Hi guys so we are now in the home improvement golf tips series. And this is a fantastic tip to help you improve when either you can't get outside. And practice but it's going to help you get better even when you're just at home you need balance pads in some description now you don't need these particular balance pads you could use pillows. Or you could even use your bed ask the responsible adult's permission to do that first just something that's going to kind of put you a little bit off balance. And the idea is that you're going to try. And swing while stood on these not hitting a golf ball obviously these are all home improvements tips that you can do at home. But trying to work your micro muscles in your legs in your core and your body to try and stabilize your swing so you want both of these pads about shoulder width apart you can use a golf club. But you don't really even need a golf club you can almost just swing without a golf club. But while i've got it here i might as well use it you're trying to hold your balance trying to get yourself stable and the idea is to swing. And you can do it in slow motion almost try. And swing maintaining your balance throughout then.

Do it a little bit faster. And do it a little bit faster now i'm making this look incredibly easy. But you might find that it's quite tricky to do at first. So i mean i can feel it already in my feet i can feel all the movements i want you to also guys tag me. And twitter using diy golf tips i want to see your pictures of you doing this drill i'll retweet the best ones so it's at rickshields pga and tag me with diy golf tips i want to see if you can do these movements then.

Kick these away. So your pillows or stand off the bed or stand if you've got these brilliant and then.

Honestly when you stand on the floor it feels like you're wearing lead boots it feels amazing so straight away now i feel like i can really feel the connection to the floor i'm swinging full. And it's all about the balance and those micro muscles in my legs in my core in my body know how to stabilize my swing now so i would practice that daily if you have balance issues in your golf swing this is a fantastic way to improve while at home. So when you next.

Go down to driving range when you net scout on the golf course your swing will be more balanced creating more power. And you'll hit the ball better guys do check out also my other home improvement golf tips series i've got a range of tips to help you get better while you're at home don't forget to tag me diy golf tips on twitter. And i'll retweet the best ones thanks for watching guys do subscribe comment down below let us know what you think about the balancing balancing pads to help you play better thanks. For watching guys.