So recently a listener to my podcast sent me a question about graphite shafted irons and what's the difference so you know what i thought i'd team up with my good friends at golfbidder to put a full set of graphite shafted clubs in my bag and go and play golf with them and tell you what differences with graphite shafted irons okay. So i'm here at the golf course it's early in the morning and i've got a full set of graphite shafted clubs in the bag let's talk about what i've got my fairway wooden driver is standard is what i normally use then.

I've got a ping crossover in the bag with an alta shaft in it. And irons wise i've got four down to pitching wedge in the eye blades now i have had the eye blades in the bag before in steel shafted but these are now in the stock pin graphite shafts which i'm excited to use they definitely feel a little bit lighter which i will come to on in a minute then.

I've got a utility wedge which is a ping i-500 again alter shaft in there. And then.

Two wedges i've got a volkey sm-6 with a ku kage shaft in this will be really interesting. For me using wedges with kind of soft lighter shafts will be really interesting. And then.

Also i've got a lob wedge and a ping glide wedge and this also has the altar shaft in so they are the clubs i've got in the bag today.

I'm going to play some holes. And see what i find i've never done this with full set of graphite clubs before oh the benefit of graphite is typically the lighter there they can help a player generate more clubhead speed. But the downside typically is that you might hit it more to the right more to the left more up in the air. And the last thing and this is a big fat. For a lot of players graphite is typically more expensive like you can add on quite a chunk to a set if you opted. For graphite shafts i'm gonna play on the golf course today.

And see what i find the pros and cons i'm really intrigued i am honestly because i just think what what am i gonna find on the golf course today.

And potentially what i want to be able to tell you guys is should more golfers be using graphite shafts as opposed to steel. So without further ado let's see up let's play some golf with this full set of graphite shafted clubs so this club won't feel any different because it's my own driver so let's hope we get off to a strong start [Music] perfect [Music] i have come to play today.

That was a good tee shot strong start. So after smoking that driver on this par five annoyingly i'm actually gonna have to hit my own wood again i have to hit my own three wood we'll get to these other clubs in a moment let's uh let's hit a good one of these first [Music] and by the way these clubs were supplied by my good friends at golfbidder guys if you've not checked golfbidder out it's definitely worth doing you can buy second-hand golf clubs on there the stock they have on the website is incredible. And also you can actually exchange. And sell your old golf clubs online guys check out golfbidder they've supplied the clubs for this video the link is in the top line of the description below just below that like button while you're down there smash that as well right we're going to be able to use one of the graphite shafted wedges now i'm excited i'm intrigued. So to be honest this isn't my favorite shot in the world short of the green i'm quite short turf but if i hit a bad one now i've got an excuse because i could blame the club first feels and i think this is going to be quite a similar trend throughout this video is how much lighter this club feels like the the head you can almost feel where the head is a lot more just because of how light the shaft is it does look quite smart actually i like it in this finish all right little 56 degree volkey sm-6 just trying to stick it close i played it aggressively it fell just on that first shot with this shaft it felt like i could generate a little bit more speed i know it was only a short shot. But it felt like i could almost whip the club through a little bit quicker it's not a bad shot i've set myself up for a birdie on this first hole it was a decent shot not my worst [Music] very nice good start let's get on to the par three next..

So i'm here on the 14th hole of par 3 and i've got two identical heads of the ping eye blades both in seven iron but one is with the graphite. And i've got one in a steel weight-wise there's a big difference what i'm gonna do first i'm gonna hit the steel iron first just as a bit of a benchmark. And then.

Hit four or five with the graphite shafted iron as well just so i can see is there any truth in this idea that graphite shafts are a little bit harder to control we'll see if that's the case let's set up. And i'll hit this one first [Music] i might just have to wait one more with this club because that first one was dreadful it wasn't didn't even get close to the green i'll hit one more [Music] that's the nicest that shot really good we'll use the first one as a little bit of a warm-up shot right moving on to the graphite first thing you can tell is the difference in weight like the the shaft is considerably lighter as i mentioned with the wedge shot before it almost makes the head feel heavier i'm intrigued to see what that feels like throughout the swing let's say a few shots with this graphite shafted eye blade both seven irons see if i can pick up much of a difference in performance that's quite a nice shot i hit it clean [Music] partially finished really nicely wasn't my best hit. But the result was very good. Or slightly to the right should catch a bit of the green still yeah only just not bad oh that looks really good get up a little bit get up very nice. So three shots so far with the graphite shafted club results are okay the first one. And the last one were very nice second one wasn't the best the one thing i'm noticing that's a difference is the club sounds different like whether that's the way that the wave the sound waves almost come up the shaft it sounds like a different hit they actually sound better struck they actually sounded slightly more dead of noise i like that i'm going to go two more into this green [Music] oh that is. So good [Music] loving that shot that was my favorite. So far [Music] awesome another really good shot go on then.

Get up there go in wowzers they are unbelievable. So performance wise i can't fault those shots like i hit one bad one out of five but the other four were fantastic flight wise a tiny bit higher tiny bit no different whatsoever from what i can see on distance. But the standout characteristic that i saw or heard from this club was the sound i've been lucky enough to stand on the driving ranges of open championships of major events. And when a tour pro hits a golf shot it sounds different to you know normal golfers that to me and correct me if i'm wrong hopefully you can hear on the video that sounded more like a crack that a tour player hits with [Music] it sounded really good very impressed with the performance right i'm going to pick those up. And we've got four more holes to play let's see if we go under par the last four holes using all graphite shafted clubs i'm excited now they were. So good that last one was. So close to going in. So we got down to the green just before we pick these up a little humble brag and i will repair these check out the pitch marks like i've literally peppered the hole all the way around it it's almost been close there give you some ideas my first steel one was off the green right dreadful like proper off the green my second steel one was one of these i think i think it might have been this one. And then.

Check this out one two three four five were the graphite clubs now as i mentioned earlier this stigma that graphite isn't as consistent i'll be honest that's pretty impressive like i'm really happy with that dispersion yeah can't complain about that's all right repair these pitch marks. And we'll get on the next.

Tee so here we go four whole challenge let's see if we can get under power [Music] [Music]. So three holes played and i'm level par i've just got the last hole to play this 18th hole par 5 hopefully get on the path now i've not hit loads and loads of shots with these clubs granted but i have got a really nice insight into what graphite clubs feel like after that bit of testing you know i actually like them you know it surprised me as i mentioned at the start i didn't massively know what to expect i thought i was going to see worse dispersion that's not been the case i've hit it fairly straight. And on that par three you saw before that was unbelievable um feel-wise a little lighter naturally sound i would say it's better with these honestly it's got like a more crispy like a tour playing noise. And honestly in my bag genuinely it's felt like i've had half a set in the bag today.

Just because they are. So much lighter downside they're more expensive you know for a full set of graphite irons you are chunking on quite a big amount compared to steel however. if you are interested in new set of irons i wouldn't rule graphite out it might suit a lot more players you might pick up more clubhead speed it might feel better. For you so do not just instantly rule it out i've enjoyed playing with these i really have thanks again to my good friends at golfbidder. For setting this video up the last hole i'm gonna play with irons only so just using the the graphite shafted irons let's see if we can make birdie on the last if i do guys you gotta like the video make sure you subscribe to the channel thanks. For watching and let's see if we can birdie this last hole [Music] you.