Yeah i guess you join us here at part two down at worsely marriott peter finch is currently leading by one you level power aren't you sir first level i've just vogued the last. So we're on one over if you've not checked out part one you can check it out the window here just on the right. And we've got we've got some excite we're kind of doing a course vlog but also quite a bit of product testing and trying and trialing this is quite we've got some new ping clubs we've got some gizmo on the end of your club talk us through this pete game golf if you're not seeing part one this basically little device here you've got these the tags in the end of each club before you eat your shot you tag it when you get to your next.

Shot you tag it. And it records everything so we've been told that's all we've been told so but if you've not seen part one check out our facebook and twitter because all our stats should be up there there's a growing community these game being golfers i suppose you can yeah um. So yeah it'd be interesting to see i'm looking forward to getting stuck into it yeah is that copyright right. So let's um let's what are you hitting down here feet got oh we got one six six down hill eight time downhill downwind pin at the middle of the green not not too much protection just because copper bunkers were not in the way. Yet eight iron's good so pete's now gonna tag you know i almost forgot that so he just puts it up there buzzes let him knows it's on so he that gps unit in his belt now will go to the cloud in the sky to tell you that's where he is let's do this that might be oh it's down it first youtube holding one no no again it's big oh i did that last time on this hole see it's really kind of has it gone big big it pitched on the green. But it's it's gone off the back i'm gonna go and change clubs before we started hitting record rick was like go on hit an eight in eight it'd be good it'd be good. For the camera oh that's annoying that really well it's just pitched on the back and it's kind of gone it looked right down it for a bit yeah it's kind of gone off the green about there is somewhere. So not an easy green if you miss it this one as well it's a bit disappointing because this is possibly the biggest green in manchester as well. So you're tagged yeah 99 tag 99 you know what i think that much the right club you know little i don't think it's still a full volley this wind is getting stronger it's strong very strong now that is down it great charmaine nice i've been zooming on that absolutely nice shot mate thank you very very good. So pete after just slightly misjudging that just because of the wind he's uh just pitched over the back it's got a um back to front sloping green from where we're stood he's got a tag i'm not quite sure what club he's tagging the wind's quite strong here at the moment so he's just tagged i'm sure we'll be able to find out on his twitter and his uh facebook later which one he's tagged i'm sure he's gonna just slow this off the left down the hill and roll it close i'm just currently just here just on the side there just played it nicely played it very nicely yeah good pitch sir nicely worked nicely judged. So rick with a very very good approach has left him so wow uphill uphill put part three gonna ask for more really um okay. So yeah up the hill i've got to run at this really because i need to get one back on you there's good chance this one gonna go phrases straight again phrases straight again fraser if you're watching this comment now where would you have said got it got it got it yes nice bird mate don't need to tag again save the battery yeah uh right. So um yeah happy with that back to level fraser did you agree with that port. Or did i pull it in. Or i think it kicked off right it did okay yeah. But it's straight in the end right it's a little little one down the hill but this is bread. And butter for pete these days give it a tag roll her in give it a go yeah solid firm lovely pot thank you very much right guys. So we've got two par fives coming up now um i might go in sldr or g30 well you're gonna have to take your cap off if you get an sldr yeah i think i'll go sldr first hole. So uh cap's coming off so and then.

We'll see how that pans out and see if cap goes back on or not so we're on to the fifth now back to level par each after rick's really good birdie there bounce back ability bounce back ability now if you have watched just well obviously you watched the first hole um on part two this isn't another golfer rick's just got his hair back out his tailor mate taylor made dissociated haircut i've got taylormade printed um so back on the sl i'm i am just testing out yeah i'm just just giving it away. So i need to tag it in more yards yeah oh yeah your stats will look great i'll tag mine back on the green right down straight down down the path par five slight douglas to the right sldr let's see what she can do rip it straight down the middle is what she can do yeah take that left side. And he kind of just turned on the wind and this is slightly back into the breeze now because i said the last hole was just into the breeze this is back down strong it is a bit. So we've had a gorgeous uh probably the worst weather we've played in oh actually sorry i keep forgetting about seven hands that we played in but the worst uh worst weather for a while yeah still got t-shirts on little sweaters. So it's not too bad right tag it's unacceptable unacceptable for us okay. So guys i'm sure you've seen part one he's got true bladers out bit of g30 there okay give it a rip this is where this is this is the big money match people have been wanting oh we've actually just got we just got a bit of a a little bit of a problem down here yeah we just we just suddenly got some spectators yeah just wait. For the uh the family with the pram pete yeah you know go down no not like. And you got away with it last time i didn't actually how did you know i just want to add the baby survive all right okay yeah yeah. But a long division anymore all right focus on i've good i just reassuring to myself oh it's bombed that is smashed it's over the right side of the corner. So i think you'll see there's a little path down there. And if it ricochets off that it is long that's the best strike in the day. So far wow it's a bold statement i felt he'd go faster on the way down to wind as well right then.

To play all right all right aye all the uh all the sldr taylormade fans will be uh whooping you've hit the path no way no way hit the path i did zoom in a little bit. So you might be able to see it i might do it bound up i ate the really sandy part okay. So anyway it's everything you've got and some more part five you just see the pin there it's actually a little bird next.

To the pin what what you're smashing uh i've got my old three wood back in the vector there all right we have not seen this before wasn't getting on with that taylormade give us a give us give us a shout a bit of cobra yeah now this is the best three wood i've ever hit off a tee okay off the fairway it's. And what about in the rough in their office your eyes teased a bit we'll see we'll give it a go well this suits your eye line with a little little cutie a little cutty one yeah it's gonna go straight out it's not a massive amount of danger really isn't it no oh look the hell that was ripped just going in that left corner just over the bunker um it bounced around that bunker go towards the green side bunker cracking smash if he's in i'll be i won't be happy. But i'd be impressed if he got there yeah that was an awesome smack goodbye almost 300 yards good hit i shouldn't have taken my three without the back. So after rick nudged his tee shot past mine he's got the prototype adams out all of 200 and we don't really know yards to the pin everything we've got and and probably another hit and then.

A few more tag oh mate you just lost about four yards off your drive there you need to go with the game son the game golf three yards sorry are you gonna edit that on the status later at three everyone watching that was three if he slips a zero in there you gotta let me know right. So i'm gonna smash uh the hybrid at it um it looks relatively still at the green but it's a strong wind here maybe if you get underneath it i don't know this comes out low like a rocket stay stay stay stay came out very very low oh sorry i didn't zoom that came out um about that yeah here about that high. And just kind of went around that way just on the left side it'd be probably near me actually if it's uh run on it seemed like you had a lot of run on there it just um probably needed a three would i shouldn't have taken the three without to put the other driver in it's very honest obviously i want to set anything until afterwards so rick just a little bit shorter than mine if i get as much run i'm just up by the bunker there i think i just needed a three wood on it yeah three wood on it mind you i think you could have actually called that i don't think you've been too far away it's 18 degrees. So it comes out like a rocket but uh right so i'm going to go a little 58 are you going to try. And fly it or i'm just going to land it one bounce short. And then.

Just pop it off i think it will be quite slick once it lands on the green one bit into breeze it gives me a bit of a backstop yeah have you tagged yeah that's on it on it on it oh lovely little checky stop you on that a little bit too much almost no i didn't think it was going to stop quite that quick i like that sorry. For shouting out if you tagged it right had a real panic there a i'm not thinking about my golf anymore i'm just thinking about tagging into the bloody game so we can give great quality content with real stats we care we tag we care. So pete's just a little bit closer nice little pitch in here uh you obviously saw my man just stopped a little bit quicker than what i anticipated which gave me a half a chance anyway part five here um after yours i was going to make a lob wedge. But i think i'm just going to try. And land the sand wedge a little bit further on because you're stopped really quick it did i think in into the breeze helps. So guys if you're ever looking for spin because that spawn quickly needs to be some outside lying factors that the turf has got to be good the ball quality has got to be pretty decent soft cover the grooves have got to be clean and you've got to hit strike it ball and floor straight after okay pete clean his clubs clean his grooves. And kind of the green needs to be receptive enough to to allow for a bit of backspin as well into window is always helpful oh no damn it i was right i just underwritten. So that pete you look really close on camera but it's uh it's quite a bit it's about the same distance would we say you're probably a bit closer a little bit closer you had the line i just needed to do what i said just carry on it hit the front. And grabbed ah so rick just skimmed onto the front now i'm just a little bit closer there a little bit annoyed at that i've got to be honest but it still gives me a decent chance of a birdie and rick uh what your phrase is. So rick scott rick's got another straight put here these are really either straight. Or he's just been really lazy about reading i'm not really sure what it is. Yet back to back birdies back to viking birdies phrases phrases fraser we're all over here yeah right did you tag in first time yeah attacked i tagged i was if you'd have to replay that one had a real look around the hole. And dropped right pete um not quite as flat you can see the big hill over there. And everything kind of tapers down over here i just got lucky on that ridge so yeah yours it started to go that way. So i know it's going to be a little bit left to rise just have you tagged yeah yeah unless something else was vibrating in my pants saying yes i've attacked you've not brought that out with you have you thought you leave that you leave that in the car okay right come on roll the home people want to see birdies the only one drop oh too much a little bit too much tag sorry i know it's apparently the guys who created this said you get very much you get very used to after three rounds right oh still stays at level ricky shields goes one under five next.

Guys. So we're gonna i'm gonna keep hatless because i'm gonna stick with the sldr get three birds in a row everybody gonna stick with the sldr and uh got a nice little par five next.

And we'll see how so we're gone yeah you could go sergio this night mate. So rick back-to-back birdies moves him to one on the part and one ahead in the game golf challenge and mario wesley park attention right another par five uh dog the hole's kind of over there but it's a dog leg to the corner um i'm gonna stick with the sldr that performed so well in the last yeah absolutely uh the the hump in the middle you kind of want to be on that. And over that idea if you can see that on the camera yeah just my rig just step there it's pretty much along the line well just to the right of the car path where it's going to go see who's in this all whoa whoa whoa whoa hold up it should be down that left side of it wasn't the best that one matey wasn't the best where's my cap where's my thing 30 cat right oh that was a bit horrible. So what's what's around there is it just open up no it does get close to the trees. But it should be should be okay it does go that's an internal out of bounds actually. But it didn't go as left as that shave jamie didn't go more left right again i'm gonna have to try in it's not your shape this all is it come on turbs get in the game come on need a birdie oh that is smashed great golf shot well done sir smashed out the park there's no point in really zooming in because it's miles over that hill. So that one yeah great shot get a bit of a hook kind of off the tee followed it down a little bit lucky actually if it had caught that path he could have been in some real trouble. But he's still got a very difficult shot from there those kind of cornered trees are in his way. And then.

The flags all the way down there part five though adams again the adams scoop it around the corner go again if you can i'm not sure you can hear that wind with the uh the new mic we've got. But it's very very strong so it suits bricks and shape again this one if we can hook it around a bit look on in hook on in here right okay i think i was focused a little bit left near the green i think. So pete's a great shot here over the line that you wanted to hit on perfect shot um you can obviously i know pete's been showing you the hole. So you can see it right down there perfect lining um it's that's why we're running like oh is it not it's not great oh it's just downhill. So oh yeah sorry. So if i if i was to pan up if i was to go up on top of this hill from here to the path it's straight downhill. So you can see the path there in front from my where i'm stood all the way down to the path it's straight downhill. So he's got this will generally now lower the ball flight of the shot because it will slightly deal off the shot. So you know it three woods wouldn't be ideal because it deloft into like a two or maybe even a driver loft and i can kind of see a club in your hand that i didn't expect you to be hitting i'll be honest with you well with all that in mind look at it the one the one iron. So this obviously if you've seen pete hit this before it's his little uh little love stick um one iron out the rough down the hill into the green well all i'm thinking is with this wind i need to get it running now this is going to come out pretty low it's going to come out mega low right a little i think it'll come out a little bit of draw as well here i'm feeling it i'm gonna try. And get a bit low with this camera work oh it has come out low go up go go get up oh oh it's just run off that side bank there's nothing down there there's nothing down there from there pete that was a phenomenal effort i love this club i really do love it. So rick's ball he is not the easiest pitch i've ever seen in my life where was that dictate that every day yeah i'm quite elevated here i'm kind of looking down on rick's ball there he's got to go over kind of a hump on the green. And it looks like he's relatively undulating on that green i think he's uphill towards the pin there yeah looks like it approached uphill yeah where you going. For just landing on the front or 58 and land it hopefully just on the down slope of that hill let it kick slightly because it's been to breeze it should still check up i've got a generous slide yeah sounds like a plan i didn't expect it to go that way not as far right as that anyway hmm interesting it's giving me half a chance that's three birdies in a row that's where you've been hauling all your uh shots from yeah that range yeah. So pete after his uh very good one iron yeah happy with that yeah that one. So well uh from where he was right back there all the way up on that hairless a great shot um. So a little same same approach line as me but much shorter shot yeah well i know it's kind of going to go that way yeah you've learned a lot from that last chip that last picture mine gonna go left. And right just a little chip and run bump on with a wedge okay don't forget to zap i in to be a better ambassador. For this don't right little bump up there go on stick it stick it in nice and close i want to see a birdie this time lots of birds today.

Nicely red yeah nicely ready well done. So just a wee bit short a little bit short okay. But yeah they're both horrible. So rick with a not a bad pitch and he's left himself with now i'm going to hazard a guess how'd you are you reading this one not quite as straight as i thought oh really yeah it's just it's just a tiny bit off the right tiny bit off the right up the hill it's got to be aggressive with it. So he's got he's rocking the claw firming up the hill apparently this in spot this claw grip from rick inspired sergio's charge bridgestone rumor has it rumor has it go on channel sergio i want three in a row here this would be good because the next.

Few holes are. So good so tough it's gonna need disadvantage no no i honestly thought i was going to miss left then..

For a sec oh my it's a good effort though mate it's good after that tag yourself and tap it in i know this feels strange you know tagging yourself and for a two put you know one put shields as you now know right oh gutted i thought i really thought i had that then.

And anyway stays at uh one under um pete to go to one under yeah i've got a chance to pull this back needs to drop this one i think the next.

Three holes are just awesome hold down here at the marriott worsely. So i've had a lot of let's another left to right i've had a few of these today.

Tagged yeah in okay come on oh oh i thought i had that though i i proper thought you had that tap. And tap tag and tap tagging tag and tap tag and tap oh gusting all right guys so end of part two me and mr finch down here at the moment was the current scores one under. And level um i'd say we're checking out these this new uh gizmo device today.

Um. So we're looking forward to sharing some information with you you can check us out on our facebook. And our twitter pages so i'll put the links down here also guys don't be scared about subscribing down below um you can also subscribe to pete's channel please do we'll do some great content over the next.

Few months. So make sure you've subscribed to both of us guys if you're after the game golf products you can get it from uk. And uh you can keep track of your stats as well. And we'll carry on and we'll see in part three in the window just here see you soon guys.