In this video i'm taking on two 16 handicapped golfers in a five-hole scratch match now tubes and ange are brothers they have a youtube channel they make some really fun. And cool content go and check them out now to make this match fair they are going to play texas scramble where they hit both the tee shots choose the best ball. And then.

Both hit from there and they continue that process until they finish the hole i'm just going to play my golf ball off scratch five holes marriott worthy park let's see who wins this me golf pro. Or two sixteen handicapped golfers 144 yards i'm gonna hit pitching red to start things off slightly down breeze it's very very safe gentlemen very very shocked i'll stick mine next.

To you now a lot of them just wanted to keep it in play i like your tactics [Applause] right so just to be clear that means now that they've got two chances for birdie from that spot where i've only got the one this could be a very interesting match they have a great shot in there right best pal pass some pressure on gave it a chance i gave it a little chance though so i've got two chances from here for birdie i'm the first hole please like subscribe we're off who thought this was going to be a good idea right hey look at these lads they just come along pretending he's a 16 handicapper second hole we're playing par four down the hill sweep to the left look at this are you having a lot 16. did i get a certificate before i want a handicap certificate before this match i haven't put the new world one in. Yet oh but your brother's got your back in my ball yeah that was no mercy yeah you've got your brother's back up [Music]. And that's why i'm a 16. [Laughter] okay over to me okay very disappointing second shot hit about three inches behind the ball i think that counts yeah i think that i think that went in second bounce it dropped in the hole. And bounced back out and kind of run about six foot seven foot past well not as bad as i pull it no yeah [Music] oh oh oh my god. So i've now got to hold this for par and i obviously get the one attempt the lads they've got a just outside gimme range but they've got two chances from there so this really does need to drop oh no right angela we're using your ball. But can i go first confidently yeah just the confidence to start because i haven't i haven't contributed one bit with two holes. Yet i've visualized it it's going in right. So you can take my ball yep about a meter because you're gonna get it right here [Music] i didn't expect such a good match. So far i'm not gonna lie lads are one on the par i mean i've granted one over now they're two up i need to win this hole to keep the match alive that is safe now right it's not bad similar line to your brother just a fraction further right which should be good [Music] here we go it's cash second shot 140 away it might be on the green long pretty strong came out feel like i've really got a stiff on here now today's not been my wedge day until now until now until now times are changing i think i'm playing with someone else's wedges today.

A little bit more just amazing give me give me a man after midnight yeah that's it okay the dales have this birdie port to actually win the match. But the advantage of both of them going they're not going to make the mistake the same mistake twice that's a lovely speed beautiful well that's your par. And you've got this to win the match that's it oh that looks so good for so long it's par two down two to play the one on the par collectively and one over par so i deserve to be losing definitely brilliant really perfect perfect well done okay thank you yeah okay. So ann just struggled with his driver so we did a video on that chant before i gave him some tips the size of this head scares me embracing i've got that on top of my shoulders embracing it oh i'm not far off you're just getting the face turning a bit quick look at him in it's all right it's all right [Music] right i need to get up. And down here fellas come on [Music] this has all been used so far on this old tube yeah you're not the center you win the match pace yeah it's a nice pack lovely part lovely part okay this needs to drop in to take it down the last to give me a fighting chance oh [Music] [Applause] lovely stuff here we go right i've got to say i'm absolutely buzzing with our combined performance yeah i'm amazed you played as a team you stepped up. So to answer the question can 216 handicappers play in texas scramble beat a golf pro yes they can last hole 18th hole double quits. For lunch gentlemen after you par five straight down fuller on choose finish with a good drive it should be okay yeah yeah you kind of hit him into the spaces the best misses you could possibly find i'll tell you how to that's one well now you've won the match look what happened even i've been getting out of it [Laughter] right this is going to be an out to win yeah little cutter cut the law [Music] i mean i called it. And it happened so i'm happy it's larry that's me it's very nice that's me that's me retiring for the day i'm gonna train you've been talking about feather three in there [Music] that is honestly the best live goals i've ever seen delightful yeah this is. For birdie just a bit more juice all right guys hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did smash like make sure you subscribe to the channel. And jump over to tubes and golf life youtube channel do some really fun stuff have some great gaston don't you absolutely yeah we've had some uh beauties on including yours truly coming soon rick shields on tuesday goldfly now to finish this video off in style i've got this port. For an eagle pathetic pathetic but it is [Laughter]. And we'll see you next.
