Right part three of fixing your slice i'm rick shields down here at traffic gold center in manchester i've already done two videos before part one and two and this is the finale if you've not caught one. And two go and watch that first if you have watched it brilliant i hope you've practiced it rehearsed it got ready for it this is now ready. For us to tie it all together and hit much straighter golf shots so very very very quick recap what we did first part one grip we got the stance we've got the ball position we've got your take away we've got your distance away we've got your posture loads of loads loads of information part two is all about after that take away position how we get to the top of the goal swing how we come back down again behind us swinging to right hand side now believe it. Or not for some of you that might have fixed it if you swing with a straight enough face because of your grip is now good. And you swing it down that line enough you would you will be hitting it straighter you'll be maybe even drawing it um. So if you are brilliant excellent you might still pick up a few little bits on this follow through. But if you already are superb you can thank me later. So part three this line is the swing that we're going to pretend we're doing. Or not pretend we are doing this one from into out more this is our alignment lines this is going more nearer to the target almost straight over this uh golf lesson banner just in front of us that's a really bad plug. But anyway just hopefully we do do golf lessons down here at traffic center in manchester. So once we've got the grip we're in the takeaway we've got to the top of the battery we're swinging it behind us down that line now some of you might be still pointing the club face down that line too okay just check your grip again if you are just check your grip hasn't faltered anyway make sure you can still see two knuckles the v's pointing up towards your right shoulder you've got that right hand on make sure all those bits are absolutely bob on if you are still struggling slightly it might be the fact that you're almost holding the club in an open position through the shot. And you're not letting your arms almost free flow through the shot and we talk about release and whipping hands no it's none of that it's letting it do it more naturally letting your arms naturally turn over as if you were throwing a a rugby ball. Or if you were throwing a ball. Or american football or whatever you're throwing out there that's what you've got to imagine that you're doing almost slinging your arms over not in a kind of handsy manipulating way that's honestly not what i'm trying to tell you to do. So my most effective way of doing this and i'm going to show you from this view because it'll be the easiest once you've got to the top. And you've come back down again from that inside line what i'd like you to imagine you're doing is you're crossing your right arm over with your left. And you're pointing the t peg back down to where the golf ball used to be so you get to the top you're behind you you're crossing that right arm over the left and letting that t peg point down to the ball now watch any top player in the world and they are all in this position through the shot very rarely are they here you know they get this chicken wing it's more bang straight through the right arm whips. And crosses over the left you get a little bit more power and start to square that club face up through the impact area and honestly out there there might be some critics out there saying oh he's just saying use his hands he's not i'm just saying crush the right arm over the left and let the face square up from that point you can continue your follow through. And you can watch your golf ball soar down the middle of the fairway he says confidently. So we've got all the bits we're all ready this is execution time we've got our setup we've got our grip we've got our distance away our posture our ball position everything is ready to rock we're swinging it down that right hand side we're making the t peg point back down at the golf ball. And from that point we're hitting a little draw that's the complete opposite shape to that slice that hopefully you started with at the start of these three lessons and three video sessions that you've seen and at the end of the three you're now starting to see that shape a little bit more there's one last factor you might be doing all that absolutely brilliantly perfect but still hit it to the right and that could be because you're not hitting the middle of the bat just watch where you're hitting it from if you hit it too much from the heel it will curve off to the right too much okay. So you've got to just check out for that either put some uh you can get some impact stickers you can get them from strike right dot code at uk where you can actually see the sticker. And it'll actually show you where you should be hitting it if you're hearing it from the middle or not otherwise just check just look at yourself okay guys thanks very much. For watching that i really do hope you've enjoyed the three videos if you have give them all a thumbs up subscribe to the channel share them do whatever you like with them check me out on facebook. And twitter as well i've been rick shields down here at traffic girl center in manchester and that's how we fix your slice thanks for watching.