Hi my name is rick shields down here at traffic golf centre in manchester. And today.

I'm going to give you a really simple way to chip better more efficiently um this is just a simple way of using the bottom of the golf club to your kind of advantage really using the bounce angle a little bit more um i see a lot of golfers coming to me. And i said okay we'll play a chip shot from in the balls right back in this dance they lean forward. And they slam down into the back of the golf ball now of yesteryear that might have been all right but now technology has advanced it's moved on and the bounce the bottom of the golf club the angle here at the bottom now helps us it doesn't we don't need to kind of dig down into the golf ball as much we can allow the club to come in a little slightly more shallow. And let that bottom edge of the club certainly the back edge of the club bounce off the surface yet still remain in the same loft as we hit it into the shot so i'm going to teach you today.

A really simple way of chipping next.

Time if you do struggle with your chipping is instead of going. So far back in your stance play it pretty much in the middle of your stance so i've got a 50 degree here my gap wedge my score gap wrench right in the middle of your stance at set up you can just slightly impart about 55 of weight in your left foot don't go silly with it just a little bit of weight in that left foot now the idea of this now is when you chip i want you to use the back edge of the golf club to brush the floor with. So as you chip it just like the back edge just graze along the floor and you can see there the club is not once digging in if i was to use the front edge the club digs. And grabs spits up a lot more water off this map so i'm going to go. For that middle flag ball in the middle of my stance i'm going to use the back edge of the golf club. And just kind of bump it on there and let's give it a bit of a chance of going in let's give it another go. But you can see there how i'm not descending into the back of the golf ball it's more of a clip off the top of the surface a much shallower angle if you practice chipping you shouldn't really take too many divots get in oh really close. So next.

Time you chip use the back edge of the golf club a lot more play it more from the neutral position in your stance and come into the golf shot a much shallower angle not as back and downward hitting let the club come in nice and shallow and use the back edge of the golf club just to graze the floor as you hit it guys thanks so much for watching my name has been rick shields down at traffic golf center in manchester you can check me out on twitter. And facebook do subscribe to the channel the more subscribers i get the more videos i'll do thanks. So much for watching you.