So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

That i did with uh steve lever who's just come down. For his first ever golf lesson with myself down here at trafford girl center today.

Um kind of came through my twitter account. And wanted to work on his game so he's booked in and we've seen a massive improvement so steve's currently playing off 21 but wants to get down to kind of 15 handicap plays at eccleston at the moment which is kind of uh warrington that's about warrenton way. So not far away at all and the changes we've made in we only had a half hour lesson for our first one we've got another few booked in so you'll see the progression happen over the next.

Few weeks but the difference we've made in this first half hour is unbelievable. So what we noticed at the start was that steve was hitting this kind of little pull with his irons. And a fade so it was either pulling off line into the left-hand side. Or it was fading back on to target. And what we noticed that set up the setup was generally pretty good very very strong setup position. And then.

Just the grip the right hand grip was letting stay down a little bit his right hand on the left him image here which is before we sat too much on the top which is a weak position. So what was happening in the club face was finding it difficult to square up to his to his kind of target line really it was forcing him to swing more. And more and more left because the face was aiming more to the right. So we had to try and swing more to the left to compensate for that so the first thing that we did we looked to strengthen up the grip. And that didn't take him long at all the feeling of making sure this v of the right hand and the thumb sits more towards the index finger and your thumb sits more towards the right shoulder that way the face had a bit more the face orientation around his swing was being able to match up to his swing path more. And the first mission was to get him to almost swing the golf ball. And allow that grip to feel like it was shut down. And hit the ball to the left so that's what we did we hit some more golf shots to the left hand side which was great. So his swing path was still out to win. But because his face orientation to his path was a lot better he was hitting the ball more to that left hand side. So it was almost a bigger pull version we also noticed in the swing i'll show you how we fix that in a minute also notes in the swing that the the top of backswing was quite short videos just jumped down. And put another one in the top and back swing was quite short. And the main reason for that because the right hand was on top. So much it was steve would find it very difficult to actually bend his right elbow in his backswing to actually get the top of the backswing in a good position. So you can see that it's not it's quite a bit shorter parallel now that right hand's improved. And the elbow can tuck in it's allowed to now you can see how the swings lengthened up to that light at the top of the studio. And he was getting into a much stronger position with a bigger shoulder turn as well. So it brings us back to how we made that golf ball then.

Go straight so currently we strengthen up the grip and he's hitting it left which is fine. So what we noticed before is that once he got to his top of his swing was a bit short a bit laid off he would then.

Come over the top of it. So you can see how the shaft angle here he's almost through his shoulder. And through his chest that would be clustered slightly outside the line and we see it more in this video here this clip on the left hand side the idea then.

With a strong grip or stronger grip it's a neutral grip but stronger grip i got him to feel like he was swinging it more off to the right. So the ball in his head was going to go left unless he swung it off to the right that way his path. And his face orientation was an awful lot better. And we can see here now look where the shaft sits on the way down it sits more through his bicep which is an awesome position that should point directly at the golf ball it's unbelievable position there. And just watching the next.

Couple of slides here it sits much more in line with the hands and when he hits through the ball we start to see a much much better flight a small draw flight a little bit of wind off the left-hand side today.

Here at trafford golf center. So it was struggling to drop fully. But it was staying pretty straight on its target line. So we went from over the top with a weak grip hitting a pull or a fade to a more neutral grip hitting it more from the inside and making some incredible changes to his uh to his strike quality and really really good swing improvements so guys i hope you've enjoyed watching that um you can check out my facebook. And my twitter and do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i shall do. And we'll keep keep in touch with uh steve has got a few more lessons booked in and we'll see how this progresses into his longer gear game as well so i'll post another video in a few weeks time well don't taste you.