So hello everyone welcome down to the merit Worsley I even move my lips it's amazing and so we got a nice evening here some of the evening and we're going to do a little course fog. But with an added extra we've got two well two or three new things we've got game golf which is a little device that's attached to my belt which I've just a little slight intro to on my channel resource if you're not checked out go. And check out the window here velvet strike right the code at UK it's a GPS tracking device that kind of digital it digitally tracks your golf game as you play we think we think we have not used this. Yet Pete's got one as well so Pete Finch if you're not check Pete out yet you can check out his channel. And also peace modeling one of these beautiful devices and gives a little bit more information about it people for we carry on well as far as we're aware these little things in the air we've already registered this on the on the website also you can check us both out on the web yeah yeah absolutely what you called on the website Peter Finch just pinched golf I'm Pete. And Rick shields pjc can check us out if you're already on game golf. So that go Saudi for driver those on what driver my newer buddy LOD 30 lot turbulator almost forgot to mention that it was it was coming it's become like a member of the family already oh yeah. So you tap that against that device it registers it to the website and then.

You tap it gonna your next.

Shot and record them it wife to see this is completely new tools we've not done this before. And we're going to share this on both our Facebook. And Twitter pages guys so if you've not checked them out you can check them out in the link I'm correct I've got two drivers in the bike that I've got G 30 there. So GT and as well see ya it's must suck the tube I don't like God so this is when I start bonding pass you when you get all nervous oh I thought I can't just bring one out. And he starts families I'm still using the SL di which I know in testing I've still hit just as good as the Geetha's not much in it game golf hell yeah let's go getting off oh god Kim I get close to the right. So as far as my way you tap it hold it ahh green light and a little bulls so it's registered it really boss that felt nice so it knows that I'm here now on this place hitting my driver cuz I've got the D in let's give it a go okay go. For straight down not too much trouble Oh Ripa hook in oh yeah we'll take that thank you very much. So I don't have to do anything now I don't touch it we don't think I don't buzz again until I get down there until I choose my next.

Club. And it'll tell us how far I've hit that one and also then.

If I hit the green at such I don't know how it's going to tell tell me if I'm on the fairway yeah right. So this is a bit of a learning curve. For both of us guys if you've not checked Pete out I'm sure you have already checking out this channel click the link down in the corner so g30 you taxes this is. For showing anger oh hey that's quite nice look that's a very G 30 so the I think the only tricky bit that we've got to do is remember to tag it yeah I believe in post editing though you can if you do if you have forgotten. Or you you're targeting correctly or whatever you can change in editing after oh really apparently. So well we'll see what it is hopefully hopefully also remember this one thing to do run in turbulence thirsty. And anger this of course shot you've ripped up absolutely spanked it yeah good shot that's going to be interesting. So again people's not do anything now with his game golf device he's just six inch bug right guys. So we found Pete just on the side of the fairway great hit powerful hit I'm just on the right side of the ferry can just see it on there. But and with all this technology and all this commotion we've actually forgotten our rangefinders bill go this is proper field golf that'll be interesting to see on this after though how accurate our perceptions yes. Or miss accurate right so that's you sir say no 107 okay what set have you tagged no all right sorry. So he's tagged a little sensation over eight it's quite nice though right so 107 what o'clock what club have you got a very very small half wedge just to knock it down okay a little bit of wind just a fraction to write the pin is it maybe it's not 107 this is proper old school field golf with no caddies a Fraser. So just come over to Rick's ball just try out for the fairway it was a bit of a bit of an raking draw from the tree lot tree line here Rick's just desperately searching around on his iPhone see if we've got a DRD [ __ ] no not not the defendant. So I've got my little pitching wedge give it up Green they actually just fibrates twice so we know what we're good to go okay I'm just going to hit a little wedge in middle ish I can't see my ball think I'll front edge though. So chance to go closer alright strike. Yet my sharp and I there's a little bit left you got the yardage there your eyes are better than mine I always a finder like Robocop yeah okay guys the piece just just finished up a little bit short just didn't quite miss judge it right in Tabriz actually once you get down here this has got drawn it out she's got quite a tricky flat pot book quite long he's tagging it now I don't know I don't know how this is going to work it because let me just show people how much you're actually just on the green because I don't see at the moment how they're going to know you're on the green because you could be off the green using your putter. So there's to start the green just there so we'll see it's a learning curve you'll probably I mean when you guys actually check out the stats. So a little more apparent it'll come around to your handles yeah exactly we might just be able to edit it to say that yeah that's actually hit the green in my articles maybe. So you got across the green port it's a great pot go go go go go AHA bang gong for line now this is what we're going to play stroke play today.

Just to use the device at its best now Pete still got a tap his device when he gets close here now. So he's going to tap. And then.

Knock it in live right now presume then.

It just knows that that's where you were. And again it won't know where the hole is. But we'll see well I'm guessing now because we've if I don't tap it again now and I kind of turned on my driver yeah on the next.

Shot. And that's have it a terrible poet should be able to recognize you might have been cold all right so plain stroke play Rick's got a chance to take an early lead how do you see this one he'll stop the left of the hill just that kind of half 6:00 p.m. growth on the greens then.

I'll massively faster don't thing let's see - were running ok oh sorry mate commentators curse as well I just had a bit of a bobble halfway through the Hat try. And concentrate with the vibrations okay. So - force - force and Oh square the journey continues so on the second here any short par-4 360 but tricky tee shot a couple of bunkers on the right there and one over to the left of the fairway where you going with I'm going to go with a little Adams driving guy in fella prototype thing a little like thing. But I'm not really I'm not gonna you to review on it just yet book so tag Ron you don't actually have to touch the unit no you just hover it oh. So they yes I'm just going to try. And play a positional shot more than this thought look yeah well position away unless it's what happens when we first wrote by they get all serious about it downwind additional I'm I'm you could drive the green I'm really serious as well on this one I reckon you could drive the green with it lovely strike is it coming in coming in ha just left of the bunker fair enough that's okay I thought you were actually going to be in those ball how far those bunkers away though they're doing we don't know shhh we're not defending honestly we're not sure we're not range finders junk rangefinder junkies like slow enough to survive without electricity like you know yeah are you not got your phone you suddenly realize that what you do depend on okay. So you've got a good chance if you can get this to carry on the wind you've got a great chance of knocking this on the green my d25 off again blows well let's don't know yeah don't know bungee 30 you're the GAR you talked Ren will game golfing we are into the game you got this carrying on this win this is down there are you've ripped that that is riding on the wind to even catch a bit of London action yeah just over that over the bunker I've been meet it I didn't meet it yeah it's nice that's not a good enough shot I just give you a little show around what this this driving iron was as well this is new Adams d hy driving iron little prototype. So living at the moment 18 degrees a little driving iron it's it's playing nicely so we'll do a review on that very soon as well guys. So we were right about Rick being just left of the bunker. And when we say just life we mean just left I don't think he the Adams hybrid was the choice of club ethnicity I should have probably hit driver Guang with a netbook. So got about 100 left in so what 54 100 left in it'd be interesting to see if the game girl thinks I'm ending the bunker or not yeah interesting that pins back left. So I just need for London in the middle of green tricky approach big bunker before but playing room on though going away launched it turn in turn in man I start working fear not kind of force a section it should be okay. But safe though mate it's a bit to be like a technology for for mr. Finch she's ripped one down the middle here over the bunkers like say just took straight over everything a probably driver was the the play really. But I just think I won't tell Peter sigh just think you got a bit closer screen you can't approach it quite as good book he's got not much left in a little flick just over the bunker pinzer I'm just on the right can just see just before there. So a little bit I gotta be close I think you're just I think g25 would have been perfect Keitha I guess g30 gets you too close right if interested see our policies done like the pin was the 360 360 app. So this is this short kind of say about 3:30 Drive really right then.

Obviously once we get used this will all look quite as a as new to tap in our belts right let's go things be great just going to try. And use a little slope down to the bin there so I'll try and land it just on the green and hopefully let it trickle on a little it's a great pitch you did what you said you did what you said you might just be able to see if I can lift the camera on sack I'll even stand on top of the Boogie risk my life no you got a guy quite see it's a it's down that's pretty oh you can just about make out it's just run by a sharpie. Yet so Rick's a decent pitch in he's left yourself the bit of a horror of a put boat has to be said big slow very big slope I pitch there. And it was snail pace you know snail pace to the hole. But it's still gonna good a good 12 10 12 feet past leave this lots of respect to the left down the hill severely that game golf ball yeah yeah geese off a tag look free. So exciting well to the left a big big slope on this one we far enough up not by just need just need to be a bit further all that weight in it I got a half sector corporate going on. For sure so I'll just throw this one in tag not sure how you should tag it quite close I guess you guess so it's all Newton oh yeah of course you need to tag it when you're right next.

To it don't you when you're right next.

To it let's be fair it doesn't know where the hole is no I'll say we'll see lots of questions I'm sure that's what I'm not sure we're meant to be posing this many questions on you to what is we're here. For answers on yeah this is a learning curve. For all of us we are in this together peak we're learning as a team right good good birdie chance er wonder if you go into a routine once you like kind of marcha ball now whether you tagged it then.

Do you practice etc you know I'm sure you'd get into a nice routine with it. But when all the stats come through later you'll you'll find a way to do it I'm sure because it's a great information. So up the hill did you say peak yelled the hill thing is slightly from the way okay. So I'm just going to start it left edge oh thanks ma'am. For par big swing big swing away you know you know you know bit slightly frustrated thing if you fall potted you got a target again is there okay off of the level on to now the third hole which is the actual hardest on the golf course the Sun later there's some beams down. And this gorgeous golf course here it was the part the marriott we want to just thank the guys as well that has come down here today.

And do some film in it it's nice from to come. And do some testing of the products as well which is great. So on the third here all 434 yards of it or pill back into the wind dogleg round to the left but pretty easy for God's sake oh for God's sake really just follow me hits it might just help me have a guess what I'm here I'm gonna take a wild stab in the turbulator dark and sage III so I'm still very very undecided which driver yet I am I'm completely decided so there you look undecided without careful so the idea with it is that I'm going to text them up head-to-head I've got now because you get 18 of these little discs in your pack. And I've got the star one on this and I've put it in the in the online as the actual pink journalist cool so you know what'd be quite good after the round I can have a look at how far I hit the 1 on the first. And how far I hit the 1 now that's cool I'm carrying 14 clubs as well by the way up from yeah whatever rights the G flight flight crew DQ that attack target in tough driving all this slight dogleg to the left Green is up. And around that bunker on the left hand side that suits Rick's shape of shot this all back half G 30 let's see if we can get that landing oh it's just over the bone crushing I was oom din around that I didn't see anything I don't know if I got it there that's the line there sir just check the cap on. Or seems to work I'll keep the cap on for now keep the cap on now we'll see yeah he'll see we'll see the SL the Ark. And get back in the bag if I hear Bible right Pete so an same why'd it really really suit my natural shape here but now you definitely more of a left to write a book you it it for fairly accurate so just really matter talking meself in yeah it's a like a convict you better just tag yourself it these are these well this is my day release these books after the winter pickle yeah sorry it's a bit windy guys it shouldn't be a book it might be a bit windy on the audio oh wow wow it's a great shot transhuman quickly it's just right down the middle fairway I was just went through almost II thought it was always the big rough stuff that is it the semi because offic see whether 150 symbol is just to the right that. So unbelievable tee shots will when we get down there will tug it again to see how far it goes to Ric with a grade device is actually where he was aiming just over that kind of Bunker just found the left semi. But perfect I'm after that perfect line in I was going to ask how far we got in then.

I forgot it's about boys about 160 170 170 probably up the hill yeah actually going to slightly change to us where you going. For only what happens if you target and decide to change you can't you know allows you get your bit too much and you got whole crap and affiliate 5-iron new 5-iron they do look very shiny of those clubs after. So it's about 55 X 55 stag so I'm going to hit a little soft one these are ones that I got Custom Fit recently a pink if you've not seen the Christa fit section it will be coming soon I've just got a chance to do here if you're watching this delayed it'll probably up on my channel now right what 5-iron. So yeah you can really see this big strong wind up. But after a good shot it absolutely struck it is it staying I lost sight of it although this state states oh just me screen just a lot just to the left grace right nice. And light I don't know whether the wind turn their eye or drew drew it you're not hook off draw and piece down there so you head over there I bring the buggy over so P aimed exactly where you wanted to go want it but you've kind of run out of fairway seeds right down there a little bottleneck so he's hitting and I shot into the it is a pretty now he's not on the rangefinder I aim. For the markers good good boy very good boy right I've got that one skill honestly so so you're about what 160 away from the actual pin pin lots not quite middle yeah wait the one less than you six six cake job be interesting to see how far those both those two two drives of grun actually yeah back you win again check us out on our Facebook. And our Twitter to find out all the stats from that as well same line is mine you fit out awesome though just going to be in that left corner you might just have stayed on the green actually my set I just came on the wind Davila really that's right. So Rick just miss the green here just on the left-hand side chip up the green cargo I see on the camera is quite a big kind of hill in the middle really not an easy one this one might down. And over so I'm gonna hit a little chip with a 9-iron tying it more confident without now you're thrusting into your side with reckless abandon early a little tip of the night keep it lower than the wind because it is breezy that's very breezy all iPhones going to come back a bit more than our income think all really good. For line before they're in blank sorry I'm just off the side here so thought done all the hard work get into the green I'm stroking that's one egg it's not an easier so Pete's just missed that sprinkly yeah we thought it along the green breeze actually just off. So I mean I'm not a model achieve it I'm not on the green you can use my putter. So I don't know what game girls gonna say it we'll find out right Tiger Lily and you're done you should learn a little bit off up there because that didn't show up anywhere near as much left I was going well I think probably halfway in between you. And the pin maybe yeah I would say. So they bother we'll find out stay tuned turning its track in its tracking yeah laughs rock will take that close to the mine anyway. So take yourself in young man tagged in accepted hell beep as well know is that before. So it is really quiet yeah yeah it's not like a mobile phone going off right straight razor straight Fraser straight god he'd be. So proud you're so proud if you knock this in now as well no my hips hurt on that all right oh don't you tag yourself just what I want No right well that was disappointing don't lock you my house disappoint. So P to take fight early advantage if you're not roles this on it about phrase will be commenting that that was never straight I gradually earring yeah I could hear of it behind. So piece just tagged if you didn't see that our register is those good to go now making it really snide in it don't have to show off the tags anymore now we're done all right now right I'm going to go phrases straight as well have hopefully over sure distance this will be right yeah good pot well done sir level pastille yeah right guys that's the end of part 1 down hit the Mary it Worsley awesome then.

You're going to play nine holes as many as we can get in this light you can check us out both on YouTube my links down below just in the window Pete's up on his face now. So you can check him out guys also if you've been impressed with the game golf stuff that we've been testing like say we don't know the full extent of the start stress. Yet but you can check the out at strike right code at UK. And head over here in the window to check out our next.

Parts apart - PR yeah I'd hit the Marion was it I think this should be Iraq we've got pass through to par-5. So anytime a little teaser for you little teaser there's the Hat stay on or not or [ __ ] up.