So here you go guys on youtube here's the video of ian that ian featured in my video last week of fixing a hook this is ian's second lesson. And completely hook free uh but this is not about his hook as much this is more about his shortening of the backswing today.

Uh i will just give you a little bit of an insight of how good ian is now hitting it i mean he's played at weekend. And didn't hit a single hook all weekend this was him now on the right hand side this was his his new ball flight much more neutral ball fighting even with a little bit of a fade. But we've improved that even more today.

What we've actually gone to do is actually shorten the backswing a little bit. So if we notice on this left hand video length of the swing was going quite long. So it's going way past parallel. And we kind of had the discussion at first about how a lot of golfers a lot of tour players out there do go past parallel. So what what is it important to do. So but we went down the journey to to improve it and we've seen a huge improvement of the quality of connection the better distance of hitting and this is not just trying to produce. And create a pretty golf swing this is trying to create an effective consistent golf swing that that um ian can do all the time. So what we've done here at the top of the golf swing now if we look at the uh this is the improvement on the right hand side look watch at the top of the swing it's just a great improvement i'm going to show you how we achieve that. So look at that perfectly parallel top unbelievable but to get into that position we actually had to feel like we were doing this with our wrists like we weren't we were unhinged our wrist completely it wasn't the fact that we were trying to swing shorter it was the fact that we were trying to unhinge our wrists. So you can see here unhinging the amount of risk we get ian normally at this position would get to about 106 well sorry that's not 60. we want to try. And get to about 90. so you can see there that different angle. And it got into the top of his this is a practice one on the left by the way. But on the right it got him to perfectly parallel now the most impressive bit watch this golf shot so this is ian's last shot of the day with his new shorter golf swing. And he just bombed it absolutely bombed it great ball flight a little semi-draw just off target line but absolutely ripped it massive improvement from last week really really impressed i like to say we we went on the journey today.

With ian of last last session we talked about fixing his hook. And today.

We have just hit different shapes on demand draws fades straight straight on demand. And in the process shorten that swing as well guys if you enjoyed the video and think ian's done a fantastic job in improving this golf swing please do give it a thumbs up comment in the description down below i'll do my best to reply to as many as i can. And um i will again keep you informed on ian's progress like i said ian is a four. Or five handicapper and ready to come down this year in a big big way guys thanks so much thanks very much for watching and please do subscribe to the channel below. So.