Hi guys my name is down here at trafford golf central manchester. And i'm in my gym gear because we've got another fitness session we've got steve lane see lane is from summit physio. And he's going to be doing the screening with me today.

Right good to see you good steve's going to do a series of screens you want to call it test test looking at analyzing movement basically. And this is going to be in conjunction with my work that i've been doing with barry edwards barry edwards at swing fit uk. So if you've not seen any of those videos yet click on the link up here you can check out my first video where i've got my white paleo shorts out you can legs out. And you can have a look at that. But today.

Is going to be a screening of how physically i move in my golf swing. And how we can improve that yeah. So the the golf matrix the gold tree that we're doing today.

Has been designed by the guys at performance matrix okay um you can check them their website out below. And now the screening looks at analyzing movement and it's actually analyzing if we can control certain movements yeah that's related to the goal stream yeah. So all the ten tests yeah okay are goal specific okay okay perfect. So myself and andy has good down at summit physio and we've been carrying out the screening for the past sort of three to four months maybe doing it some top players haven't yet yeah yeah of course yeah we've been doing it with some top amateur. And professional golfers now now the golf matrix is something that's quite new to the world of golf really um. But already over the past three twelve months we've seen some really good reviews yeah it's really good. So let's say steve's got this golf matrix which is designed to completely screen head to toe pretty much yeah yeah head to toe fuller. And it's basically looking at moving a body part and can you keep the other area still okay. So that sounds good so what we're going to do is we're going to do the screening. But we're going to film a couple of them because i believe it's copyrighted yes it is. So we can't show all 10. so if you want to find out more information you've got to go and check the out and check out the website but we're going to film we're going to do the 10. And show the results at the end of this video it also gives me a score out of 50 and the lower the score the better yeah lower the better. So it's almost like a handicap for you for your bodybuilder for your golf body um we're going to explain the results we're then.

Going to also talk about what we need to do to fix any issues that i may have yeah we like to call them weak links okay. So if we fail something yeah we look at turning the weakness into a strength that sounds good. So stay tuned guys and we'll do a couple of tests. And we'll get them on video so you can see what what it's about right. So we're going to do the first two tests on video now um a bit nervous yeah a bit scared i've just not been you know actually screened i know i've had the session with barry recently. And they put me through my paces but i don't know what my weaknesses are everybody i know i've got some swing fall. So hopefully that can link with this yeah is that the job is that the idea that's the aim yeah yeah we're looking at linking the faults. So obviously the way that you move and then.

That obviously has a direct impact on the way these women go perfect right first of all okay. So we're gonna first come and stand okay feet hip width apart okay. So stand fit here yeah from there okay you're gonna take your knees over your toes get good. And then.

You need to take the weight onto one side so you're going to come onto one leg good now you're going to bring your arms across your chest okay. And we're going to stand nice. And upright perfect now in that position there i'm going to actually just do a small knee bend. So you're just going to bend down. And back up bend down and back up now we're going to do this four times now we're testing rick's balance here. And we're seeing what happens at the knee as he bends up and down as he flexes and extends the knee we're aiming for rick to keep his knee over his second toe which as you can see he's just dropping in ever. So slightly now i know i have that thought as a swing anyway my knees do come inward okay now that's due to poor control around the hip area. And in particular i'm also called glute meat okay come on perfect. So you're gonna do that again. For me put the side yeah okay okay. And then.

Hold it in a small knee pen position and then.

From there you're gonna turn your body what you're going to turn with your hips as well. So the hip and body it's going to turn as a block just to 30 degrees okay. So come back here it's almost in terms of what you're going to turn this there. And then.

Come back good so you your shoulders and your hips want to turn the block so do it again. For me but you're looking at trying to keep your knee in line with your tongue as you can see rick's knee wants to drop in as he rotates his body okay do one more. For me okay i'm back to the middle okay. So if i demonstrate yeah okay you're just turning a little bit too much with your shoulders okay. So small knee bend from there trying to stand upright because you just want to draw forward in your hips which means you've got tight hip flexors so try and stay upright and then.

From there you're just going to turn to 30 degrees as a block. So you're not turning too much with your shoulders you're just turning shoulders and hips together we're keeping the knee over the toe and then.

You're going to come back together. So we're talking golf sets i need to be a bit open yes it's a little bit open. So you should have just said that steve i'm a golfer you know that stand a little right. For me rick yeah yeah. And then.

You're just going to turn this way come back to the middle. And again turn a little bit more your hips for me rick good and then.

Come back to the middle okay. And one more time keep head facing forward good back to the middle perfect okay okay second test yes okay now what we're going to do if i demonstrate in the camera yeah go. For it okay small knee then..

Yet again okay arm up elbow 90 degrees okay now from there what we're going to look at doing okay is we're going to turn the chest. And the arm but we're going to again keep our pelvis facing forward. And our head facing forward from that we're going to rotate the shoulder to 90 degrees in lateral rotation we're going to come back to the middle. And then.

We're going to try. And get you to 60 degrees of medial rotation without this shoulder moving forward okay. And you're you're all the time that i'm doing this are you spotting areas in your mouth yeah. So all these ten tests yeah okay look at analyzing multi-joint function. So we're basically i'm testing i'm looking at your foot i'm looking at the knee i'm looking at the hips i'm looking at the shoulder yeah i'm looking at everything in each test that can all influence the goal strength yeah exactly when you swing the golf club you move the body as a whole you don't just move the shoulder the hip everything moves together. And we're looking at can you control all those movements. So let's start you're in the good position first perfect okay. And then.

You're gonna rotate your upper body but keep your head and your hips facing forward yep good and then.

From there yeah cool it's that's easy right that one's okay yeah that's nice 90 degrees no problem. And then.

We're going to go down. So we're quite blocked then.

We can only get to sort of 40 degrees. And we can feel our shoulder lifts forward. So that should be further down yeah we won't count i can't go. And that's blocked because this lifts forward okay. So i'm alright that way yeah that's good. And from here try and realize drawing through here squeeze in so you don't like that no i can't do any further than that yeah. So try this aside yeah. So i'm trying to get you to pass all these tests we want you to pass in okay. But if you physically can't do something we know that it's a true fail if it's just a learning if we just need to teach the brain yeah to do a new movement yeah then.

It's a pass. So let's just stand a little bit right get your shoulder up nice and high good facing which way so you're facing forward your hips and head are gonna face forward you're gonna turn your upper body. So turn your shoulders and your arm good okay then.

From there you're going to rotate laterally to 90 degrees which is good it's the same on both sides. And then.

We're going to go in then.

We're going to drop down into meter rotation. So yeah again you can see right block there at 45 ago 45 years. Yet in golfers okay they need 60 degrees of medial rotation. And that's controlled medial rotation without the shoulder when the funeral joint treating forward okay. So good up looks no good down yeah okay. So are those two tests yeah those are two tests. So as you can see we're analyzing multi-joint function you were good in some areas yeah. But then.

You failed other areas trust me trust me so what we're gonna do guys we're gonna do the eight more tests like say. For copyright reasons we cannot show all ten tests otherwise you'll just be stealing them and taking them for your own so this is secret stuff. So i'm gonna do next.

Eight tests on on with that video. And then.

Join us in a second where steve's going to explain the results of how well i've done the legacy i want to get his lower score to zero out 50 as i said the lower the score the better okay superb. So stay tuned and we'll have a look at what the results say all right guys so we've got the results in this is the performance matrix uh this is the report that prints off in today.

Yes this is the report that you get straight away after the test. So we put this into an algorithm yeah okay which then.

Produces a score out of 50. okay. So let's see what score we get rick 16 out of 50. not bad not bad at all yeah that's good what's a decent score anything below 20 on your first screen we were classed as a respectable score okay. So that's like a handicap system isn't it really yeah. So you're looking for the lower the score the better okay. So i'm going to be doing handicap yeah that's good aiming to get to zero that's about right. For my course videos as well can i start using that steve says right steve says half high off 16. okay. So going through the report now okay as you can see there's a traffic light system we've got high risk areas which flag up in red we've got low risk areas which flag up in amber. And then.

We've got assets which flag up in green okay now it breaks the results down into low threshold. And high threshold okay. So if we're looking at low threshold first we can see that our hips yeah they're a high risk area in particular hip flexion which is this forward movement okay of the hip okay. And also hip medial rotation now from the first test that we filmed okay as rick was rotating you saw nick rick's knee dropping yeah okay which is what i do in my golf i know that yeah. So that's obvious that's shown up in the report here okay on both sides your left. And your right now that's due to a weakness or lack of strength in the glute muscle and in particular glute mead okay. So we need to look at correcting that and this is where we're linking with barrier at swing fit uk yeah okay. So that's the work i've been doing on my uh strength and conditioning with barry edwards and you you work well with him so we we worked together myself and barry and i send this report over to barrett and we myself and him sit down and speak about the results and then.

He can then.

Tailor the strength. And conditioning program to each individual need so we can make it really specific to each goal. For our athletes and this is where barry. And steve have come up with the program of the the tour pro program because this is designed very very tailored um kind of assessment of not only your game physic technically. But also physically and strength wise as well yeah yeah almost i put the foundation blocks in make sure that you're moving correctly make sure you've got the control of the movement there. And then.

What barry does is barry adds the strength. And the speed and the power in there catch is obviously very important in the golf swing. So looking at the high threshold results we can see we've got a few more high-risk areas there. And yet again i mean we're looking at our hips. And our lower back so our shoulders are pretty good. But we've got quite a few areas in that hip and that lower back region that we do need to work on okay which can be worked on by a number of exercises. And control it but at least we've got we've got things to aim for oh yeah yeah we've got a number of areas to work on all in all i would say screening plenty of faults yeah play what we call weak links. But as as we work on these what you will find is these high risk areas they will move into assets okay. So you're going to look at shifting them across the board you're going to turn say the hips from a high risk you're going to turn that from red into a green you're going to turn that into an asset sounds good. So they're my they're my biggest things so you get you get a report like this and then.

We can pass that over to barry linked with yourself. And see a massive improvement in my hips in making sure that my uh is around my knees did you say in the lower back yeah your pelvis yeah it's all interlinked really because you fail your rotation in your pelvis what then.

That has then.

There's a knock-on effect on the knees okay. So if you're rotating too much through your pelvis if you're not able to control your lower back and your pelvis your knees going to want to drop in which you know you do in your golf swing of course yeah. So guys that was my screening there with uh stephen late thanks very much. For that honestly no worries appreciated it steve's also a fantastic golfer as well. So he knows about the golf swing so it's not this is not a physio guy who doesn't know much about this game as well. So it's important that there is that link between golf. And the the physical attributes as well because steve can understand it really nicely as well don't forget guys go. And check stay out on his facebook and his twitter page i'll put it all down here go and check those guys out very very good this is the only place that you can you can actually only go to a performance matrix would you say screener to get this yeah yeah yeah. So we we are we're using the performance matrix screening. And myself and under the summit physio so this is not something you just do online you have to go. And see someone oh yes yeah you have to come. And see us down at the clinic um if you'd like any more more information like you say then.

Check us out on our website check us out on our twitter and we'll even put the email address on there if anyone wants to send any emails over us then.

Fire those over straight away so guys like say we're going to now use that information to pass on to barry edwards when i'm doing my swing fit training. And look at how we can improve them we're going to screen this dragon in another how many weeks um eight to 12 weeks what we're going to do is we're going to put some exercises together. For you that obviously you're going to then.

Work with barry. And you work with myself and then.

We re-screen you about 8-12 weeks what would be a good handicap target to aim for what are we aiming. For there ten ten so i wanna because it's a single figure yeah let's get you let's try. And get your single figure single figure nine to ten is realistic i'd say guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up likes that was my personalized screening. For myself i wanted to share it with you guys online as well do subscribe to my channel by clicking the link down here. And also you can check out my next.

Um session with barry in the window just next.

Door. So let's go and check all those things out and then.

We're going to see how how all this can help me improve my golf. And show you that it's not just technical this game it is a lot about what you do in your body. And how you become stronger and fitter to perform at your highest level guys thanks for watching my name has been rickshaws down at trafford golf center in manchester down here with steven lane working on some really good stuff um on what we've covered today.

Thanks very much. For watching and i look forward to getting this handicap down yeah.