So you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

Of matt lucas who this is his second lesson um. And the improvement that we've made from the first lesson is unbelievable this is fixing over the top golf swing. So matt was having real issues with a big over-the-top golf swing his area is areas a couple of weeks ago in his first golf lesson once he got to the top it would throw it right over the top here you can see that big movement there he's laughing by the side of it over the top. And that would cause him to really swing from outside to inside through the ball and he would lose distance and if he did hit it well he would hit the ball left to right in the air. But the consistency of strike was jeopardized massively. So i'm going to hold it in that position there on the right side. So matt i've been playing a great deal of time playing football serious about 18 about 18 months serious golf so he's not been playing a great deal so to try and get the understanding of what we've got to achieve was a big big challenge first. But then.

Once we've started to understand what we've tried to achieve this is today's lesson. And what's the difference here so another little thing that we just picked up on his takeaway was very much on the inside now it's a lot of golfers who come over the top will try. And take their backswing away from the inside to try and encourage an inside downswing that doesn't particularly work if anything it helps the club loop back over the top and hit more of an outside path so if you are swinging it from over the top whatever you do don't try. And swing it more from the inside so we encourage matt today.

To swing it back in a much straighter line. So you can see here now the club head is just outside his hands a great position there get to the top of the swing. And this is where we've made the biggest difference. So we talked about a couple of things but the main thing we talked about was flatten the shaft off during this downswing angle just watch this next.

Move as the club comes down matt just managed to drop the shaft angle more behind him. And the improvement there look at that difference i mean it's ridiculous it is huge huge difference we've got a club that is coming from over the top here on this left hand side. And more from the inside here on the right hand side a huge huge change there in the top of his backswing halfway through his downswing sorry then.

From there his path was massively improved we're not always getting the make the most amazing strikes just. Yet that's going to take a little bit of time before we get that. And also some of the little improvements that we do need to make. But the difference there of his path is outrageous in the swing plane. So matt great great session take very very impressed what you've been working on by by the way guys this here on the right side just an impact bag that just put place on the outside of the golf ball it's kind of a little protector almost a warning symbol if matt was coming over the top. But he clicked it first couple of times on his first swing and after that he didn't hit it again so that's if you are wondering what that is it's just an impact bag on the outside of the golf ball just to help him again visualize that inside path. So get to the top drop the club head and the shaft plane more on the inside and then.

Hits it absolutely awesome great great work today.

Matt very good uh session guys if you enjoyed this video i think that'll help you improve your game please do give it a thumbs up comment in the description down below. And uh and again my awesome session i look forward to seeing you again next.

Time and guys if you haven't subscribed to channel already please do subscribe because it gives me more ammo to make more videos thanks [Music] you.