonna miss the hole from five feet. So developing that skill is paramount. So great advice by phil how many of us over complicate our swing mechanics and don't focus on one of the main points start in the golf ball online very simple drill for that is to set up a little bit of a gate. So i've just used two t-pegs out here on the golf course and i'm going to look at a gap that i can slide the golf ball through now that's a relatively generous gap you could go even smaller. But start generous and try and get a little bit closer if you're at home you could even replace those t-pegs with a couple of golf balls and you're trying to hit it through that gap then.

Ideally and again this is a preference use the line on the golf ball to line through that gap keeping your putter as square as possible. And your main objective is to stroke the putter. And the ball straight through the t-pegs that way you're going to be more consistent you're going to hold more puts. And you're going to start the ball online right over to fill the simple tip number two i see a lot of amateurs they don't really appreciate the importance of speed. So if you could picture a 10 foot put on an average slope average green speed you've got less than five percent of error in terms of your initial ball speed to actually make that put on your chosen line so you've got to be very accurate in the delivery of your intended speed now obviously practicing speed control then.

Becomes very very important you've got to be able to strike the ball out the middle if you're not striking the ball out the middle you're going to get inconsistent speed off the putter face. But what i also see is amateurs will practice the speed control on the same put the reality is when you're on the golf course you've got ever changing putts uphill downhill right off left to right. So i would encourage variability in practice i'd encourage you to put to a fake hole and you know change the uphill downhill left or right right to left and be trying to match your intended speed try and roll the ball through one foot past try and roll the ball through at two foot past three foot past so you're always trying to change your intention and match match your intention and for me that's a better way to to develop or acquire skill amazing advice again there by phil talking about speed control and how fine in the middle of the clubface is crucial a simple way of finding the middle of the clubface get a couple of pieces a sticky tack place it on the putter face just wider than the golf ball would sit on the face away from that center line. And the idea you want to hit the middle of the club face you don't hit the middle it'll stick to the sticky tack and go nowhere amazing to find in the middle of the club face at home or in practice and then.

He was talking about rolling the golf ball past the hole to an intended distance pattern on different slopes. So i've actually just on the green here found an old cut out hole to use from this so you're not actually using a real hole and i'm going to try. And put this ball let's say two foot past so i've hit one two about two foot two inches so my intended was two four i hit it just past two foot that works all right you could even go to a t-peg this time i'm going to just try. And drop it to the t-peg this is a downhill put this time i'm just going to try. And drop it almost rest against the t-peg and that's okay it's about a foot past speedy put downhill now if you have one of these this is a fake hole. So just a a round circle you could also put two now this time i'm gonna intend to try and leave this just short the more times you do this on different slopes the better your skill starts to come at reading the speed of greens. And getting it better out the golf course i'm gonna try and leave this about six inches short all right in the middle of the hole i need a little bit more practice there but as you can see you're gonna get better by learning the mechanics learning those concepts to get your speed right find in the middle of the club face put into a fake target. And matching your intended speed right phil over to you for simple advice number three so third thing i would see with amateur golf is is they don't really have a good concept in terms of green reading they're reliant very much on instinct over the ball. And that can be driven by poor technique at times. So i'd encourage people to get on the green try and find different slopes and try and find where the straight put would be and then.

From there place balls around at different angles relative to that straight put hit puts you know pay attention to how much that ball is going to curve. And then.

Go and find a different slope go and find a slope that looks a little bit steeper find the straight put place balls around that straight put hit puts pay attention to how much that ball is curving. So from there you're going to get a sense. And build up a feel for how much a ball will break depending upon the slope you're putting on. And the angle that you're putting across how good is this advice you know this guy is the best putting coach in the world he's making it unbelievably simple talking about being able to judge slope. So find the straight putt when you're out on the practice screen find the straight put simplest way of doing that as you walk around the hole you'll start to feel which foot is higher. Or lower than the other right now i'm at the exact level position if i take a stride to my left my right foot now is lower than my left. And if i go a stride to my right now my left foot is lower than my right. So with all intents and purposes this putt is going to be straight i know what the straight one does because my feet were level i can hit this dead straight out the hole. And drop it in now this pot because my right foot was lower than my left this is going to slope left to right now it's not far away from that straight pull. So it's not going to slope too much as i start to go this way it's going to start to slope a little bit more i could aim just to the left here know that the slope is going to slow right left to right. And drop in the hole and then.

On this side because i've gone to the right side of that straight line this time this is a right to left part i know it is because i know where straight is right edge of the hole. And drop it in almost it move right to left though but what you can see there she's starting to acquire your skill you know where straight is you know where your left to right puts on you know where your right to left foots are practice on different slopes uphill downhills working out where straight is. And then.

Going around the hole to find how much it slopes you've got to require these skills. But it will make you a better putter there you go three incredibly simple tips to help you hold more puts thanks to phil. For his time if you want to check out phil on his social media the link is down below awesome guy awesome coach. And the coach to the stars we were lucky enough to spend some time with him guys if you enjoyed the video smash that like button leave us a comment down below subscribe to the channel if you're new around here which i'll see you next.

Time hopefully following some more pots.