Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold centre in manchester. And we're going to be doing a test of shafts. And it's going to be an interesting one in my hand i've got an extra stiff shaft. And a stiff shaft both in 65 grams from the same manufacturer from ping the tor flex same length and i honestly don't know which is which i'm not going to look what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put it in the new ping g30 ls tech driver hit five with one five with the other seat there's any difference at all i'm just going to go into it completely blind. And then.

We're going to have a look at the end which one was hit first. And which one was second. So i'd know by the end shot i'll have a look and see which the shafts are actually in the driver at that point. And i know which one to hit first and second but apart from that i'm not going to know okay. So you're going to get some close-ups maybe on the screen. But you can see the very small s. And x on the shaft so there's no way i can look i don't even dare look at them at the moment i'm gonna go with this one first i'm gonna go with this one first i'm gonna put the other one down i'm not gonna look i'm just gonna put the head into the shaft. And now i've been using a 10 and a half head cranking it down to 9.9 so that's the only thing i want to do take it down half 0.6 of a degree screw it in give it a smack i'm excited about this i don't know which driver this one is i honestly don't i don't know what shaft sorry it is. So let's give it a let's give it a hit let's give it a whirl see what happens gc2 real golf balls on the hmt as well um right i don't feel any different at the moment i don't know what this shaft is i really don't let's go five. And then.

See what the results are. So this is producing the yellow line on the simulator yellow line is shaft one i don't know what shaft one is um i'm just gonna see what's there it performs that felt good give you a bit of feedback it felt nice. But it was a good hit. So i'm sure it was going to do i also felt very good right i'm gonna hit in fact just. So you don't think i'm in any way that's a great hit actually in any way shape. Or form fixing this i'm not gonna cut away from the camera it's gonna hit every single shot five shots in a row there's not gonna be one single apart from showing you the simulator not gonna be a cut away it's a left shot horrible left shot me the shaft a terrible strike i would say terrible strike more than anything really bad shot actually right let's go two more yeah better hit not quite as good as the first two. But that was more i didn't quite find the middle of the club i feel like i kind of don't know the club i'm hitting i feel like i'm almost trying to not look at the club let's go one more right five shots two terrible shots three really good ones yeah two that went down that left-hand side not great right. So i'm going to unscrew this shaft i'm going to stick it on the floor i'm going to swap shafts i'm going to go on to shaft number two on the simulator as i share that there was three really nice hits in there. And then.

A couple of really scrappy ones but a lot of that could have done with well a lot of that was strike really to be fair i do hit the ball left anyway come on get out right shaft number one down there i don't know what the shaft is shaft number two point six degrees down again. So it's nine point nine degrees i'm going to leave there on the mat as i swap shaft one to shaft two actually sorry that was uh on the on the sim. So that was shaft two. So the actual line on that i i've just didn't swap it over that was that was classified as shaft two it confuses me even more now. But remember the yellow line was number one as the first club that i hit right next.

Shaft green line we should produce now there's the green line. So it's gone right is that shaft is that me we'll see i felt like i hit on really well to be fair. And it was really well 323.19 i felt that felt good really good hit there's my left one there's my normal left shot creeping in there feels like a weird test it feels like it's like almost like blindfolded i don't know what club i'm hitting. But that's the only way we can really test it without knowing let's go three another more just slightly down the right he's out my best best golf shots in the world here. But still all right they're down there i've not hit this one anywhere near as straight yet so is that anything to do with the shaft we'll see it's a better hit really good hit this one seems on the same like it's going further. But it's nowhere near as straight for me at the moment right last one yeah it's down there. So you see a little bit scatty on the direction of those not the greatest hits i've ever had in my life but it feels like a very weird test this right i'm still not going to look at what shaft is in this driver i'm still not going to do it i'm going to leave them there i'm going to bring all the figures up on screen. So remember even though on the top it does say shaft two that was the yellow ones was shaft number one the first one that hit the yellow the top five is the first five shots that i hit. So the one here club head speed 111.3 so that could be the stiff or extra stiff according to the kind of books and the manual um let's go across spin rate is 2235. it's all right um what else number 275 of carry distance 300 total distance now i missed to the left most of the time there. So every shot missed to the left of straight every single one and on average it was 28 yards left not not great not the best shots i've ever hit in my life that's what sometimes can happen on a fitted almost as well if you go to a fitter you might not hit it the best you ever hit it then.

The second set of five shots which is the shaft currently in the driver now that's the green section which does say shaft one. But it was the second one that hit club head speed identical 111.7 that was 111.3 before no difference ball speed no difference no difference no difference the difference uh total spin came down by about 200.. But if we look at that oh sorry went up apologize went up by about 200 but there is a shot there number three the third shot that was 3100 that can be locked down to strike it could have been didn't quite hit the middle of the face interestingly with the shaft that's currently in the driver i've hit it left. And right i hit it left 33 yards which is no it's too far way too far. And right sorry right by 33 yards and left by 40 so my dispersion wasn't anywhere near as good it does feel like a weird test this don't like it. So far it just feels odd but anyway that's the result so carry distance went five yards further in the air felt like it had gone further i must admit total distance two yards further i just don't know which is which. So guess which one is which out of those numbers which is the stiff. And which is the extra stiff maybe just go down in the comments box at the moment. And say shaft or let's go with yellow and green yellow is the first shot was that extra stiff. Or stiff green was the second shaft that's in the club was that extra stiff. Or stiff i don't know i don't even want to look um if i was to predict i might get this wrong if i was to predict i would possibly say the from feel i don't know i would maybe say the the second shaft the one that's currently in the driver could be the extra stiff. And this could be the stiff but i don't know should we find out so this one this is the stiff. So the first five shots that i hit was the stiff flex now most of them did move left. And generally when they say a shaft is a bit too soft it can move a little bit too far left just saying. And the extra stiff is the one is currently in the driver yes that went a little bit right. And left but went a lot further feel wise it felt like it had gone a bit further but i couldn't tell which one was which i was more of a guess at the end that's the end of the video really i kind of don't know what to say from it it was a blind test please do take the figures as you wish i'm going to be doing more shaft testing i just wanted to get one out there early on stiff versus extra tiff completely blind test i did not know which one was which they were the results take from it what you wish please do subscribe comment down below. And check out future videos on some shafts i feel like i've said shafts quite a lot this video thanks. For watching guys see you next.

Time right just so just in case i just had an afterthought after we start filming just in case you've got any queries or whether it was the right one. Or the wrong one i'm going to bring this up to camera hopefully you can see this we're focusing on the x i'm not going to is that going to get it yeah. And that's the one that's currently in the driver and the the stiff see it there is the one that was not driverless head just in case you are really thinking that there was any kind of conspiracy theory there there wasn't we'll see you next.
