So here you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

Of muscle who plays off 19. he's come down. For his first ever golf lesson with myself first ever golf lesson he's been playing 20 years um and we've seen an enormous improvement of an over-the-top golf swing to become an inside inside swing which is just a huge improvement the strike quality. And the distance we've seen improvement today.

Has been unreal we've got here muscle on the left hand side plays off 19 like i say at the moment uh not been played in much over the winter. And has always known that he's come over the top of it on his downswing so we look at this he's always known that he's done this from the top of the back from top of the downswing and he kind of played with it so he always kind of played with a bit of a slice but it's got to the point now where he's losing too much distance and also the occasional shanks coming into play she's wanted to fix all those areas and this is how we've improved it today.

We'll just show you this on the right side just watch the improvement here that we've made on his downswing just scary good. But i want to i want to share with you today.

Of how we've actually achieved that. And how we've managed to turn a chronic slicer for 20 years into a player who hits the ball straight with almost draw characteristics to his golf swing so what we see on screen here now is is before. And after face on view so we've got on the left hand side before now it sets is actually very very very good even from down the line it's very good his posture is fantastic his ball position is superb his stance everything is fantastic one of the things that was massively letting him down with his was his very weak right hand grip. So it means his right hand was too far on top of the golf club guys if you if you ever worry about your grip do check out some of my grip videos i've done those in the past. But his right hand was too weak now what that would cause would be his face would most more than likely unless he turned his face incorrectly his face would tend to be more open to his path. So his face would be more open to his path with that grip now we don't know what's come first it's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario it could have been the case that he was hitting the ball to the right because of his grip because of his weak grip. And then.

Suddenly started to chop across it to make the ball go somewhere near straight or he could have chopped across it and his uh grip was saving him hitting it to the left we don't know what's happened there. But both kind of faults him swinging over the top and his right weak hand was helping him hit the ball straight. So we've changed the grip that was the first thing that we did once we changed the grip we've got his right v the right v here of his right hand pointing too much towards his right shoulder in a much more neutral. But felt very strong to him in the attempt to square his face up to his path now we already know his path is swinging to the left. So we wanted to square his face to that path if we also look through the ball what would tend to happen once muscle would hit he would his arms would separate pull inwards to in an attempt to again keep his face more open to his path what we've worked on today.

Is once his grip was good the extension. And the actual crossing over of his forearms here not his hands not his wrist his actual forearm action again i've done videos on that in the past to how to correctly get this club releasing once he did that the ball rightly. So because he was still swinging to the left should then.

Go straight to the left. So that his ball was consistently going straight to the left which is great that means he was swinging across the ball. But his club face was much straighter to his to his path. So let's say i'll show you his path again massively outside to it massively to the left through the ball and once he started to square his face up he would then.

Hit it hugely to the left then.

Once he was consistently hitting it to the left every single time we then.

Talked about how we're going to change the path to make this ball go straight hopefully i've still kept you here watching. And you've not you've not turned off so currently his club face his path is going to the left let's say by six degrees his face is now also going to the left by six degrees we've got to now make that go straight. So his feeling was to swing it massively to the right. And what i said to muscle was feeling like it's not going to go to the left i want to stop the ball going to the left by swinging it more to the right. And if we just see this here now he got to the top of his back swing knew instinctively to keep that club further behind him which he does. So well here and he just absolutely ripped it dead straight we added 20 yards to his distance 20 yards straight away just by hitting the ball better and more consistently it was less curvature. So it didn't curve left to right anymore it went straight if anything we actually saw signs of a little bit of right to left shape but his improvement was just vast now muscle's going out playing tomorrow. So i've told him to exaggerate the movements for tomorrow because he'll probably need that level of exaggeration but to improve his path by such a degree today.

I mean this is his best one here this on the right side is just incredible love this movement. So you can see here the club is. So much further behind him where originally the shaft angle was pretty much through his neck here very very steep. So guys hopefully you've enjoyed that i think muscles made an incredible improvement today.

I hope you agree if you do leave some comments down below. And almost as ready to to read all these um if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up if you've learned a little bit i've tried to give a bit more in-depth information on today's video to how you can also improve this if you enjoyed it do give it a thumbs up please do subscribe to the channel. And check me out on facebook and twitter and hopefully this has improved your golf to stop you becoming a slicer starting hitting the ball better and get gaining yardage thanks so much for watching and well done say muscle awesome session well you.