Hi my name's rick shields down here at trafford golf center in manchester i've just done part one of how to fix a slice if you joined us in part two go and check that out first it's really important that you get all the areas in part one before you come to this one if you have watched part one i hope you've practiced it and ready for part two now what we're going to talk about this time is the top of the backswing. And the transition on the way back down again so you in video one we've learned about the grip the setup the distance away the posture the ball position lots of information now we're going to talk about how from here where we left off last time where the club face is over how we're going to get from there to the top of the golf swing. And then.

Back down again now once we're in this position here a good little checkpoint is that the grip end the butt end of the golf club should point back down towards the golf ball as it goes back. And then.

Back towards pretty much back towards almost you at the top of the golf swing so we're in takeaway position i'm going to point the butt end of the golf club down to the ball now a good way of doing that you can also pop a tee peg in the grip end of the club. And you can practice pointing that at the golf ball then.

Back up behind you in a perfectly straight line. And then.

From there back down at the golf ball again now what's important is that i'm almost bringing that club a little bit more what the class has been inside. So that club is almost coming in at a shallower angle it's coming in more from behind me loads. And loads of videos to tell you how you can do this absolutely tons of them. And they're all good i've watched a lot of them online already there's lots and very good i've got my own i've got probably about 10 20 maybe even 30 different ways i can get you to come down on the inside more one of the most effective let's say we're going in a straight line. So we're going dead straight straight away from the camera pretty much over this banner okay now. For a slice you would be swinging the club this way too much so it would be going almost to the left of the banner your club face then.

Would be slightly to the right of that. But it would be closed to your target so the club face starts the ball flight and the swing path makes the ball curve so what we're going to actually do is change the swing path first. So we should now with a good grip have the club face a lot straighter this time once you get to top of your unbelievably good golf swing now you're going to imagine you're going to come behind your body. And then.

Swing it out as far as you possibly can to that right hand side you know what if the ball goes to the right don't worry doesn't matter just. Yet as long as you're swinging it kind of down that line a bit now if you swing it down that line enough and your club face is straight to where it's going to you'll hit a great shot what you might find is that your club face is still pointing that way too much to your path line if it is don't worry about that just. Yet okay. So what i would like you to do you're in your new setup you've got your new grip you've got your takeaway point the butt end of the club at the golf ball then.

Back at the camera behind you on the way down. And then.

Swing it outside right hand side so if i do that in slow motion at the moment i'll slow it down on the video as well. So here there behind and then.

Outside right on the side guys that's part two hope you've enjoyed that i really want you to practice those movements if you can get those ready. For part three that's when we're going to just tie everything back in together. And start hitting much straighter goal shots i've been rick shields down here at trafford girl center in manchester check me out on facebook twitter and do subscribe to his channel. So you can get ready. For part three thanks very much for watching.