So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

I've done with new client man carl who is currently playing off 7.8. But wants to build on his consistency players at former golf club over in for me which lovely part of the world and come see me today.

Of a recommendation from a youtube viewer. So um we've got him hitting some unbelievable golf shots today.

And just building on his consistency by helping him improve his backswing well a bit of everything really his takeaway is top of backswing. And certainly his downswing and i wanted to share with you today.

Guys how the difference between feel. And reel are. So separate so different what feels is odd is actually reality very very good. So what we've got here at first we've got car on the left-hand side now carl generally knows a lot of his of his issues and and faults he's had quite a few lessons and knows his issues but just never been able to quite just quite fix them before now and what we notice the first movement away in his takeaway his hands go forward and his club head goes back so he gets his club head on the inside and he gets his arms and his hands very separate from his body so there's lots of movement out with the hands and the club head goes inwards causing him now to need to try and recover that by lifting his arms up to get to the top of his golf swing and that's exactly what he did he lifted his arms up got quite steep with the top of his backswing here you can see his left arm is much higher than his shoulder line from the front view i'll show in a moment he also then.

Tilted from that position. So i wasn't giving him the correct amount of power at the very top i'll show you that in a second but on the way down then.

Because he was. So steep and upright the club shaft would come slightly over the top you can see the shaft here coming much higher than his right forearm it's much more in line with his left arm actually which is super steep he would then.

Cut across the golf ball descend quite a lot. But with incredible amount of talent and skill would get good contact on the ball i mean this guy's like saying this guy's playing off eight was down to six. But he's starting to creep up a little bit um with good talent managed to get very good strikes but the consistency was completely shot. So in fact let me before i just move on let me just show you where he was at the very top of his backswing as well. And how he kind of tilted at the very top you can see the upper body here kind of tilts a bit to the left hand side. And you see how tall the arms are i'm going to come back to that image in a minute. So this is what we did we talked about takeaway first we wanted to get him in a very exaggerated takeaway. And this is exactly what i mean now about is how feel. And real are very different what i wanted carl to feel was his hands went inwards. And his club head went outwards so his cl hands went in and the takeaway and his club head went very much on the outside so in this kind of position someone walks past i wanted to get into that sort of position where his hands go inwards and his club head went massively outwards which is completely the wrong position i know that. But it was an exaggerated movement. And they'll then.

Told carl to try and get into exactly the same position so i walked away and said get into exactly the same position i've just showed you. And you can see here now what felt like the same movement absolutely wasn't it was perfect the club head in line with the hands the hands coming back in a straighter line it was unbelievably perfect. So once we've mastered that and we hit some shots getting that feeling and we managed to maintain that feeling really well we then.

Talked about how we're going to swing it from that position very exaggerated to flat at the top of his backswing. And again this i told him to swing it flatter than what he would normally try and do it. So we got outside hands in then.

Super flat okay then.

I'm probably showing you the evolution of this then.

We talked about hitting a golf ball from there. So i said hands in club out swing it flat. And hit the ball now straight away the top of the backswing dramatically improved unbelievable improvement the left arm was much more in line with the shoulder plane he didn't tilt anywhere near as much. And the downswing instantly hit much more from the inside now remember just to refresh your memory the shaft angle before was it in line with his left arm. And now the club shaft here is much more in line with his right forearm. So a much more on plane and he just striped it absolutely ripped it straight out the middle with a little draw so that was the movement. So we needed to go very much outside and flat so this is where i say i'm just showing you the evolution of this. So we practiced that for a while we practiced it making it feel exaggerated so every swing that carl did i said right exaggerate it before you hit hands in club out. And then.

Super flat watch this watch the improvement of this last golf swing so i said do the exact same feeling. For me carl and he did the club head came straight back in line with his hands. And don't forget he was feeling this that's what he felt i said from there now swing flat unbelievable top of the backswing is outrageous i'm going to just remind you where he was at the very start today's lessons again just to highlight how big an improvement this is. So at the very top of his backswing he was unbelievably outside inside outside of his hands inside this club super steep look at that position now on the right hand side unbelievably improvement really really good the elbow's tucked in it's level the left arm is perfectly in line with the shoulders it is just perfect where like say before that left arm was much higher a way away from his shoulder plane. And his right elbow was flying like you wouldn't believe then.

Because he was in a much better top of backswing position the downswing just clicked into place. And his downswing just dramatically improved so so quickly because of that fact let's say that's before way over the top and here on the right hand side now his club is massively more on playing from the inside. And he just started to hit some bullets dead straight little draws awesome so i just wanted to highlight that guys of how exaggerated sometimes you've got to make a feeling to actually make it do what it should do. So also just wanted to show you that was his tilt from before. And this was his topper backswing after that wasn't that one that was his backswing after this one it was his backswing after was nowhere near as tilted much more rounded. And in a marvelous position really really good so guys if you've enjoyed the video and kind of can relate to what carl's going through please do give it a thumbs up if you sometimes feel like you're you what you feel like you're doing isn't what you're doing it often probably isn't. So i just wanted to share that with you if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do comment down below. And it just shows here carl how an improvement you can make by kind of getting a tailored lesson. And getting some some good advice if you want to check out my channel you can subscribe to the link down below. And also check me out on facebook and twitter and kyle well done say awesome session very very good improvement carl's come and see me again in the next.

Couple of weeks so we can make sure that nothing gets overcooked with this movement as well thanks. For watching and well done again today.

Carl awesome session you.