So here you go guys on youtube here's a video of lee mayers today.

Who is uh currently playing off scratch got down to plus two. But he's just not back up to scratch not playing a great deal of the golf last year and he's come to see me today.

To work a little bit on this game tidy up a few things i know lee back from the college days when i used to go to my school in preston. So uh good friend of mine so it's nice to see him again um travel all the way for blackpool to come and see me today.

So we're going to work we've worked on some really key areas to send him away practicing hard. And improving his golf so i thought i'd put it online for you guys to learn a little bit from it because it's a really nice change and it's uh i'd say you can you can even see that scratch players. And plus players can still improve. So we've got here on screen at the moment a couple of set up positions from uh lee's first setup which on the left and his newer set up on the right and we just noticed a couple of little subtle differences first off what was happening is fully from previous kind of sessions of lessons with elsewhere he's trying to straighten his right arm a little bit too much. And soften his left arm it's a theory that's been used um not to its full extent really so what we've worked on today.

Is actually straightening his left arm again. And making his forearms kind of level with each other i can't obviously on this screen because it's it's not three but three-dimensional but i might show you from down the line in a minute so we can see the difference. And also just notice how lee is just a little bit more kind of behind the golf ball just with his setup. And certainly from his sternum point kind of sits a little bit onto his right side so we've talked about today.

Just staying a little bit more central. And trying to get the sternum a little bit more over the ball and this is going to prevent the sliding action on the way back as well. And i'll actually just show you that so on the before swing on this left hand side what we notice now is that if you notice the tightest hat that he's wearing watch how as we move away from the golf ball that titleist hat starts to kind of separate away the letters on the title start to move away. And that's quite an inconsistent movement because we've got to try and get back in the same position again so what we've talked about today.

Is staying a little bit more central. So i got in here a few shots kind of just my hand against the side of his head and here now we just notice how the titleist just doesn't move in the way back it drops a fraction but it certainly doesn't move laterally to the right which is much much better. So at the top of his golf swing he's much more in line for where he started from he was before because here now he starts to tilt onto this left-hand side we're here already on the right image he's already on his left side. So he can just turn. And that's what we've looked at doing today.

Turning through the ball an awful lot better. So that's the from the front on view let's say we're hitting seven irons there now we just noticed a follow through here as well we just we've shaved off the follow through a little bit and i'll just show you why that is in a moment. So if we go back to the original iron swing and the new and improved iron swing what we notice is a couple of things from this view. And this is where i said about the forearms being level if you notice on the left side we can actually see his left forearm popping underneath his right forearm. So his forearms aren't really level so what we've done today.

Is straighten up the left arm. And let his right arm sit a bit more kind of in sync with his left to help things even out stay a little bit more square we also noticed a couple of things where his stance is very closed. And therefore. as lee comes into the shot he kind of closes the face here just by this bowing of the wrist which is not a big a horrendous move dustin johnson does this move. So it can't be too bad and he just hits it too much from the inside line a little bit that just is because that stands a bit close. And also because the face effectively is closed to how he started to hit it. So what we've worked on today.

Is neutralizing everything out a little bit we've stuck with the bowing of the wrist we're not gonna we're not gonna touch that at all just. Yet and from the top of the swing we talked about swinging a little bit more left to neutralize his swing plane out a little bit to get him swinging what feels to him like he's almost cutting across the golf ball soaring off that follow-through a bit like zach johnson in a way of him not even being able to control the face a little bit more instead of kind of ripping it around his neck as you see on this left-hand side we also worked quite nicely on these elements with the big stick as well so driver is where lee saw his biggest issues. And we saw very similar things in his driver setup that we saw with his iron so his his right arm was straight his left arm was flexed his stance was far too closed now this is the new. And improved setup position i don't mind him moving a little bit laterally on this right hand side so his tightness can move a little bit which is not a problem. And we just talked about swinging left of the body so i don't mind this bone of the wrist i'm letting swinging left of the body and we just started hitting some absolute bullets uh i've got the gc2 monitor down here at the bottom as well so this is the last flight the red flight that is hit here if you look at that bottom image look how straight that ball flight is a 280 yard carry a bit low launching at the moment. So it's only launched at 8.4 degree now lee's currently using a 90 degree driver which i feel like he's probably going to need to put more loft on the golf club as of kind of soon-ish really because he's uh at the moment he's struggling with that. And also this image this is a great image to show how on the image on the right hand side where the golf ball is here in the arrow that the sidespin all the spin axes was practically zero. So basically that golf ball is only spinning backwards that's all it's doing it's spinning at 2199 reds per minute with a launch angle of 8.4. So we're gonna up the launch angle by giving him a bit more loft on his driver keeping the spin rate and this 280 will quite comfortably get into 300s. So guys you can check out these progress like i said he's an amateur at the moment. So he uh he plays in quite local kind of stuff around blackpool and stuff and hopefully playing an open qualifying this year and we're looking forward to working together to make sure we can make place a much more consistent golf guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a like please do comment check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to the channel. And uh and tell me what you think about the swing thanks. So much you.