So on this channel i've had some amazing guests tour pros including tommy fleetwood carly boo the many more we've also had some mega interesting guests like tor paul the world's tallest golfer but today.

We've got one of the most excited the most energetic guests we've ever had on the channel [Music] this man leo bonnie face seven years old plays off 19 handicap. And today.

[laughter] today.

We are going to have a challenge out on the golf course we've got loads of stuff planned this is going to be. So much fun are you looking forward to this yeah you're going to beat me yeah yeah you think you're going to beat me yeah let's find out stay tuned this is going to be one epic video how far do you eat it how about our honey 152 yards are you playing off the reds yeah okay plus the reds give me an excuse from it i'm a golf pro you're a seven year old playing off 19 a shot hole. But there's one final catch and the last hole that we play we swap clubs so i play with your clubs and you play with mine okay first hole leo anywhere up the left is fine. But i'm only expecting fairway from you oh yes that is perfect that good shot yeah that was really good that sounded. So good oh it's gone left leo that might be in trouble so good tea shot there from leo in the middle of the fairway he's going driver off the deck everybody nice hits that's gonna be perfect is that an easy shot. For you yeah who's your favorite player leo who's your favorite golfer tiger woods. And rory mcelroy and ricky fowler and the boo and the beef you like him and you and me yeah oh wow that might be the best endorsement ever i'm done with that that's awesome thanks leo you're welcome i used my free wood here [Music] i'm gonna have to chip out my sandwich is that okay yeah oh a bit short you just look like a mini tour player 41 yards this is a full nine eye on this one leo yeah yeah okay what are golf swing oh strike spin oh he did get a little bit of backspin that was nice did you like that shot yeah kind of kind of right um. So we got to the putting green and we bought both got similar length ports for the same net score you just been steady on this whole i've been everywhere show everyone your putter by the way leo look at that he's got a little scotty cameron hey how good is that oh no that was a bit soft am i putting a marker on it oh yeah yeah okay i've got a long part downhill slightly right okay. So it's gonna move a little bit to the right yeah i like that i think you can almost aim towards my tpeg one port wins the hole all right move too much it's a good port we're quite close in distance you wanna go you want me to go yeah sure that was a a very scrappy five. So this is. For a six net five to halve the hole this kid doesn't miss he does not miss right all square after one let's get on to the second hole good work square my little friends i'll square my little friend second hole i'm gonna put the yellows this time leo's gonna fly off the red. So i'm still gonna give him a shot on this hole right let's see what we can do try. And hit a better driveway leo yeah dead strike that's more like it that was a really good drive. And i've really got a chance of beating you oh leo that's so good that is. So straight well done pal thanks do you find golf easy leo kind of kind of yeah that shot made it look very easy are you better than your dad yeah of course he plays off 20. you're one shot better now right how do you feel about that son that beats me yeah i feel great wow hey have you got any celebration removed when you hit a good shot [Laughter] that is good i like that this is lester leo's dad. And like you just seem to let him pick what clubs he wants to hear and you don't guide him too much yeah let him make his own choices. And then.

If it's the wrong club it's his mistake then.

He can't blame me for it and when did he get into how old was he when he got into it uh he started playing when he was three just up range. But then.

He played his first nine holes when he was four wow. And you've traveled the world playing golf at loads of different places now there's a wasp on me there's not as though let's go hello have you traveled the world playing golf at different places now yeah yeah where have you been san diego. And manchester [Music] we're gonna hit from this location leo and pitching wedge okay [Music] oh that is beautiful bit of backspin oh nice it ran on a little bit that's not bad it might come back down the hill that's a that's a nice golf shot. And listen i'd be over the moon with that that's a nice shot well done leo spin back oh not next.

To you in fact i'm further away than a seven-year-old is from that range well done rick nice shot leo all right leo this is gonna be a bit of a fast one down this hill i'm really good at down here i like the confidence you got it you've got to admire the confidence well i'm not. So good from downhill puts so we'll see what happens run the same amount of shots now don't say that because you because you won't do a good job you know what that's a very very good point leo i need to think positively don't i yeah. So i need to think i am good from here yeah i am going to get it in. And then.

That happens oh it just moved off at the last minute that was a shame am i marking this leo uh yeah you can i am marking that okay. So here we have leo bunny face for par on the second hole for a net birdie and to win the hole oh and it hit my hit my team back tap it in my friend [Music] for a bogey net par easy [Music] is it give me leo. Or am i holding this or you can hold it i can hold it okay do your setup all square after two on to the next.

Now leo gets two shots on the next.

Because it's the hardest hole guys if you want to see more of leo what should they do follow me on instagram follow him on instagram you've been told all right go. And follow him i'll put his link down below will this spider will cool on your face at night time whoa we're gonna play one more hole in the proper match. And then.


Hole it's gonna be a special hole with me and ricky gonna swap clubs oh was that any god don't look rick [Laughter] perfect see can i shut me out thanks rick's pools are in the trees i can easily beat him i'm just gonna go not even out of the long grass leo what should i do from here oh i think six because there's something rough in your way go hit with a soft six yeah okay let's go soft sticks might be a little bit too much club. But i'll take a bite six because you're in the rough and there's some rough and i'm gonna hit that tree okay third shot six iron oh what advice i tell you what that is good advice thanks leo you're welcome wow what you can't receive from down there can you it's unbelievable leo yours is better not really yours is much closer look at you yeah from that distance it was okay from that distance i must have met [Music] take a break take the break i'll tap that one in leo. So you know what you've got to beat that's a five i'll get this in i win the half so here's leo for his fifth shot on this toughest hole in the golf course it's looking gorge oh it's a fantastic effort and as leo walks up to the hole and casually knocks in it in for six at six net four leo wins the match one up i think you've got a lot more winning to do in the future as well my friend right last time we're gonna play is the par three down the hill. And are we gonna swap clubs yeah i'll use yours. And you might use my clubs yeah okay let's let i i've fancied that chat gonna be a lot easier. For him easier than me yeah your clubs are like this small we'll see should i give you two shots you could two shots okay dad's going yeah take two shots right. So check this out we're gonna swap clubs this is leo's putter versus my putter look at the difference. But that's not the biggest difference we move on to the sand wedge next.

This is leo's. And this is mine again it's quite a big difference. But the biggest difference is when we get to the drivers how ridiculous is that ridiculous that is crazy it's a griffin a bit longer than leo's driver do you think you can hit my driver it's an extra stiff shaft it's only nine degrees of loft it's built. For me a golf professional do you think you can hit that well i hope. So you're gonna do your best do you think you can get on the green yeah how does that feel yeah you're gonna hold it full length wow that does look super long does it feel heavy yeah we are ready to go wow leo oh my goodness get up get up get up get up oh my god whoa leo that was unbelievable does that feel good the cobra could you just send in one of them please full size now yes please that was. So good i'm gonna go with your six iron which i'm not sure it's 135 yards away this feels so small get over the bunker get on the green slow down that's not bad it's not all right that was better than i expected it to be i actually think i might need the only seven iron there you let's get on the green right leo this this feels like the right way around now me carrying. For you seems like the right way you wish i could cut it for you hey listen i'll i'll put it in writing right now ten years i'll carry for you um what are you going to use we're just off the green you're going to use a bit of a lob lob wedge yeah 56 okay. So 56 let me move this out the way still feel super long look at that he's just gripping down he's just adjusting no issues beautiful that's probably the best contact wedge shot that wedge has ever encountered because it's only ever been in my bag. So that was better than what i'd normally do good work sir you put an x i need to grab i'll put it from you your range as well. So you saw this earlier on the first i mean how good is this how good is leo guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you hit like. And subscribe really enjoy spending time with him i mean as a seven-year-old he's. So much more mature and his golf skills are phenomenal i think golf often does that. For young people it kind of matures them out a little bit and the relationship between dad and lad is amazing as well i love the facts as well how leo's got like a tiger woods because tiger has a pink grip on his putter like this on his scottie cameron let's see if i can channel my inner leo did i say i'm giving him two shots on this hole that was a bit of a mistake [Music] keep going keep going keep going. So leo to win the match not only the three-hole match we had but also the swapping of golf club match that we had this is. For par hit the flag oh that's racy oh he's give us an opening everybody it's give me an opening so for bogaine still to win the hole oh so close that putter's used to being three footed don't worry tap it in for five that's five for three okay this is it this put is to halve the hole when we swapped golf club challenge there's a little bit of a caveat i've let leo you can put me off as much as you want okay you can make noises you can get in my face you can do whatever to put me off all right. So to feel what you can do with that head cover to halve the hole [Music] [Laughter] well it worked absolutely smash me in the face with the head cover leo that was a pleasure you can win that hole you deserve it leah what does everybody have to do like. And subscribe you've been waiting to say this like and subscribe guys that was leo bonnie face make sure you check him out on his instagram it's been awesome playing with you you are a legend. And like him on youtube like me on youtube that's all you gotta do subscribe. And we'll see you next.

Time that was class head cover right in the face ouch.