All right guys so this now winter driving range video is all about ball position. And where it should be for the individual because ball position is important it's incredibly important in fact. But it is very very dependent on the individual's golf swing of where the ball position should be. So my ball position might be different to yours might be different so threads might be different so bet is our ball positions might be different because the way we actually swing the golf club. Or the way that we navigate the middle of our swing because we'll talk about that so for me i'm a big believer that the bottom of your golf swing sits below your sternum so below the middle of your swing is where the bottom of your swing arc sits now. For an iron we want the bottom of the swing arc to be to the left of the ball at contact and with the drive we want the bottom of the swing to be slightly behind the golf ball at contact and this is why the ball position changes now then.

That also varies on what swing you do. So your swing might be more outside there for more steep more inside there for more shallow so your ball position might vary slightly independence to that so do seek you know a lesson advice. But i'm going to give you a rough idea of where your ball position should be in this video. And how you can practice it during the driving range. So i've got three clubs set up here at the moment i've got my pitching wedge which is positioned pretty much smack bang in the middle of my stance. So currently my sternum sits directly over the top of that golf ball because during my downswing my sternum will slightly move to the left like it should do. And i'm i would be hitting beyond the golf ball that's why my ball position wants to be there with a seven iron now the ball position is just in front of my sternum only slight because the extra power the more i'm going to be moving to the left. And again i'm going to strike beyond the golf ball with my seven iron. But only because my sternum has actually moved to the left now with the driver my sternum is behind. And i kind of want to keep it a little bit behind anyway i slightly move to the left but at the moment of contact my sternum still behind the golf ball meaning that i hit up on the ball so driver wants to be hit up therefore. the ball position goes forward now it depends you might come over the top and hit down on the ball therefore. you might want your ball position even further forward or you might hit too much from the inside and you might want your ball position a bit further back but that's tail you know that's individual to you guys but generally the ball position wants to be in front of your sternum for a driver wants to be slightly in front of your sternum for a mid iron and getting slightly closer to your left foot as you as you move up and in the middle of your sternum for a wedge because the fact that the body weight is going to be moving to the left will change the way that these three golf clubs are going to hit the golf ball in relation to the bottom of their golf swings if that makes sense. So let's go pitching wedge first so like i said before the bottom of my golf swing is straight over the top of my sternum. But as i hit the golf shot my sternum will move to the left. And i'm going to hit beyond the golf ball correctly with a with a wedge. So as i move the body weight to the left i'm striking the ball first and then.

The floor immediately after now if i had the ball position too far back and moved to the left where i would hit a dreadful shot because i would have been hitting far too forward of the golf ball or swing faults might creep in and i might start to lean backwards and try and scoop the ball up in the air with a seven iron the ball this time is just in front of center because again the extra power generated from the golf swing will get me moving to the left therefore. keep the middle of my sternum hitting beyond the golf ball exactly like it should be doing therefore. i'm going to hit the ball first. And the floor after each time i'm moving my body weight to the left to guarantee that quality of strike driver is ever. So slightly different and i've done videos on this before iron versus driver swings irons are very much downward driver can be a little bit more upwards not a great deal not hugely upwards into the ball. But that's why the ball position goes more inside the left foot or in front of the sternum because as i hit my body weight is a little bit further back i'm gonna be hitting up on the golf ball as opposed to down therefore. if i had the ball position too central the club would start to be hitting down guys that is a very simple explanation about ball position the importance of it. And why we change it and how different swings can alter different ball positions if you are outside. And over the top you probably prefer a ball position that's further back if you are inside sorry further forward because you'll be over the top. And hitting steep you'd want it further forward or third inside you might want the ball position slightly further back to help guarantee the strike that's an individual trait to yourselves if you're just looking for a summary ball position that's pretty much it in the simplest way i can explain guys thanks. So much for watching if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do comment down below do you keep your ball position there. Or do you play it slightly different i'd love to hear your thoughts do subscribe do like. And join me next.

Time from our next.

Winter series on how to make you better through the winter cold months it's raining outside awfully thanks for watching guys.