So right after pete stops looking at the hedgehog we're uh we're down here in part three uh this is the marriott worsely golf course gorgeous course in manchester only about 10 15 minutes away from the traffic center traffic golf center where we work um where we coach we're doing a little stroke play match. And not only are we playing stroke play we're also testing a new product which is the game golf product. So you can see here on pete's belt flashing i was prompt promptly flashed oh it's coming up i'll get a bit of focus on it. So this is the product that's got gps on it. And you have the trackers in your club shows the track repeat so it can as soon as you nudge it it'll tell you what club you're hitting. And then.

It'll know from loads of different data about how far you're hitting each club etc etc etc right if you've not seen part one and two you can check it out if you want to see it you'll know it's my honor yes indeed good scoring almost three birdies in a row there buddy yeah almost sergio. So just one shot ahead but this is uh have you zoomed in on this hole yeah i've had a little zoom. But i've not proper talked about it well it's a par three we're 170 from here you've got a water kind of lake to go over then.

You've got a ditch and then.

You've got a horrible green really a tricky one so i'm going to tag on it in seven iron seven nine tie get in tagged in wind's just off the right um. So i'm gonna aim for the big chunky part of the green and let the wind drift it back in where you going four seven i'm gonna go new new seven new seven well my step my set of sevens now i'm not changing these right let's put it in close lock it in close that's coming in nicely whoa whoa i don't know what's behind there a little bit of a brook dun dun dun oh they're amazing that was easier i mean they are a bit stronger. But i mean that's the 177 iron which i've ripped really to be fair um into the breeze on a cold sunday night i didn't think that was going to get there what are you going to do pierre um i know you those irons are probably still flying a little bit shorter than your old ones. But i still don't hit it as long as you were the iron. So i'm going to go stick with seven okay i think one i think 170 with the seven nines good enough. For me are we tagged give me give me a chance all right i'm just reminding you that's all i'm just reminding you it's like this all the time have you rushed your teeth pete if you wash your hands no i do wash my hands don't brush your teeth though right. So let's um pop this in with the seven the same same as you really hopefully just slightly i'm gonna go a little bit less right i don't draw as much as you should have taken that advice too i'll degree be on it please be honest oh nice little bit of stop there as well good shot sir well done nice shot into the green there so you've got bigger of course it'd be again there yeah that's it we've got a chance. For a birdie to get it back to well let's get on the par on the path so rick say hey well we thought was a decent t-shirt just mr green he's been lucky. Or unlucky i'd say we still say pretty lucky i jump over the brook yep action shot just zooming he's got if you get up and down from here mate i'm gonna be that's literally water there so that's water there there his left foot there he's just on the very edge of the bank little brook so i think we should be interested if i attack everyone just look at the map you are wet it'll say come on you're not on the course. So rick there can't ground this club i'm going to walk over to where the pin is because honestly this shot you've got this bank here you've got the fringe down into a gully up there's my t-shirt got a chance. For birdie yeah before it gets up in that you've had a few cracking up. And downs recently but this would be special this would be special i'm gonna go off 58 hopefully that little bank should land soft okay guys if you see rick disappear donations can be donations could be posted to my uh my page that i don't want to be posted to correct stick this close it's been awesome up in there he's played it very well actually rcma it's it's the best yeah i wouldn't be too unhappy with that really not bad very outside chance. For a par but the way he's been put in today.

It might drop does it strength. So down into the little gully just to look at rick's puck coming down this hill um i know we were joking about it just before we put the camera on. But it does look pretty straight it does look straight if you've not checked out um minor rick's trip up to scotland when we played the renaissance we had a caddy uh called fraser whose mantra was it straight pretty much. But he was right pretty much every time we were like no it's about six foot left no it's straight okay. So let's see if we can channel fraser what are you getting are you going straight. Or straight so this for an up and down of the century ah just drifted away it looked great it looked great all the way pretty much not straight as i thought just drifted away at the end unlucky though mate ryan pete so we've uh give yourself another birdie chance another birdie chance yeah it's my first right to left foot. So hopefully i have a bit more luck over this one yeah only just i think only just outside the right edge look at the way you all swung you should move a little bit come on fraser let's drop this one in i'm tagged in make it drop like it's hot come on been putting all right just not drop really. Yet so far stay up oh please like oh tagging top shame you know i'm actually i'm looking i'm actually looking forward to seeing what my stats are gonna be yeah some some actual hard hard evidence i think i've only had have it i think i ever agree miss no miss one on par three i think. But pretty consistent and if rick holds this it'll pull us back to level level level level yeah both level. And then.

On level so pop it in yeah very solid very solid putting well i'll take a four from that yeah every day i think i think as soon as that tee shot kind of went over i think a four was always going to be a good result there. So not too bad next.

Though we love yeah if you've not seen we played at the marriott a while ago now we did like a skimming challenge on this next.

Hole. So that's the hole that we're gonna play i think i was the best out there excuse me wasn't it especially that one where i didn't even skim it just went straight through the green that was pretty good you missed the water right guys. So we're on the eighth hole down at the marriott uh gorgeous hold this this is a dog leg little tunnel tunnel tee shot. And the hole from here then.

Goes quite a bit to the right that's where that water was last time. So it's kind of position yourself into the into the heart of the fairway there pete's got the one stick out i've got the little adams doppler kind of hybrid iron out so uh it's kind of a save for shot on this oh we're not going to see driver again no we're not we're not going to see driving this part bye right okay. So one iron one iron straight down the middle for me tagged i am i am tanked and i'm ready to go sounded incredibly strange i'm gonna get low for this ball flight again oh what a golf shot yeah great shot sir i'm i hit this. So well you do great shot just share my car in the other one all right. So struck that one on very well again eric's tagged himself in with the adams prototype remember to check out facebook and twitter's guys for all the stats we're looking forward to looking at it yeah really kind of excited about watching right then..

So what are you going. For here we're gonna round the corner nice shot very nice shot gone pretty much straight over the edge of those trees there should be perfect what an amazing evening down here in manchester gorgeous evening sunday night what better thing to be doing than on the golf course playing a bit of golf not bad good company new new clubs new devices right so um you are about because we've not brought our range finders today.

There's there used to be a marker somewhere. But you're about 140 left in from this range yeah well it's one it's 120 from the front of the what from the back of the water there. So you're about 25 yards away from it maybe think yeah downwind i think i'll be on the safe side at a full nine. And yeah well that was that was the shot anyway sorry i've not shown people the hole. Yet so it's uh this is the water that we skimmed over um if not check out you can check out the channel. And then.

That's where the pin is big big green um pete's just tagged in on this game golf device uh. So nine iron likes it's just down the breeze here now and the sun's just starting to cast over the sun over the pin it looks gorgeous right go for it knock it down there we go what's good oh oh bang didn't it stop quick yeah nice shot on the green at least yeah it's a great line you take yourself tagged in the rick's just just off the fairway here. But got a very good line into the pin i'm just sitting at the front of the green there where you're going. For it i'm gonna hit a little wedge a little wedge i can get it open problem is with that this little bit of rub if it just the club just slides underneath it'll just pop up. So i'm just going to hit a little wedge if it lands at the front it should hop up okay it looks okay to the right stop wha wha wha whoa yeah just on let's see here i got it soft enough yeah last the last few course logs we've played together rick's just been hammering his irons really a little bit too far with that record that way well yeah that's the problem i'm gonna need to do my distances i reckon again. So that'll be that'll be next.

On the agenda i'm sure but we're on the green we're putting we'll see if i make some outrageous birdies so look at this gorgeous gorgeous sunday night ugh down at the marriott eighth green gorgeous and windy and now with just a little bit of rain as well weirdly should see some nice rainbows right so pete's got a birdie chance up the hill from down there i'm gonna leave the flagging because he's so far away i'm i'm here just on the fringe um we tag don't repeat yeah okay up the hill i'm gonna leave the flagging because he's a long way away maybe we shouldn't leave the flag i won't penalize you oh wow it's the only put up hold today.

And it didn't even go in guys if if you're gonna be harsh enough to be critical about leaving the flag in then.

I'm sorry but tag tap it wouldn't have got it it was going to go too fast in fact in fairness the flag helped you right. So how where does this ranger start rainbow very odd is there a nice one oh yeah it's developing i thought there'd be one right. So i'm just off the side of the green john they're flagging her out i think you should light it behind the flag from it down the hall oh gorgeous evening light here shadows being cast now i'm i've gotta be honest guys i'm a little bit upset about the world right now. But the sun is helping if this goes in this definitely won't help whoa whoa whoa very rapid slick down there mate. So from around the other side of the hole here doing circuits of the hole here i think this is way faster i thought the flag might that's the way that yours flag stopped it we kind of thought we had a permanent backstop on this one now what i did then.

I saved time i tagged as i walked past it as you walked past it. So you know on the way past before so i knew where it was i mean how i don't know how precise it's going to be is it's going to be to the yard to the centimeter gone there's the draw very nice wow you've been you're really solid with that putter today.

Man in the back really solid right. So level power still one hole left to play we've got the par three ninth hole gorgeous hole done done we were contemplating nipping down the 18th which is a par 5. But just because of the stats we want to and on this nine holes don't we yeah well we don't know what happened if we kind of skipped holes either do we say system up it might go crazy the matrix might crash big brothers watching you might just not know what the hell's going on. So par three nights which is a tough hole anyway both level par. But basking masking in the sunlight right so this is just a gorgeous hole it's a ninth hole here at the marriott 180 yards um stroking that's 12 actually which you think it'd be a bit lower than that considering. So it's so long um absolutely baking in the sunshine which in this little shadow section here tagged in what you're hitting pete um it's 180 and i think on the last part three's 117 we were both seven long a little bit long. So you're going with seven yeah. So i was at the back of the green then.

You were past the back of the green weren't you. So i think i'm gonna go with seven two yeah. So the new bike right after the green for a bit of a draw yeah pin is just at the back corner. But that should be good turn back in oh it has oh just a bit short you didn't get all of it did you no i think a seven i think a per seven is perfect. For you i just didn't didn't quite catch it no shame i don't think i'm gonna be leaving the opinion. For this part anyway no i certainly won't right. So i'm gonna i'm gonna try and get seven there seven that i think if rick it's a seven it should be about perfect i would have thought actually um just direct direction straight out a little draw what are you doing mate it's all right it's all right rick we actually edit quite heavily rick tends to get quite emotional on most of our course vlogs he's just kind of breaking through now it's been a long season. And i've been tough on it it's getting a bit emotional it's because it's the last hole i always get this like on the last opening you know do you need to take it indefinitely with absence all right share a coke with rick right i'll come back onto it that's sociable yeah we're literally next.

To each other oh god you're. So clingy so 180 yards and there's about two yards separation um right we're not actually as far away as i first anticipated the pins it does the pins just there. Or the holes just there should we say the pin safely it's not that far away actually pete you put it a bit close but it's the pins your friend i've just i've just tagged in there you've just tagged you've been trying to see how far away we are yeah because that is in theory let me get my foot down that's one two just over two two. And a two and a foot so we'll see how accurate that is actually on game golf uh look at this by the way oh click like if you want to be playing golf right here right now i'll be clicking right pete up the up the hill come on if we finish with two birdies that's a good good little review. And test of the uh game golf product so i'm feeling pretty happy after well not happy's not the right word at all i feel confident after the last long put that it might go in but we will see okay a little bit right to left yeah up the hill. And roll it in wow it's right to left but just didn't get the hill slowed up a lot actually didn't it i've learned a lot from that one that's a bit annoying confused face everyone else will recognize that as my normal face right hopefully now i should have learned a little bit from that i'm going to smash it up the hill. And to the right okay maybe put you'd be putting great all day this putter feels heavier. For some reason yeah i don't want to fill your confidence. But i've been putting great all day so give it a chance finish up one oh lovely effort level par right pf level par that's a it's a decent enough knock after a busy day teaching me and peter that we started at nine o'clock this morning teaching all the way through until six got here at half six i had no t straight on the golf course level par will do just. For you that guys it's just for you right how sorry do they feel. For us we've not even had any tea i know we normally have steak right roll it in for the power oh man i won't be dying all right all right it looks phrases straight phrases straight great put well done sir level palmy and peter finch guys that was an honest honest match. And we was uh whoops a nice contest well played sir good game oops i enjoyed that it's always hard with the camera um. So guys that was our little kind of test to go with the game golf device we're going to be using it many more times in our video. So we'll get much better at it and the guys were saying to us after we've got kind of five. Or six rounds we should start to get some some data that we can actually use you know extrapolate that's a word extrapolate results from yeah extrapolate results from gonna post our stats on our own facebook. And twitter's guys so you need to go and check those out uh pete your twitter and facebook uh it's peter finch dash golf on uh facebook he's a person so you need to add him yeah. Or like you can follow yeah no just be my friend god i need him please peter fidge golf on facebook please be my friend god that's desperate i'll be back at school. And twitter is at pf golf pro click his face to subscribe to his channel got some awesome content um. And it's well worth a subscribe you can check me out on facebook um i've got two profiles i've got a page. And a person just type in rick shields golf for my person rick shields for the page uh you can check those out also on twitter guys at rickshields pga uh. So you can check those out as well guys. And i'll say we'll be we'll be popping the stats on there one final teaser we're gonna play the tenth hole now nice little path we'll do 18. we'll do 80. we're gonna do the 18th part five we're gonna turn the camera off. So please do go. And check us out on facebook and twitter so we're gonna play down the 18th and we're gonna see the stats on that as well guys uh do subscribe to my channel by clicking the link down below. And also the game golf device is from strike right code uk it's definitely worth uh getting. And we're gonna use it many more times in our videos thanks for watching guys and we'll see you all soon on that game golf you can follow. And oh yeah yeah yeah just just any time you see off our names just click like. Or follow kind of works that way doesn't it yeah i think. So when we're on x factor you can vote. For us britain's got talent you know just click and like and vote that's all we ask yeah are we going on that then..

And i still don't know what driver i should be using to be continued.