This video is going to help golfers who hit the golf ball to the right whether you slice it. Or you push it this super simple drill which actually i've probably been doing since i was a kid massively helps you from hitting it to the right vision this when you swing the golf club the arms are operating what the golf club does it's natural you're holding on to the golf club. And what you do with your arms is going to have an effect on what happens to the club face golfers who typically slice it. Or hit it to the right we'll be hitting with open club faces the face will be rotating too far to the right if that's the case try this all you're going to think about. And do this as a drill first we're going to focus on the bottom hand the right hand if you're around the golfer i want to have this feeling as you swing down. And come into hit through the golf ball the imaginary golf balls you're hitting with your hand i want you to feel like you're going to rotate your forearm. And shake hands with the target so as you come down you're hitting the goal shot your hand and your forearm is rotating. So that your palm is facing over there as you're in that halfway through position this helps us rotate the club face if we're allowing our right forearm to rotate that in turn is going to rotate the club face over that in turn is going to stop you hitting it to the right once you've done that drill a few times without a golf club try it just holding a golf club. So just one hand hold it at the bottom of the grip and all you're going to practice through the hitting area through this bit at the bottom of your golf swing you're going to rotate your forearm. And your right hand over as if you're shaking hands with the target as you're turning the body as you're turning the arms over you're rotating the face top tip do not just do this with your wrist notice that i was rotating my forearm which in turn rotates my wrist. And my hand what you don't do is just become flicky what i don't want to see you practice is just kind of this movement because that's not really any beneficial it's got to come from your forearm rotating once you've done that several times then.

It's time to put it on a goal shot let your right forearm rotate shake the hands with the target as you hit through you'll notice. And feel the club face rotating over as opposed to staying open it'll rotate it's a great drill and then.

Once you get good at it you can then.

Bring it onto the driver again maybe practice it just with one hand first feeling like you're rotating as a practice drill letting the forearm rotate you're shaking hands with the target. So when you come to here all you're doing is you're letting your forearm rotate. And that way you'll have much more control over the face you won't hit it right you won't slice it you lift it straight if not slightly left a lot of the action takes place with the right forearm get used to that movement and you'll hit it much much better guys thanks for watching tagamate down below who slices it or pushes it that needs this advice.