So here go guys on YouTube here's the video of Dave today.

Who's come down to me all the way from all up to me all the way from North Wales near Conway with his son Lewis who was also the last who did awesome. But this is all about day of this video because he's made some massive improvements the way he hit the ball today.

Dave was currently an 8 handicap of 8 points 600 capsules off 9 at the moment. But struggles with the occasional shank and can't quite figure out why sometimes he can go two weeks without having won another round you can have 9. And around and it's kind of figuring out why he hits these shots on a regular on a kind of irregular basis more than anything I just wanted to share it with you guys on YouTube so you can learn a little bit from it. And and also see how the improvement has been made so we've got here Davey on the left-hand side now for an 8 on the cap we just swing it incredibly well not not as shanked kind of swinging in my eyes if you kind of see a shank it's normally more from the outside more from the inside very irregular patterns in the swing but Dave doesn't have that issue the big issue Dave has is the movement forward as he comes in to hit. So let's have a look here we've got a cast a shadow over his golf swing a silhouette and when he gets it off in the backswing top of the backswing is absolutely awesome love the way the shaft points at target he lets his head lower a little bit. But it's not there in the world that's all what I wants us to be aware of here now is has as the club comes down is just watch how the hips start to move forward if we look here on this left side now before after before setup impact now you can see there that club actually gets back into the middle on this occasion. But you could imagine on a regular lies on the hills or anything else playing in North Wales I can imagine that's quite hilly over there is that that that movement wars the golf ball look how much the handle lifts. So from setup to impact look how much the handle lifts here so you can imagine how much that more club is actually coming closer to the golf ball now here on this occasion David sits mukbang out the middle. And to be found the first few shots he never hit one away from kind of they weren't all smut bang in the middle but they were kind of heel side of centre. But you can see how a shank could happen. So watch this improvement now look the difference here as we get to the top of the golf swing this is just a little short shot that was the short ones it was more fearsome off this is a little 80 yard shot. And all we talked about was trying to keep the boom back on like a chair. Or a bag or something feeling like he keeps his bum back and just watched now what's the improvement impact I'm just moved these lines again so just watch as he comes into impact just bring this back in watch how his bone just does not move off that back line can you see that see how the bum just does not move at all the hands just rise up a little bit. But he still hits it smack bang in the middle if I actually just show it this is the shot that you just hit the last very the very last one that you hit here if you see this on screen look out the middle that is it's absolutely Bob on these are the strike right story of the pictures upside down these are the strike right tapes target tape you can get online at strike right code at UK. And you can check the link in the description to to buy them they're really good hacks to practice with. But there was a dead simple way of Dave fixing his shanks I hope you guys have enjoyed it on YouTube. And Dave thanks very much Lewis for coming all the way from North Wales to come see me today.

And if you struggle with your golf swing and you're watching this please do give me a contact. So you can book in like Dave house otherwise follow me on Facebook. And Twitter and do subscribe to channel I would really appreciate that. And thanks very much for watching and hopefully we'll see Dave improve this is scoring. For the rest of the season today.

Know this today.
