Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at forum behold golf club today.

With some special guests we've got senior golf instructor richie marsden who has come down here to do a bit of a challenge with fellow traffic girl center throw andy carter. And also professional and mulkins bank golf club and we've got a challenge they're gonna do six hole challenge. And it's me and the trafford boys stick silly hats christmas hat over here so we're gonna have a challenge we're gonna do we're starting on the tenth hole here at former hall uh awesome golf course here in where we've kind of classed out. And it's for me but it's southport southport way so not a million miles away from the coast it's a beautiful uh what day on monday morning it is it's a beautiful monday morning start february. And we've got challenge time we've got part of the top four easy hole for the start and we've all taken driver when i say easy i'm talking bottleneck 300 yards driving rains the water left what's anything right uh freeze trees just trees yeah. So it is bailout are we going first i've got nike covert tour today.

I'm trying this bad boy out. So we'll see how this is my first shot with it let's see how it goes play well gentlemen yeah all the best i know that's how plants a heavy draw back over the case anyway oh it's a bit right it's safe it's okay though everything right was fine there i didn't mind going right at all if you look at the hole down here guys we've got the driving range just on the left sorry no one says why my partner's teen off we've got water down the left as well. And it's about 300 yards shop partner look at that come on oh oh front professional malkins bank where's that matt up in sandbox good old cheshire follow carter here dropkick law of averages not in the water yet does that no not in the water none left. So we can keep it that way senior golf instructor here at thornby hall oh it's nice just down the right side coming in the touch oh bunkersville as well. So guys join us down near the green and we'll see if me and carter can take on these silly hats. And we'll see in a second yeah right. So we've joined fryer uh not for yeah friar here at the front of the green matt frye carter's in the bunker ricky's in the bunker. And i'm over there near the tree so we've got 40 yards mr fried egg what we're going with uh just a little pitching wedge trying to get it onto the front edge. And let it run out up to the green directly it's frozen up there that's what i was thinking that's why i'm not throwing it all the way it does look a bit frozen don't want it bouncing through. So carter's a definite up and down from there his bunker skills are phenomenal nearly as good as mine. But let's see what happens eh oh dear just have to go oh oh gosh it's sure early mornings you left it short someone still thinks it's frosty yeah i thought rick gets up. And down because this is not easy on me rick yeah oh nice shot shot shot partner. So with my partner stiff i feel quite confident tonight i've got shot over the bunker onto a green it's gonna have to stop pretty quickly so if you pan around and just on the difficulty level of this golf shot you can appreciate this i'm giving myself plenty of insurance uh rich is just in the bunker in front one left richie richie's just in the bunker there. So we've got two on the green two yet to play so i've got actually a bit of a safety net with carter already nice and close i've got my 58 degree i'm gonna try and throw it all the way there oh throw it all the way there wasn't a great shot go oh no i've left it way on the bank i know it's good to have my partner's all right come on richard pointing shot there bit of a lip on this bunker go go go go go oh it's just outside cast it's not a bad shot though. So just me yet to hit the green yeah. So even when i fastened my third shot into a 300 pop yeah it's all about just fatting it down the middle i'll still walk off with the same score as you boys. So i've got i'm gonna play a little nine-nine bump and run let's see if i can take some ease some pressure off carter if i can hold this one it's not bad i'll take it right then.

Fried fried dog we've got 30 i've put frozen green don't hit the big ball this time go go go go go go go yeah very good from there very good it's got just a nice nice covering of snow now around the golf ball nice bit of frost herrera's uh give me his map. So falls in poor matthew falls in have a good run at this all right richie what we've got a bit up the hill yeah a little 15 footer at the hill a bit more aggressive on it now oh right on the edge nice put yeah you can turn away you've already got the four right cart dog. For the win trafford i'll put on it oh he's not hit it left it short so guys after that all square after the first hole we're gonna jump down the 11th next.

And we'll see if me and carter can actually do something to try. And win this match look at this monster this is on the back of the 10th tee he would love to live there imagine that just coming straight out on the golf course you've got the driving range you've got the leisure facilities here it's a pretty nice nice course. And if i keep my youtube videos you never know one day one day that'll be my your play is probably going to be like hybrid. Or three was over the bunkers a driver. For motor yeah. So if you're not frying you're gonna scuff a driver it's a 220 yard carry over those bunkers if you went too straight you're gonna go into the water you just want to carry it over the bunkers at which is 220 leaving you 110 in. So this is this is the good thing with the skycam because you can actually see the actual hole we've well i've not played it before. And obviously richie being the the pro here giving us some great advice it's saying 220 to the corner and we've got some water hazards and trees and we're trying to determine what to hit 220. i'm going to try my new hybrid i've hydrated my bike. For years very nice perfect from the senior instructor here i'll take that every day all right car dog i've just relieved a bit of pressure off you know saving you will i clear that camera you'll clear that camera yeah great golf shot perfect we are up against it shot partner what we're using matt what's that's true much confidence in my partner go on celia great shot it works great golf shot let's show us show us this well it's a weird looking thing it's very very thin isn't it it's got a top what's up in the edge this is like a tour version matt yeah just come off the air talk i just come off the top right richie it's hybrid central here which is it in the hybrid as well it's real real players where i play hybrids great shot very nice. So this is the older one richard hybrid slightly older just show the camera that one. So it's changed quite a bit in design if it works i don't wanna i don't wanna go to something else it's the new ones it's similar shape ain't it's just got the white top it's pretty just pull out frame technology that's very good right well they've all worked anyway let's see uh seals down there yeah right here we are second shot. For rick what have you got rick i've got one two three what you're going to go with yeah it's about four yards on over water some zoom if we zoom in let's have a good look at this because i don't if you can see it enough on camera we've got down the cameraman down there trusted it's really close to the water yeah very close to the wall we've got 123 i'm gonna aim it down. And just put it back in i think that's the place how far did you normally hit your wedge one two eight. And two eight so all right bit brief soft green you'll uh be right on it we face places in great positions in your so we've got richie up next.

Richie's similar distance to me to the side just caught the roof but he's probably got a better angle in to be fair well if we got richer i've got a wedge so we're looking at 120. little uh 10 o'clock wedge for me a little 10 o'clock wedge so richard down here uses trap man a lot so his distance control should be absolutely nailed on that's nice yeah pin high very nice shot richie. And then.

We've got the boys taking the short cut around the corner here what are you thinking right in between clubs i've got 116 yards i've hit my uh my yeah last words done standing very close to the flag obviously got a lot of faith in me that is the flag literally where that is there right now you see just the water there in shot oh then..

So he's just in the just to the top of that tree but it has come down it's on the green it's safely down there it's safely down there right carter what we got one of three so he's really gone the shortcut here are you okay yeah i'm left i don't think i'm on the green i think i'm left just de-icing the shoes there slightly uneven can't partner a little bit left of target yeah it's on the green though not the best from us all there to be fair probably rich has played the best shot into the green there. So we'll see how we get on down near the green now this pin is deadly we've got how many yards to the water. So this is the the sunday the monday after the sunday him position really. So it's a bit of a tricky one we've got just off the edge of the green all the way downhill frozen green it's good to have my partners close fish i think rich is the closest we're using new bridgestone ball today.

Giving it a test giving it a try out. So let's see how close we can knock this got a little nine-nine bump. And run shot go go go go go go go go go no i wasn't going to be aggressive on it to be fair. So on the green who's next.

Friar so friday after me shouting four there was no need to shout. For at all that was we've got down the hill well it is absolutely to put from here be amazing it's on you carter okay go on partner i've got a bit of makeup to do from the last 12. i should have made 30. i'm not really playing all the best out of any of us how close it is to the water we've got richie just here just where's your mark oh it's right up here sorry yeah no justice at all he's nice. And close let this hole behold go go go go go yeah it's not bad it's good after that take that away you give me there. For card dog good four yeah you're having a putt fryer yeah. So obviously now with being full ball it is richie's turn really. But he's allowing his partner to go first try and knock this one in for pass you take the pressure off yes matthew i can rock go put sir. So he's got a free run at this slow rinse that the uh eyesore is holding them up a little bit. So for 33. done for it oh i'll hit it through the break slightly all hard of course hole after four so guys that was give you part one of our six hole challenge um join us very very soon where it's gonna be me. And the car but i can take my clothes off we're going to still take on matt bryant. And richie martin's down here at cornwall golf club and stay tuned to my channel very soon you.