So so far on my channel i've done some gimmick product testing things like the straight golf ball and the hammer driver the grooveless wedge tried all these things to see if there's any truth in them and sometimes there isn't sometimes it's not well i've been sent a wedge today.

And i can't quite decide at the moment whether this is another gimmick. Or whether it is a potential game changer [Music]. So if you're a long time viewer to my channel you'll know that around the greens and short game isn't my strong point and i'm always looking at ways to improve that now this is a club that intrigued me because it promises to be deadly from 50 yards. And in and that's again well weakest i've just unboxed it in the car and this is the wedge cutter golf i've never heard of this brand before because it only makes this one golf club it's almost like a starter company it's 120. So it's not like it's dirt cheap i'd expect some performance benefits from a wedge that cost that much it is unbelievably weirdly shaped like no wedge i've ever seen before the bottom of the golf club is more narrow then.

It goes up into more of a v-shape into the top the neck is more set back it's a bit ugly i'll tell you the truth. But what it's designed to do is design this bottom of the club to cut through the grass easier to make it easier around the green well let's find out if that is the truth okay i'm at the chipping green i'm going to try it on a few different shots there is one particular shot that i'm intrigued to know if this is going to work on. For me personally i hate a chip around the green off a tight lie it's my nemesis i will always grab a putter if i can. So i'm intrigued to know is that is this club gonna help me. For that shot let's find out i'm gonna start off with a bit more of a fluffy lie chip i'm at the chipping ring like i said there's no flags at the moment. But be able to work out how close i'm to the hole it's a nice lightweight it actually feels like a decent club the finish on it is quite good the logo at the back is a little bit kind of bold. But it's not too offensive let's uh let's see what it's like first on a on a normal fluffy light chip [Music] thanks for watching guys i think this works that was a pretty good start i felt good off the face let's see if it continues to impress [Music] i mean that's three shots in. And they're all pretty close to the hole a couple of things after hitting the first few the grip doesn't feel the best it feels a little bit kind of cheaper it's not a named brand chef's all right like it feels just like a normal standard steel shaft don't really need probably not much more on a shot like this feels good so far [Music] so that last one was the worst one. And that's kind of how far it finished not horrendous you know what i'm intrigued about even the shape can i flick it up oh yeah the face looks massive it's got 56 degrees aloft. But the face does look massive almost from an angle looks more like a driver face shape. And then.

We've got two gimmies they're good i think. And then.

Three pretty close as well first test i'm impressed with let's try a few more different shots i did like how the bottom of the golf club did cut through that kind of little fluffy lie that's not a bad shot to start off with right because there's no flags in the moment i'm gonna put my wedge in the hole. So we can actually see where it finishes [Music] okay next.

Shot i'm going to try it in a bunker now normally i'm pretty good in the bunker because i can just shove the club into the ground behind the ball. And it'll pop out i'll use like a 56 or a 60 degree wedge i don't feel i've only got a short bunk shot here but i don't feel like i need to open up the wedge and it and when i do i actually really don't like the shape of the wedge. So is this club gonna help me. Or hinder me on a shot that i actually quite like let's see [Music] [Music] okay. So at the bunker these four look pretty good i'd be impressed with those they all felt good off the face i hit one medium shot so that's five but you might have known i took six balls into that bunker um one of them didn't particularly go to plan one of them i thinned it still caught the back edge of the green but i thinned it out the one thing i kept looking at when i was looking at that golf club in the sand it almost looks more like a spade you know when you've got those spades that have like a a pointy edge. For whatever reason it felt to me like i was going to dig that club too much into the ground. Or into the sand they're pretty good though i'm still decent out of bunkers with it let's try it on a longer shot next.

Let's see how it performs on like let's say a 30-yard shot which again isn't my favorite shot hi guys it's only me just a quick one if you're enjoying this video be sure to hit that like button and also make sure you are subscribed to the youtube channel getting close to a million subscribers it's free to do make sure you hit that subscribe button okay let's get straight back to the video. So six shots six different lives from 30 yards some that are horrible. And buried let's see how the wedge does from these lies because apparently again that's where it's strongest the way it cuts through gotta be honest. So far the little chip shots on the bunker shots it's done well can it continue that form [Music] okay six shots hit from awful wise they're in the rough from 30 yards five are on the green pretty impressive one of them is 10 yards in front of me that was the worst lie i found the club. For that one i thought well i just tried to dig into it a bit too much but it seemed to get a bit more stuck in the ground and that's not really what i thought this wedge would do however. the five shots the ones that were all. And again scrappy little lies check these shots out there i take those every day i'd certainly take these kind of front three here they all stop pretty quick out that rough they got some decent spin on them two that are just slightly long. But nothing i would complain about the next.

Challenge i've got for it because it is a 56 degree wedge can i hit some full shots with it the more i'm using this the more i'm liking it i'm gonna hit some full shots. And we've still got that final test to go that tight lie my nemesis a shot i hate is it gonna do any good on that let's hit some full shots first [Music] [Music]. So far i've hit five decent ones what is interesting can i look at this the divot pattern is just ever. So slightly different it is more triangular shaped i've hit all five shots in that pattern it feel don't feel quite as squared off. Or boxed off and i suppose that is down to the bottom of the golf club shape five decent ones. So far let's see if we can get this sixth one super close [Music] on a bit short the last one was short. And spun like crazy it's got me thinking so far like the shots i've hit have been good the short shots around the green the bunker shots the 30 yard shots the full shot they've all done what i've expected if not slightly better it's getting me thinking more and more and i started this video as it a gimmick or a game changer i mean it could potentially be a bit of a game changer i think the biggest challenge certainly. For me is something like this the shape of it what i feel is confident putting it in the bag i'm not sure. Yet depends how it it really does defend how it does on those short shots around the green let's go. And find out and i've definitely got to compare it to my wedge as well so this is the shot in question the nemesis shot the tight lie from around the green i can't be honest i absolutely hate this shot i would without question get a putter from here every day. And it's not a bad shot to play but i would love to be able to chip it what i find with a traditional wedge is i find i do what this wedge claims it doesn't do i find that i dig into the ground too much i'll thin it i'll fat it that leading edge just digs i don't particularly get the bounce working as well as i should one trick i have developed over the years. And it's mad that i've been talking about it with this wedge is that i will put the toe in the ground i'll use the toe as a way of getting the club not to dig in the ground as much. And that's effective i quite like that technique well this club this triangular shape golf club the cutter wedge is doing that. For me so we're gonna do a very simple test three shots of each we'll alter alternate. And see which ones get closest and i'm not gonna cheat it with this wedge i'm not gonna do it toe up like i would do normally i'm gonna play it flat on the ground like i should do let's go with uh let's go with traditional wedge first the flagship the hole's just a few feet on the green you won't quite be able to make it out. But let's uh let's see how i get on from this nemesis shot makes my knees knock a shot like this oh that was all right grabbed a bit. But it was okay. For the first shot okay cutter wedge it's giving me confidence i've tested it. So far in the review i like that how the bottom of the club can it goes down into the ground let's see what it's like on this shot [Music]. So far one nil to the cutter wedge let's go round two ah oh [Music] it's not bad for the third shot with the traditional wedge so far it's won all in the little challenge the second shot with both wedges was poor ended up catching them a bit too thin this is it can the cutter wedge take it on this final shot [Laughter] no it didn't i still managed to thin it it's an interesting wedge i've talked about the starts video is it gimmick. Or game changing some part of me feels like it can be game-changing i i like the idea of the wedge results show there that i'm actually better off with my traditional wedge which is very interesting one thing that would definitely make me question a wedge like this is could i put it in the bag would i be able to get past my professional ego. And put a wedge like this in the bag i'm not totally sure i am going back to that question is the gimmick. Or game changer i would put it in the bracket of game changer thanks for watching we'll see you next.
