There is one killer move that all slicers do. And in this video i'm going to show you how to fix it forever now i've done quite a few slice videos in the past. And there's two main things that take place the club face is open to the path. And the path is out to in also commonly known as over the top. And this means once a golfer gets to the top of the golf swing the club moves outwards away from the body and cuts severely across the golf ball that in conjunction with the club face is what creates that curvature now we're going to fix that over the top move because it is killer that's what makes you really hit that bad slice now this is a really simple drill that you can practice you can use at the driving range. And all you need is two golf clubs to achieve this i've just grabbed my four. And my five iron two long clubs i'm going to use these two golf clubs to set up behind the golf ball. And quite a distance behind the golf ball as well so we're not going to be anywhere near hitting it now imagine this from this location now straight to target that is 12 o'clock the target the camera is placed at six o'clock i'm gonna put one club pointing away from the golf ball at roughly five o'clock i'm gonna place another club again pointing away from the golf ball roughly seven o'clock. So we've got twelve o'clock the target you're at six o'clock this is five this is seven now golfers typically when they swing from over the top when they come in from this golf club the back swing has actually gone more this way the backswing goes too much towards seven o'clock. And what happens then.

A goal for when they get to the top of the swing almost loops over that kind of exaggerated movement over to hit more from that five o'clock position so today.

We're going to switch that order around we've got to swing back more at five o'clock. And hit into the golf ball more from seven so first thing we do i'm going to take the ball away. And just use a t-peg now once you're into your setup position just practice this for me when the club gets to halfway back so it's pretty much in line with the hip i want that golf club to be matching up with five o'clock so it's parallel to that five o'clock position that way when you get to the top of this golf swing the idea now is to get the feeling you're looping the club almost behind you your hands are dropping back that elbow is tucking in. And therefore. the club on the way down is more in that seven o'clock position as then.

You approach the t-peg you can see there the difference between over the top swing is massive once you've rehearsed that a few times in slow motion do it in normal speed. But again without a golf ball this time i'm gonna go back to five o'clock loop it at the top and hit from seven o'clock one more time back at five and loop that swing you're completely changing the way you swing you're completely changing the habits that you've had for a lifetime of fixing that slice once you get that right bring in the golf ball and the last thing to do is trust it with a golf ball back at five in at seven. And you'll hit a much much straighter goal shot in fact i've just drawn it around the corner on this path for guys thanks for watching that'll help you fix your slice forever see you next.
