[music] so you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

I've done with andy folds who uh second lesson he's had with myself down here at traffic golf center. And we've made some fantastic changes unbelievable change now and it is um i say this nicely kind of a little bit obsessed with the information is on youtube not just by myself. But by fellow youtubers as well and he's picked up a great deal of information along the way um about his golf swing but he's never really had many lessons and this is only a second one with myself he traveled all the way from derby to about an hour. And a half journey to get here um and today.

We've seen an incredibly incredible improvement i'm going to show you a golf swing here on the left hand side. And i'm not going to show you contacts because contact lex that lets the actual golf shot down. But while i'll show you this i want you to think about what this goal. For plays off so this is before on the left hand side. So i just wanted to think about the positions that andy gets the golf club into how he swings it around his body like. So i'm not going to quite get to contact it does let him down a little bit on this golf shot. And then.

I'm going to show you the new one this isn't playing it in real speed i'll slow it down next.

Time i want to think about what what these kind of scores he goes around him playing been playing. For about four years only second time he's had a proper proper lesson but learns a lot from youtube um now if i was telling you andy's never broke broken 100 ever i would have shocked you. And that that shocked me as soon as he told me even the first swing granted he did hit this one a bit out the heel. And that's why i don't want to show you that but we've made some big changes and i wanted to use this swing on the left hand side to highlight the changes we've made as well but for this golfer to be it's not breaking a hundred i mean he hits it miles better. For someone who not doesn't break over 100. he almost swings it technically too good and other areas of his swing have let him down a little bit ie the synchronization of his golf swing which we'll talk about a bit in this video so andy's main shot problem is a high right short golf shot high. And right and short and last lesson we talked about getting some of the basics right so we worked on a few little areas but today.

We've done the majority of the work. So that's why i'm showing you mostly today's so takeaway position we notice the club comes straight back through the hands which is perfect. But just slightly open the toe of the golf club is too in line with the the heel of the golf club. So what we've talked about today.

Was the feeling of keeping the club face slightly more down to the floor. So you can see there the club face now the actual toe of the face toe of the face is just in front of the heel perfect now all we talked about was that the feeling of keeping the club face down on the backswing now andy at the top of the swing is just outrageously good i mean you can't you can't really pick a great deal of fault there the the new one on the right hand side to me is far superior anyway the club face is much straighter. And everything else is more solid. But from this position now andy would work and towards using his hips a lot which for ninety percent of the lessons that you would see online or the information i give to my clients yeah use your hips use your hips more than you use your arms. But unfortunately andy he's overdone that statement he uses his hips far too much with a club face that's too open and when he hits it nicely he just hits it way off to the right and super high so what we talked about today.

Was letting the hands. And the arms catch up slightly which is again information that i wouldn't normally uh dish out on certainly on a video to the masses because that information can obviously be be um be harmful. For a lot of golfers saying use your arms but for andy he was using his body too much. And then.

Wasn't letting his arms do any of the work. So now we are flying we are hitting golf shots using our arms letting our body do less. And we synchronized everything up so nicely we started to hit the golf ball so straight it was untrue the club face is perfectly square on the way down. And just stripes it but for a golfer who shoots you know over 100 at the moment if he swung if he's did that on the next.

Round of golf that he plays uses his arms a little bit more make sure his club face is square on the take away square on the way back down he will break a hundred i've got no question about that i've got no doubt about that. And so guys thanks so much for watching that was just a little highlight just to show you that sometimes information that um is mass produced isn't always tailored. And individual to to to yourself so you know a lot of golfers that i see generally that comes from online content so watched youtube videos myself other youtubers would generally swing it pretty technically well but can't gel a lot of the information together so that's what we've we've gone on to today.

We're gelling the information that he's learned together to help him hit the much much greater golf shots guys thanks. For watching if you've enjoyed the video do give it a thumbs up if you feel like andy's definitely going to shoot under 100 this time next.

Time he plays please do give the video a thumbs up andy is on here commenting as well. So please do ask any questions to andy. And he'll be happy to answer i'm sure and thanks for watching subscribe by clicking the link down below and also check out my facebook and twitter in the window next.

Door well done dick great session saying i look forward to seeing you again next.
