So you go guys on youtube here is a video today.

I've done with ian jackson. And it's to tell you how we've changed this ball flight huge big slice off to the right into this ball flight which is this lovely little shaping kind of right to left ball flight which is helping him hit hopefully will help in him hit more fairway. So let's rewind time and go back to the first swing of today.

So this is the driver ian's first lesson down here with myself down here at trafford golf center playing off 21 at the moment uh. But was always struggled with with a slice um. And kind of just all it was it was his understanding of how he hit a slice was just just wrong. And i'm sure it may be the the thought process that many of you who hit a slice may think. So as in was hitting it obviously the golf ball goes to the right. And a lot of slices presume then.

The club face is aiming to the right at contact it's not really the case because the biggest dominance of a of the uh where the golf ball starts is the club face now. For most slices that starts a little bit to the left just by touch and then.

Viciously moves to the right then.

So his club face that contact was actually closed now we can see that in many parts of his golf swing his takeaway is a little bit closed gets the top of the back swing that's a little bit close he comes back down now this is where it changes now it's closed to his target. So it is close to where he's actually aiming. But it's it's more open to his swing path so this is a new this is something that we've we talked about quite a bit today.

In ian's lesson. So his club faces the green line which is aiming to the left. But his swing path which is the red line is going further to the left you can see that as he chops across the downswing that swing path the red line is going further to the left. And this creates curvature so the ball starts somewhere near to the green line and then.

Shapes viciously off to the right and it's all we're talking about is if you were a soccer player a football player sorry soccer people are watching america if you were to run into the golf ball from this side there would be more likeliness of the ball curving to the right whether you hit it with your right foot. Or your left foot inside of the foot or outside of the foot the ball would generally curve off to that right hand side so what we what we did first is we actually talked about the club face not being in the straight line with the swing passes we saw the swing path was going viciously to the left. But the club face wasn't going as far to the left. And the reason for that is because ian's learned to keep the club face aiming a little bit further to the right than what he's actually swinging it comes down to this stage here with his forearms on the way through they kind of crumple up. And pull inwards towards his body desperately helping him keep his club face aiming further to the right so what we talked about the very start today's lesson was to get the forearms extended away from his body. And it's the forearms not his wrists never talked about his wrist once or his hands we never talked about any of that we talked about his forearms extending and crossing over each other the forearms and this is again where a lot of people get confused. And i did actually go into a little bit more depth with ian about why his forearms actually in theory don't cross it actually you know i'm looking here on the right hand side you would absolutely save four arms of cross. But when you look from where ian was was standing away at where he um stood his forearms have not crossed over each other it just from this two-dimensional view from the front they look like they have they have which which is fine because it actually makes his club face aim in the same direction to his swing path. So what was happening then..

And i was absolutely encouraging ian to do this was hit the golf ball straight to the left let the forearm extend. And cross over but because his swing path and his club face hope everyone's still following me not not lost been lost here the ball should 100 go straight to the left as long as the contact on the face is somewhere near decent. And that's exactly what was happening. And that's exactly what i wanted to happen so once the golf ball was going to the left we threw in one last dimension. And we talked about swinging it down this stick to the right so going back to a completely different idea to what ian thought he was doing. And i wanted him to feel like he was trying to hit the golf ball. Or swing the golf club so that it would make the golf ball go to the right but we still crossed the forearms over just watch this i just love this every bit of this was just awesome. So we started seeing signs that the ball was curving right left the club face stayed a lot straighter we didn't talk about that they even talk they even talk mention it the club face isn't outside everything's just awesome it's a little bit shorter. And thing only because he's trying to control the club but look at that position what a difference this has been this is made uh where's his first one where's his first let me just find this one. So i can pull this one what a huge difference to his downswing here we go this is made this is before club face outside. And close oh look at that big over the top big chop across we're here now that clubhead's coming in from an inside position and started to this lovely right to left ball flight love it every bit of it so guys if you think that's a huge improvement please do give the video a thumbs up because that is a ridiculous improvement it really is if you've enjoyed the video please do subscribe by clicking the link also down below guys you can check out myself on facebook. And twitter and i'm sure ian now is going to continue this progress. And and this 21 handicapper will not last. For very long he's gonna play this afternoon so hopefully he plays well but after hitting him like that i'm sure he will guys thanks. For watching and that's how to turn a huge horrible slice into a a golf shot that resembles a draw in just one hour session well done guys brotherly and i love.