[music] hi guys my name is rick shields down here traffic gold central manchester we've got some new tech it's a new gizmo a new device that is a digital tracking system. For your golf game now you wear this when you play and it seamlessly tracks how you perform how well you've played how poorly let's say you've played and it highlights areas that you are strong at. Or areas that you are slightly weaker out. So you can improve um it's a unit that actually you use in every golf club. So it's a little gps section here that you clip onto your belt so that's the main device that's the bit that's going to have all the sense in it. But then.

You get 18 18 little chips inside the box now every one of these chips you put into the your golf club the desired golf clubs that you're going to use on that day. And as you're playing you use these two pieces of equipment to track where you've hit from and then.

Where you hit two and i'll show you kind of how i'm also going to be taking this out on the golf course uh hopefully this coming week. So i'm going to give you a real life example of how to use this as well. And share all the data on my twitter and my facebook page as well so you can check all out guys. So like i said you've got a little gps unit set on your belt very discreet very low key you know it's not a big obvious glary thing. And then.

You have the little devices that go in the grip and the hole in the grip these little microchips now what happens you go onto game golf's website and you register you log in first and what you can do then.

On that login is see which show tell them what clubs you're going to be using. So what drive are you using it's got all the manufacturers all the models. And then.

You use the d little chip which is your driver chip to stick into the butt end of your driver. So it knows that that chip is is aligned. And associated with your your driver so you it knows every time that you use this chip it is. For your driver now how it how it's very clever is that the microchip in here once you tag it up against the belt up against your gps unit it knows that this is the golf club that you're hitting from that spot. So once you've tagged it it knows you're hitting driver because it knows of from the chip and it knows that where your location is because of the gps unit in it. So once you've hit your golf shot okay. And you put your club away you don't have to do anything else then.

You put your club away you have to you don't have to tag it again. Or anything else and you can walk down the fairway get to your ball like myself maybe off the fairway. But you can find your golf ball. And once you're then.

In position for your next.

Shot you get your next.

Club out which is let's say i've got my seven iron here with another seven iron tag in. So this has seven eye on the little microchip here again it knows where you are because of the gps from your belt clip you tag it again. So it knows now you're hitting seven iron from that location now the clever thing is it knows you just hit driver from back there. So it knows you've just hit driver from a and now you're at b so it uses the clever gps system in the belt clip to map exactly where you are. And knows how far you've then.

Hit your driver clever very clever so then.

When you hit your seven iron i'd actually you only have to tag it to once you have to do anything else after that it knows then.

You've hit your seven iron you walk up to the green. And you've got your putter again your putter's got a tagging clip it knows you've hit your seven iron onto the green because you're using your putter you know again the gps systems in that knows that you're going to be on the green as well from the google mapping. And everything else you know they've used them guessing the same kind of mapping that they're using the in the distance watches to know you're actually on the green very very clever so you carry on playing you play around and you you know you do what you need to do. And this is where the fun begins this is where the fun starts now. So you've got back home and you've either had a great round or a poor round or whatever and you want to relive that round so there's a couple of ways you can do it you can either download the app from game golf's website. Or the app the software or you can get an app. For your iphone or ipad and it'll know you download all data so i've not tested this in real life just yet i'm going to test in this week on my channel. So do check that out it's going to be coming this week to my channel um a real life game with it. So you then.

Go on to the data and you can kind of sit there as a bit of a golfy geek. And go well i've hit this many fairways today.

I've hit this many greens. Or i've missed every green to the left or i've missed every green to the right every short long now that's one round the golf so that's just analyzing one round what you can start to once you use it very often once you start using it a lot is that it starts to get all the data involved to get all that data kind of collected in. So let's say you've got 10 rounds worth of data well that's great because it's going to start to be able to tell you in a more kind of broad sense how many fairways you're hitting how many greens you hit how many puts you're taking. And you can then.

Start to work on that you can work on it with your coach. So i'm going to be using these units with my students my uh my golfers because they're going to be able to zap me over the information of their round of golf at the weekend. And how i mean you don't get any better information than that from a golf coaching parts point of view you've got a guy who's gone out there. And you don't see them after they've had the lesson and they're coming back into you with hard evidence of what they've done on the golf course hard precise evidence that they've hit less greens than what they've said maybe oh etc etc. So from a from a improvement point of view it's amazing from a golfy geek point of view it's just blowing your mind out you know that is just amazing that kind of information that you can get from it. And once you've got all the rounds collected in and you're like yeah this is good you can have starts off challenges against people. So they've got an online community so once they've uh once you've signed up to the game golf site and you're inside the community so i just have to hit that golf ball you're inside the game golf community and you can then.

Start inviting your friends to join you inside that community as well. So say you've got three or four of you using your game golf devices you can then.

Start setting challenges i'll challenge you i'm going to hit more fairways than you this week i'm going to hit more greens newsweek. And i'll take less putts you can do that in a little group. Or you can do it worldwide. So you can take on people all around the world you can see where you lie in the leaderboard system against other pro. Or other pros other players i'll try and do the pros pros that are using it though incidentally you've got golfers such as gray mcdowell using it he's a big ambassador. For the for the company lee westwood jim furick uh john singleton used it in the open so a lot of a lot of good good names are using it it's completely legal to use in tournaments. So you can use it in every tournament it's fine it's not a problem at all. So you know it's very well it's super discreet you know you can't tell that's really in the club you can hide that enough if if you are constantly i put on this side on the video. But if you're right-handed golf maybe you'd have it on your right just so it's a bit easier to tag but it's a unit that is is super easy to use. And one that will really keep you tracked. So check out the channel again this week guys i'm going to be posting um a series of three videos myself. And peter finch who's also got a device and we're going to take it on the golf course weather permitting. And test it and we're going to start using it in our videos as well in our course vlogs. So you can check out all that don't forget guys we're going to be publishing the actual hard evidence with what we've been doing on our facebook. And twitter pages so go and check those out as well guys the unit i'm sure you've seen scrolling across the bottom is from strike right dot code at uk a device that's pretty pretty awesome guys thanks. So much for watching so come back this week to check out how we get on with the game golf product in a real life situation out in the golf course and then.

We're going to share all the information you can subscribe by clicking my link down here. So you don't miss any of the action and check out in the window here for the annotation to take that video if it's not up yet you are the one of the first person to watch this to check out soon guys we'll shall see you soon. And i can't wait can't wait to get the game golf products in my clubs and out on the golf course so i can share some real hard evidence statistically with you guys thanks. For watching we'll see you all soon.