All right guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic center in manchester. And today.

We're going to talk about arm extension. And how it can help us create some more power in our golf swing. And improve the quality of the connection so this is this is a part of the golf swing that happens through impact. And post impact into the finished position now i'm not saying it absolutely has to be straight i'm not like like going back the left hand doesn't have to be absolutely straight. But i do believe a lot of golfers fail to straighten their arms as good as they could do as good as they could do therefore. limiting how far they can hit the ball. And how well they can hit the ball that's the big thing from it. So we start generally in setup with our arms relatively straight so that's set up not tense but relatively straight we go back with intentions of keeping our left arm straight but a lot of time i'll see golfers come into the ball and pulling up and in with their arms so they don't actually maximize their width on the way through the shot so they're pulling the arms into the body as opposed to extending getting their arms and the club away from themselves as a there's a few advantages to this first off you're not going to be pulling any any energy back away from the actual impact. So if you're coming in if you're coming in to hit and your arms are pulling upwards. And inwards through impact through impacting into the post impact position there's going to be energy that's being dilute kind of pulled back away from the target if we get our arms extending through. And extending into the follow-through we're not leaving anything behind now this follow-through position is just solely a check point that you've done it correctly. So you could pull your arms in then.

Extend you could do that. But it's the only real tangible way that we can actually see whether you've done it correctly is if your arms are straight in that position. So this is what i'd like to do. And it's also going to i'm going to show you how it can control the club face slightly. So as you swing through i want to hit some shots and hold your finish position halfway through so hit a shot and hold your arms there now notice here now in this final position my right arm has got full extension and my other arm is extending almost exactly the same as my four front arm it's not quite as extended because the club's gone a little bit to the left which it should do. But you can see that my right arm is fully extended now another thing you should notice from this camera is from the front view here that my right arm has almost extended over my left. And they almost look like they've crossed you can see clearly my glove hand there now that has a very small influence on where that club face points small influence this is not about turning the club this is not about rolling it really isn't. But if we can get the right arm to extend over the left the club face will be squaring better we won't be leaving it as open you see the whole chicken wing. And the club face points in a different direction to what we want it to point in so as you swing through extend the right arm over the left full extension get that club as far away from your body as you can. And we're aiming to be able to see from that front view our glove hand underneath now again do it in slow motion. So don't do it you don't have to do it fast just work on those positions really getting your arms away from you it's going to help you maximize your power it's going to help you hit the ball a little bit straight. Or further to the left if you hit the ball to the right and it's going to help you get a much better contact because you're not pulling all that energy away from the ball let's go one more then.

On the way through then.

You can extend. And finish your swing so guys that's how you extend your arms through impact post impact and where the right arm position wants to be in relation to the left of how it can have a small influence about where that club face is pointing. But most importantly it's going to get you hit more powerfully. And the better contact guys let us know you get on with that please do comment down below do you extend your arms through impact. Or do you not let us know comment subscribe click like. And we'll see you next.
