Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at trafford gold central manchester. And today.

I'm just gonna do a really silly video to help you do exactly what i was just doing to do keep your ups um you see a lot of players practicing this um you know what it sounds daft. But i do feel like it gives you some level of hand-eye coordination. And gets you to feel the golf ball so much better if you can actually do it i know it sounds like a stupid thing you might not be bothered about this video. But if you are. And you want to do it keep watching i'll give you a few tips of how you can do it first off you need one of your most lofty golf clubs i've got my sand wedge here you can use a lob wedge sand wedge. And you want to try and get the face as flat as you possibly can. So i'd slightly grip down on the golf club to help control it and you want to get it as flat as resting a cup on it or a glass on it you know i want you to keep it that flat so that if you do turn it it's not going to fall off that's keeping super flat it's going to really help you be able to keep a flat surface when you're bouncing on there. And then.

From there you just need to practice try and do one. Or two first for the best way at first if you keep it nice and flat like say you've got a glass on just drop it on the face have a few little practice go see if you can get as many as you can try. And get up to 10 first then.

You can advance it by keeping on the floor resting up against your foot sliding that club underneath. And giving it another go so you can have another go at that. And then.

If you can get really advanced you can start to try. And flick it up without using any aids at all and that way it's going to give you some real good skill hand-eye coordination then.

You can start showboating. So once you can do that consistently 10 times 20 times whatever you want to do i feel like i could do it almost forever watch me mess up now. But then.

Start to advance it you can start to go under the leg you can start to go under the leg i'm gonna keep that just to get some funny reactions keep it under the leg you can bounce it about you can try. And go back through again try it on the both legs and keep doing it practicing getting better and better and better i'm going to try this one this is a bold move on cam i'm going to try. And catch it behind my neck he's done it oh he's lost the ball though i caught it on my neck but guys you can practice that. And honestly it does give you some decent level of hand-eye coordination. And if you can balance it on the club that's another little good one as well there's loads of different tricks you can do. And then.

I'll do the range ball. So i don't mess things up hopefully they don't smash the camera if you get really good you can try. And hit it on the volley oh i need to practice that a bit more guys thanks for watching if you've enjoyed this video like i said it's just a bit of a daft one i've just done some filming. So this was the last kind of five minutes let's do something daft trying to do some keep you up see how many you can do if you've got some great tricks please do send it to me i'd love to show get some interaction from you guys send me as many tricks as you can do. And i might do even do a little bit of a montage if i get enough clips i'm gonna try this one more time hitting it on the volley oh next.

Time guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed this daf silly video give it a thumbs up you're not to be here all day now doing this give it a thumbs up please do subscribe to the channel more subscribe to get the more videos hopefully informative videos i'll do yes it's got a bit left. But i hit it guys thanks so much for watching.