So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

Uh of a lesson that i've done with craig hill craig's actually from saint andrews in scotland he's come all the way down to manchester to. For a golf lesson say uh he's got a two-hour golf lesson and we've seen a massive improvement to the quality of his connection craig currently plays off kind of 18 handicapped he's not actually a member but he's a member of someone but he's not officially got handicapped they've played about three years and he's had quite a substantial amount of lessons in the past um the number starts with seven and actually ends in five so um the first lesson with myself and the the difference that we've made is is unbelievable i think it's just more the explanation of what we've covered here. So hopefully guys watching this on youtube you should be able to pick up on a few things and hopefully it's going to improve you. And your golf as well so on screen currently we've got before iron downswing position and after iron downswing position and this is kind of what we've worked on today.

We knew craig knew he was coming over the top of his golf swing. So as he came down he would hit from the outside of the golf ball swing across it and he would hit either big left to right shots or big pull shots but didn't quite kind of understand how he can get this golf club more on the inside. So i'll show you how we've achieved that today.

It's going to be quite a long video. So there's going to be lots to it. And also we worked on his driver as well so you can see how we improved the the downswing of each driver as well doing this we're here now on the right hand side look see how the club's coming much more from the inside. And just started hits much better golf shots straighter golf shots and just started the ball well we've actually got to start with what we were doing though through the golf ball um with our arms. So this is ian sorry craig hitting some golf shots um with his seven iron start today's session. And on the way through the swing just notice what his arms are doing after the golf shot. So his arms were very much crumpled in. And not really extending getting out in front of him too much at all certainly not getting the crossover action that we've we've looked at working on so this is what we've got to in the first place we managed to get the right forearm to cross over the left forearm better now with his current over the top golf swing with his right forearm crossing over his left forearm we should. And did hit the ball low. And left and i wanted him to hit the ball low and left that was absolutely on the agenda we wanted that to happen that meant his club face. And his swing path were married up together both hitting to the left. So craig instantly started hitting the golf ball straight left and that was what we wanted to happen we really didn't want that to happen. So once we started to hit it straight left we in a good way we're going to swing it much more down this right hand channel. So basically his swing was going that way in the past going to the left his club face was aiming quite straight we wanted his club face to marry up to his swing path that's why we got his club face squared up to his swing path by getting the right forearm. And it's important it's his forearm not his wrists to cross over through the ball and get a better extension and straight away the response with from craig was he i feel like i'm hitting that golf ball better the strike quality was far superior than what he was hitting in the past then.

Once he was hitting the golf ball straight left straight into that corner we then.

Encouraged him to swing it a little bit more to the right the only other small thing we just tweaked a little bit was the distance away from the golf ball which is a little bit further away. And squared up his shoulders just a little tweak there really that's just more of a fundamental thing then.

He was hitting the ball left. So i said to him right imagine now you've got to try. And swing this golf ball or hit this golf ball as far to the right as you can. But you've still got to cross your forearms over and if we look at the downswing here the downswing instantly knew what to do it instantly started to get more from the inside. And attack this golf ball much more from the inner side of the golf ball because his face and his past relationship now are brilliant much straighter he then.

Hit an unbelievable golf shot a series of unbelievable golf shots. And the ball would have much more draw characteristics to it either or more inside characteristics sometimes he'd hit a little tiny push then.

He'd hit a drawer then.

Sometimes he'd over turn it uh overturn the golf ball because his path was coming too much from the inside now the other thing that we've noticed. And we've not actually changed it today.

On purpose more than anything his grip is too strong. So if you're watching this and then.

Well rick is grip strong it is too strong we know that i know it's too strong at the moment. But it's kind of helping him a little bit so i'm not going to change that. Yet until he's overturning the golf balls as in the ball is curving starting to starting straight. And overturning that left side that means his face is fairly straight. But his path is more to the right therefore. he's curving it to the left we're only going to change his grip once that starts to happen. So we didn't need to do that today.

Uh with the driver we made the same changes i'll show you his first ever driver. So this was his first driver downswing massively over the top near his shoulder the club had his weight. And it's going to come in. So steep to the back of the golf ball chop down on it you would hit really high ball flights and massive left to right golf shots as well where now craig on the way down he's dropping the club further behind him you can see the difference of the shaft angle there. And that's just so good that is really really good. And he picked up on that so quickly to bring those two images together we can really start to appreciate how much better those two positions are he started to pick up on that really easily i was really impressed with that. And on the way through into the back of the ball the club then.

On this right side would hit from the inner side of the ball and he just creamed it unbelievable golf shots we added 20 yards onto the golf shot quite comfortably there just by hitting the golf ball more from the inside and hitting more on the way up and sweeping it away we then.

Did a little bit of work on making sure we hit on the way up because obviously he's been over the top. For so long so we've talked about staying behind the golf ball a little bit better getting his right forearm crossed over his left still and sweeping it away but the way he was hitting it was just unbelievable after a couple of hour session. And after having lots of lessons in the past um we've made some massive changes and and improved his golf unbelievably so looking forward to going back up to saint andrews um playing some good golf. And hopefully we're doing some online lessons um coming up in the future if you are interested in online lessons if you don't live in the uk. And can't come and visit me you can check out my website i do online lessons as well. So you can send your swing over to me. And i can analyze it. And send it back but guys that was a video today.

Of craig hill who's like say come down how long's it taken to get here four hours about four hours it's taken craig to get down here. And the improvement he's made is incredible. So he's off to turkey now to go and play some good golf hopefully we'll see a massive improvement i'm looking forward to seeing him when he gets back and he's done awesome today.

Really impressed with the ways hit the ball better the way he's changed things guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up do comment down below if you feel that's a massive improvement. And also subscribe to the channel and feel free to learn as much as you can from the video. And hopefully it's going to improve your golf too thanks very much you.