All right guys i'm excited. For three reasons one golf is back two i'm going playing golf. And three this is the start of a brand new series called break 75 let's go welcome to break 75 the concept is quite simple really i'm going to go out. And play golf every week for the next.

12 weeks and the idea i'm going to try. And break 75 each week every friday you're gonna get a brand new episode i'm gonna play 12 different golf courses around the uk so i thought i'd start off easy and play a course that uh that i know well i'm also playing with steve hindel who's the golf manager down here at the marriott worsley park and he's won the club championship about five or six times he's pretty handy player agora's a good pace setter for me if i can keep up with him i'd be happy without further ado let's get to the first hole break 75 can i do it let's go. And find out right first time in a while scorecard in the hand um we're going to play off the whites today.

So it's 6 300 yards past 71 so i've gotta shoot less than four over first shot of the year not bad probably six out of ten with that one [Music] [Music] [Music] thank goodness [Music] ah sit [Music] oh i'll be honest with you i pictured this going differently just you know it's all part of the storytelling oh [Music] oh my god [Music] oh [Music] break break break [Music] i was gonna miss that get up the nine hole summary. So far um rusty it's a good description i'm six over through nine not the start i dreamed of however. it sets us up for an epic bat nine i've basically got to go three on the back nine to break 75 it is doable. But it's gonna be tough [Music] i'm feeling at the moment it's almost like i've forgotten how to play golf it feels so alien like shots like this like you forget when you uh you've got to try and hit over trees and you've got to try and play different shots not in great position here got a very tough shot [Music] this is where i start to like regret not practicing more like i should have i should have hit more shots in lockdown. So they're just trying to smash driver all the time i should have actually been trying to do something productive [Music] wow i've actually played a decent shot from there oh rick [Music] it's not quite going to plan i'm a lot over par i need to make some birdies if not some eagles 12th hole drivable par 4. But it's risk and reward so we're going full tilt we're going driver at it [Music] oh the comeback is on [Music] back-to-back birdies holding one on the next..

And game on [Music] oh where is that going don't slow down [Music] okay we've got two holes left to go i've just hit my tee shot here on the drivable par four i don't think i've quite reached it annoyingly i've got par five coming up next.

Currently six over. So i've to break 75 i've gotta go eagle birdie or birdie eagle birdy birdie finish i'd take [Music] [Music] right [Music] all right that's that all done it was a bit of a challenge out there a bit rustic um total score i was six over. So i shot 77 which in a weird way is like it could have been a lot worse because the way i started wasn't great at all things to take from that round driver wasn't great i didn't hit many good tee shots today.

Which was a shame because i felt confident with that driver whether it will continue. For another week we'll find out um and then.

Just generally just rusty you know and i think a lot of people maybe who haven't played a lot of golf in the last few months might realize this like playing at home on a simulator it's. So different to playing real golf when you're trying to hit off turf and actually trying to put a score together is much harder i enjoyed it though it's nice to go out with steve steve played nicely he's a good really solid player um as episode one didn't break 75 that's all right i can take that first round a little bit of rust i'll be back next.

Friday much better a new different golf course guys thanks. For watching make sure you like and subscribe hopefully you enjoyed this video and we'll see you next.

Friday break 75 episode number two.