Guys my name is rick shields. And today.

We are at forum behold golf club with special guests in flats me. And carter just licking our wounds at the moment because we've just we've just gone from one up to all square again if you've not checked out part one and two go and check those out we've got myself and andy carter both traffic gold center pros challenging matt fryer professional mulkins bank and also richie martin who's the senior golf instructor here down at former hill golf club so richie talk us through what we're on here what hole are we on uh we're on the 17th um from these tees we're quite far forward. So it's only 310 to the green but water goes from to the right so drives a pretty risky shot you could blast driver down the left and give you a good angle into the flag because the flag's cut way on the right um the other options for iron or hybrid down the uh down the middle or left side of the fairway that's only going to leave you 100 yards in. Or so so let's play tactics it's good because obviously it's better ball you can yeah one can play safe. And one can attack it uh i've already got the driver i don't know i don't know why i've got driver already you're aiming not to hit a fairway here. So you're doing the right thing guys if you by the way if you didn't check out part one and two go check those out first because you missed a lot of good action not from us some good ideas from those guys and we've got 17 18 and then.

We're gonna see who's glorious after this right you're on a gents no you're uh the left back see this tree overhanging you want to yeah just like the left edge yeah rick's not going to hit a fairway whatever this is the only time i'll hit one straight into the water oh no oh oh that's gotta be wet is it yes swimming it's one swimming i already had the hybrid out by the way no good no good he already knew what i was thinking yeah why did i do it i know it's a one girl one ball fryer you just dumped it right richie hybrid hybrid trying to get myself about 100 yards in yeah i like the approach it's not the one i'm going. For but i like it it's a bit high that's all right no it seems like an unusual flight that yeah see it up a bit higher i think right underneath am i going captain right i love a bit of pressure when it comes to my t-shirt what are you thinking rick vomit. But no playing direct to this those were my thoughts really it on grass hard as you can. And keep it on the grass great coaching advice from andy carter um yeah available. For putting lessons as well we both are yeah right i'm going to go left. And left the left is safe richie yeah right now you can go as far as you like left is safe that's what i've heard. So i got right welcome to the pond splash as well yeah. So it's just the two man all this meet down at the green lads i don't like this this night is this i'm right it's that neutral oh there's an island over there that we could wade out to he's still sticking with driving yeah interesting that you're sticking with driver now carter great shot oh i don't know oh get on the green let's just kick right into the water i'm not sure on the water that's close it's a bit close it's either in the water. Or it's scooted around but it's it's 284 around there water water just 280. so not great well done richard you won this one is a bit further than i thought didn't quite get the hybrid as much as i wanted. So that's left me with 140 but it's 155 to the back so based on the last hole it's going with eight irons. So i've got plenty of club flags cut way on the right there's no need to go. For that not with where the other guys are. So middle of the green is going to be pretty good from here make sure it's safe left side kicked in plenty of green. So this is how hard the tee shot was that's the pin there. And that's the lake we didn't have much room it's silly going with the driver. But in my circumstances not really to play you're probably best off hitting three iron down into the area over here and then.

Only having a wedge in so with me and fryer have dropped it behind the water we've got 118 yards left into the pin still not a dead easy shot richie's hitting his left side of the green we think carter's wet also there's a bit of a search party happening down there at the moment we need an uh an up. And down from here from one of us well preferably me so 118. it's got to go straight for it haven't you oh yeah my god this is not an easy shot okay i'm going straight over carter's out there oh he's moved right. So i'm gonna have to go straight for it i've purposely dropped behind fryer so i can put some pressure on him i don't quite know why that's a good idea. But right 118 straight on it i've got gap wedge in hand looking nice very good drifting drifting oh he's caught the trees oh so close that actually could be on the green so so close it's all right safe safe there's a little bit of room in there now so let's let's see what we can do got a bit of a gauge off rick there is this 50 what this is 52 here i have to go full out with it's sort of a one 115 club. So i think i can just get it there really let's see oh oh no he's flashed it in there. So after extensive searching we can't find it devastated best drive of it all day though fresh drive me and matt was just explaining how bloody difficult this shot is it's never been driver i like how that we didn't follow oh yeah we didn't follow just to pitch them. So it must have kicked to the right two yards left we're on the group near the green looking back at my drops at living i'm pretty good this is good dropping technique here guys stop stop stop. So it's near the edge of the water it's on the i would say fairway though there's a tricky shot here as you can see andy's back there now probably 50 yards he's got to play with. But as you can see here one of the nastiest pin positions i think i've ever seen he's got to probably land it three. Or four yards onto the green and then.

Just let it release up to the pin he doesn't want to leak it right and obviously with the ball below his feet from where he's hitting he's got every chance of that happening so he's got to be aggressive with richie being there for two as well so let's see what he can do just did a visualization here on the shop go go go go go go go go go go shame tell you what that's not that wasn't an easy shot the ball was below feet into a frozen green all right we've got some work to carter unless we can hold the put a long putt you've got it you've got a chance i've got a good chance i'm not too far away two put from here we don't want we do oh oh that's a big kick oh oh wow something was close can i uh i can prefer this can't no yeah it's just it's just come off winter greens winter rules it's may the first out here at four. And behold are you to come. And give me a read on this carter the good people mate really good oh you've got this stuff absolutely yeah absolutely you know sorry i know you used to be in the hole on your own just roll this one in then.

I think you've got more chance is this this. For four now carter so everybody's same state of play yeah apart from you yeah apart from me i'm in my pocket no you're not in the water that's slow up there still me in it i think it's just on you richard. So guys the lessons we offer everything's reported we're doing cooking classes on a monday night now pot noodles my favorite so if richie if this drops we'll file some big pressure on us roll it in richie you can do it i've really got my body big silently lucky girl big sire uh another taking away takes my effect away you're gonna do that you're good with that that can't dog this is going in they'll go back to the claw yeah don't come back this would be a decent win i'm going in that pond after my balls oh yeah bring me my two thumb grip if you've gone to the glory 18 already right this has to drop can't leave well i can't even attack it have you got it. For five take her away out one job do one job we've got away with it somehow we yeah we did get massively away with this car we were drinking we still halved it with fives feel free right eighteenth whole left very deflated. And hopefully me and carter can please win one match kind of another match finishing a draw yeah 18th hole formby hall all square i mean carter against friar. And richie marsden we've got part five just talk us through this one richie what we got going on here. So it's reachable let's have a look at the hole so it's uh down the left couple of bunkers and a few smaller that left hand side if trees avoid those bunkers anything down the right is going to get wet oh. So wow man your favorite can i change this. Yet uh sure decent driving you're going in with a potentially hybrid four iron okay chaps it's your honor right lead the way again it's getting a bit cold now aren't they yeah freezing it's really changed do. Or die no i'm going to stick with this i quite like the feel of that just kind of straight it's not the driver it's me action richard i'm not plowed oh it's a low low left hello right go skipper you're gonna be one don't think about your last drive some mind games happening from frye there all the way around right come on nike cover yeah come on nike this is otherwise it's going there come on this time great adve advert. For nike at the moment right come on fairway finder you cannot publish that video i'm sorry quick right here we go fairway finder this is fairway sorry if we just won the match it feels like you always leave it till the 18th to hit a fellow don't you yeah just keep you hanging on just to show you that i can't actually hit one honestly i can do it i've actually fixed myself that's how good i do right father no pressure at all oh he's gone after it great shot fantastic. And then.

Yours richard right rick what we got stay away from all right we've got 206 yards even though carter and freya are longer cameramen a little fade off the middle of the green to that tight pin position we've got down the cameraman down there no waiting uh gallery today.

Is there no we must they mustn't got the memo yeah this is definitely not upsetting no execute it oh he's pushed it a little bit bit of a block get out of that bunker did you catch that well yeah really yeah yeah yeah i think i'll push it in this yeah yeah. And this uh coming back for me you're down there right now all right mr fryer what we thinking don't have to see rick come short live with a foreign 198 so i think 198. yeah it means i've got the left three yards i think four ryan excuse me the same club as rick eight yards closer could be the difference yeah yeah it's not a big yeah. Or a hybrid so fine remove the ice from the shoes give it a go just a bit left it down and let it come in hello clubhouse how's your fingers tingling yeah a little bit yeah. So here we have guns carter get middle of fairway we've got a great approaching system so what's that 13 yards longer than me i can't say that i didn't hit it well neither three seconds i think five will get you there straight down hammer it straight out dan's listening on the voice over here now gorgeous looking hole here at formby hall beautiful february morning it's the setting. For an amazing finish oh it's straighter down straight in that's good safe play it's a great golf shot yeah great golf shot partner well played up. And down from me and richard and it seems 30 finish 30 finish so we've got all right i've got 118. i know sorry 132. that good yeah pretty much spot on from the wedge that. So one three two one spin too much that's the only thing like i said before rich's soft nights today.

Massively into his track man down here at formby hall. So trackman's certified yes yeah yeah. So so whether if you're outrages or if you are in the area come down to see richie some great lessons down here at formby. And certainly if you're after lessons getting on the launch one this is definitely key thanks rick no worries right don't hit this one too well. So a little nine-iron try to take a bit of spin off it oh he's straight at it it is straight at it look good from here it looked very good yeah yeah cam thumbs up from the camera man oh oh i can't do it cleaning clean. And shallow it's got miles put him nice shot there richard thank you rick from the clubhouse on camera going out on youtube nothing bad really oh rich is close right here we go i'm glad you're there richard it makes this a little bit easier. And hopefully definitely try and maintain a bit of loft through the ball not flip at it let's see how we go no too much stop quick a little bit too much there. So we've got richie close not brave enough carter middle yeah you're pinner yeah oh you're there. For two yeah i'm front edge over the bunker. So i'm going to hold this three ready right i've got to be aggressive on it carter's safe on the green in two which is pretty close i've got to pick this up knock it close finished with a nice birdie i know yeah i thought it would have actually the turf would have just exploded then..

But ah just didn't quite stop quick enough there tough shot really because it's obviously downhill i've short-sided myself too much which is a shame. But we've got car to pin high i've got at least a chance of birdie look at this setting look at the finish hole here absolutely gorgeous great condition of the golf course as well and stay tuned to see if we can bring this back what was that right card dog eagle putt pin eye bit up the hill frosty green you fancy this too sure yeah yeah i really do yeah we hope commentators curse up the hill don't be scared about being aggressive with it eagle time come on drop it in oh neverland i've not dropped a shot. Yet he's there won't drop it right right matt are we all. For birdie now then.

All for birdie after that fantastic flop shot it was one of my better ones at oh nice effort sir nice effort all right i'm not the birdie in the video think of that part think of that pot positive thoughts hello go after seeing man you can even see the due track i thought i'd give it enough you can have that rick thank you got the power got me whole well well i say do you want me to hurt join me to try it's got to go in i believe it's not given very tough school here. So this is. For birdie after not a great tee shot but he's put himself in a good situation now but move my shadow he's always been a thinker richard pops it around nicely serious this is going in you lost your finger grateful richard really happy. For you give me the edge you say i was like give me no i said that i'm rolling car dog yes guys unfortunately it was another half can you believe that's one time. So again i really want to thank phone behold for letting us come down here and film today.

Honestly i want to thank richie. For joining us in this video as well and matt fryer um carter just comes along for the fun of it to help me i had a terrible round of golf today.

But thankfully my partner helped me uh trying new clubs new grips and everything else doesn't really work great massively but we've got some more challenges to do now down here at formby hall. So stay tuned to the channel also do check out these guys twitter names. And facebook they're fantastic golf pros golf coaches and it's worth definitely giving them all a follow um this is like the premiere of golf coaches right here. So guys stay tuned to the channel please do check us all out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel. And me and subscribe to the channel the more subscribers get them more great videos like this we shall do. And hopefully one day there will be a winner thanks. So much for watching good stuff you.