[music] all right morning guys so it's 7am and i'm just introducing you to a series of videos i'm going to be doing over the next.

Few weeks i'm doing it with a gentleman called barry edwards who's personal trainer at swing fit uk the idea is i want to get stronger i want to hit the ball further i want to get fitter. And also lose a bit of the weight that i've been putting on recently so that's my that's my goal i want to take you through a journey of each week of what i've been working on how i can build strength. And power to help my golf swing and also then.

I want you guys to learn from that a little bit as well and give you exercises that you can take away with you in practice week on weeks. So you can kind of do do this series of uh personal training sessions with myself now they're all gulf pacific they're all absolutely golf um surrounded by balance power um i mean barry's going to explain a bit more when we get there. So i better get there i'm just going to give you a bit of a health warning first i have got shorts on. So i do apologize. For everyone watching it's uh i should put a public health warning on this video public safety safety warning i've got shorts on so be careful when you see them they are very very pale um. But the idea i wanna be dead honest with you that i'm gonna be following a really strict diet i'm gonna be following everything that barry says i'm gonna see over the next.

However. many weeks we're going to do about 10 to 12 weeks how i'm going to hit the ball further create more comment speed get fitter. And lose weight so stay tuned and i hope you enjoy right guys so you've joined me now in the the hub this is the fitness of it we're we're down here with barry edwards who is the trainer that i'm gonna probably be hating over this next.

Few weeks barry just loads of golf uh training. And personal trainer yeah strength initiative coaching conditioning coach. And also trained in background a lot of mma yeah yeah yeah in the background from mma. And martial arts kind of evolved to golf he doesn't know as much so that his training uh styles and philosophies are backed up with loads of winning evidence from from champion mma fighters. And he turned his hand out to golf you got into golf a couple years ago yeah that's it yeah i mean i always like to try. And if you can make a living out of your hobby then.

You know you're doing well in life yeah that's right. So barry down in selfless business swing fit golf um you can check there check their name out on twitter down here we're going to be doing a about 10 to 12 week program yeah yeah uh where we're going to get me stronger stronger we're going to get the hitting the ball further losing a bit because i need to desperately. And barry's going to hopefully guys as well give you as many tips. And advice as we possibly can to get you hitting the golf ball further obviously the viewers are in different countries you don't have to luxury to come. And see barry down here but we're going to try. And share some knowledge we're going to get you guys to be hitting the golf ball further by giving you some exercises. And some training things that you can do at home most definitely simple things yeah things that you can do not necessarily in a gym you know yeah you know i'll try to give you a lot of exercises that you can do at home brilliant super. So at the moment um fresh-faced i've got shorts and you might not see them on the car i do apologize you know this is a proper safety warning okay i don't normally get my legs out at all i'm gonna be really honest i'm gonna do these videos as well at the end of each session i'm going to be sat in the car sweating. And crying and you know aching but i'm going to try. And share everything that i've experienced from this session as well i'm also going to be blogging it on my social media side my facebook my twitter. So you go and check those out guys as well so i'm going to be showing you what i'm eating how i'm feeling when i'm training. And it's going to give you the best insight of how hopefully in 10 weeks 12 weeks i'm going to be telling you what size is that different athlete i like that i want to be hitting them all further. So stay tuned again don't forget to check barry out on his facebook and twitter pages uh just some great great stuff works with very good golfers now very elite golfers and i'm now one of his newest clients to try and get get going. So stay tuned and we'll see how i get stronger and hit the ball firmly next.

One [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay now we're going to do a stretch. For your for your shoulders it's called shoulder external rotation it helps to get your elbow pointing to the floor have you ever struggle with with flying elbow or with chicky when you did yeah this this this stretch should help. So what we're going to do is you use your club any club driver seven iron okay lift your arm up 90 degrees driver. Or club behind your arm all you're going to do is pull the bottom from there. And then.

Turn and this is i've just been doing this exercise it's fantastic. For this um very little chance of of getting on the other side to come over the top and alternatively this way you'd struggle to get back into that position you'd be chicken in a little bit i like that okay let's go token um that's it hold the bottom of your club put head in your cloth. And turn that's it no need to turn too quickly just nice slow. And controlled hold the stretch one two three and back off good you would do say between eight to ten reps per arm slow. And controlled and then.

You can do this on the other side yeah just exactly the same on the other arm. So i'll just do it quickly on the inside okay perfect. And then.

You're gonna show us a little bit yeah we're gonna do a stretch. For your hip flexors okay um biggest power muscle. For your goals we'll use your glute okay core. And glute okay sorry in your. And if your hip flexors are tight it's the opposite muscle tube if your hip flexors are tight it kind of shuts off your glutes to the full potential. So we're just going to do a quick stretch going to show you how to do that again same again okay driver seven nine whatever club we can yeah ground straight. And all you're gonna do is lunge backwards as far as you can into this position. And from there squeeze your glute bump cheek squeeze your butt and back up then.

Back down squeeze and back up okay same again eight to ten eight to ten reps per leg only hold the stretch. For a count of say three drive it back always that's the way you feel the big stretch in your groin let's say eight to ten reps each side oh yeah yeah yeah there's lots. And lots of different stretches that me ricky will show you that will help with you. And that'll help with your game so make sure you keep tuning in so then.

As long as you can try to not let your knee come forward if you always keep your knee back that's better good i'll turn the circle off from the side yeah yeah that's it that's it. So i'll never let you knead never mind oh okay excellent yeah oh that's warm up. But if you want to warm so now what we're going to do is we're going to do some balance work okay. So let's let's look what rich balance is like right balance in time barry this is always fun it's always fun. So what we've got here we've got what's called the motion box a half round half road ball squishy on the ball squishy hard on the other side okay. So what's our job might need to take it back a little bit what we're going to do is rick's going to stand on this ball now in your golf swing it's important that you create balance when you feel centered to the ground. And and it's very very rare that your weight's on both feet at the same time choose your static battery your weight transfers as soon as you put forward your weight transfer so it's important that we create balance in each leg individually that's that's it ankle ankle stability mobility knees hips really get those small muscles really really work okay. So what rick's gonna do he's gonna stand on with one leg hopefully not far off it'll make. For great youtubers so hold it up that's it so get your your seven iron or whatever club you've got and what rick's going to do is he's going to go through his full swing. But very very slowly okay. So he's going to turn back. And he's going to follow through that's it he's gonna do that three times now obviously a lot of people you don't have you don't have a ball like this. But that doesn't stop you from doing it you just stand on one leg at home in the kitchen or whatever just change legs that's a good it's a good stretch a good exercise right so other side this is the latest uh tailor-made driver we use it they've brought another new one out. So when ripped off then.

You really felt that the the muscle's working that it's probably not used for a while but really really deep stabilizing muscles this leg seems harder but i'm losing my balance more we need to progress and do different things faster movements on on the bossy you know it's great. So losing balance is not a bad thing okay we need to figure out stabilize it. And go to get them again do another that's it. But you know so you'll have to go no it's just yeah [Music] hip flexor stretch yeah okay now we're going to do a strengthening exercise. For the glutes which i just said it is the biggest pillow muscle really if you feel yourself all down here yeah all your punch you call your hips at the side okay all the way [Applause] want to put your shoulders on the mat yeah okay arms by the side that's it what we're going to do is just get a little bit further up now rick's never done this before. So i don't know what any technique police on youtube swagging off the technique it's the first time he's done that okay. So i'm gonna put the bar on the what rick's gonna do now okay he's gonna tighten his core okay. And he's gonna drop get down to the bottom he's gonna drop to the stop there from there now he's going to squeeze his glutes. And drive his hips up and hold one two and down can you feel that yeah i can't feel that i'm driving up hold i'm done go never do this movement too fast really because you can just compromise your lower back a little bit that's good i can really feel that good good spots are great. For glitch but you need to do some isolation stuff as well you know squeeze oh it's really good two more drive it up. And again last one squeeze that's the way oh i feel [Applause] what we're going to do is we're going to superset that now with the duke with a jump. So rick's going to get in a golf posture sideways over the mat. So we're getting the gold posture standing a little bit further away that's right okay what he's going to do is going to jump. And twist as if he was turning into his follow-through okay. And land on the box in a balanced position maintaining his posture so jump jump and turn that's it that's it stand up straight when you've landed and just try to land a little bit further further that's it good good good and always think about always go off of the noise the softer you're landing the more efficient the jump go a little bit more hip extension yeah good feel the muscles that are doing it to get the arms moving a little bit that will enable us to get not necessarily into your swing quickly we don't want any muscle imbalance both sides up. Yet good let's get high and one more [Applause] good stuff okay. So our third exercise now moving on from the hip thrusts and twisting jumps is we're going to do an oblique exercise. So you're obstructing it now the purpose of this exercise is to keep your hips as still as possible while rotating his his upper back. And his shoulders okay. So it's really really good for separation really strengthening up the the oblique [Music] [Music] but what he's going to do is he's going to stagger his stance. So just take your foot back a little bit further somewhere effectively i'm open you're open that's it that's it now what he needs to do now is he's going to he's going to rotate his upper body. But keep his hips as still as he possibly can the last thing we want him to do is to turn. And move his hips because then.

There's no separation it's like keeping your hips still. And being able to move your upper body if rick's hips start to move what i'll do is i'll hold them. And resist them so that's enough so they can get feeling a lot more in the muscle okay. So turning my backswing that's it nice and slowly nothing too quick get that shoulder pointing to the floor good and bad yeah hold it back around again now we have a little bit of hip movement there okay not too much all right. So i'm gonna use i'm just gonna resist your hips okay okay okay let's go can't feel the extra resistance yeah just a bit get all the top of the bathroom that one's gonna be knows i'm gonna let rick's hips yeah it's just a little bit of restriction in your head just involving a little bit more stretches which is the kind of thing that we'll do over the weeks good okay. So let's go again we're going to do between 10 to 15 reps each side as we talked about before never move laterally. Or slide you're going to try. And keep the weight on the inside of your foot never move over we don't want to get into that habit of course yeah. So another side opposite side here exactly the same movement over your left shoulder this time bring it out this way force me face towards me does it keep walking towards me that's it staggering stance that's their arms across golf posture. And turn good you might be able to see well so you can see his hips move a little bit more on this side well that's something that we will certainly improve over the coming weeks is the flexibility in your hips. And the separation so turn shoulders more hips yeah we'll also do exercises where it's shoulders still hips around okay yeah separation again opposite movement we'll do things like that you'll do lots of things though even if you've not got a band at home you can still practice in the mirror hips still shoulder turning your shoulders you know that's just the progression they're not expensive. But it's good to have in your in your bag all over your locker and stuff that you can do before you play. Or at home yeah okay [Music] looking forward [Music] yes good [Music] 12 14 more down um barry thanks very much. For that like i said guys hope you enjoyed the videos this is just the kind of an introduction what i'm going to be doing next.

Is a screening to find out all my many weaknesses i'm sure then.

We can start to really kind of specify what we're supposed to be training that's it yeah i think today.

Was just a nice introduction getting sweating get me working out a little bit doing some kind of broad exercises on mainly the muscle areas guys don't forget to check barry out you can check him on his twitter name down here uh fantastic uh trainer. For golf unbelievable do check out his youtube channel his facebook. And his twitter and any comments any questions you've got leave a comment down below and barry's gonna get on there and start to answer some questions as well guys thanks for watching and stay tuned for next.

Week for next.

Trying to wrap up the next.

Episode of swing fit training with barry edwards thanks for watching thanks guys.