[music] all right guys so this is section two with barry edwards down here at swing fit uk um. And we're gonna do another training session i've done week one. And yeah feeling good good great stuff feeling habits we call it a diet sometimes it's very very hard to smoke on a diet people don't like to stick to i'm on a healthy healthy i'm on a healthy eating program. Or a change of habit in heating yeah good i've noticed a big difference i mean i've probably in a week uh well i think i weighed myself last about eight days ago. And i've lost almost half a stone already that's good yeah it's good i'm sticking to it as well yeah which is good um we need to you know we need to it's good to lose weight. But we need to make sure also that we don't lose any power no that's true you know because it it can it can effect you can feel a little bit weaker. And that's where this side of if the training comes out to keep your power get you more powerful and stronger whilst in a calorie deficit as such yeah. And i've noticed that in my golf swing i've played a couple of times since i last saw barry and just noticed more control over my golf swing probably not i've not seen the the power that we're looking at it's early days yet but no i definitely feel a bit more balanced. And a bit more grounded yeah you know you could feel the floor more you know you can you know you you can feel the power generate from your feet yeah definitely just where it should come from yeah. So if you've not seen part one out go and check out by clicking the link just down here you can go. And picture out first because that was a bit of an introduction we did some exercises we did some uh real good core stuff. And today.

We're gonna again film two. Or three key exercises to help you improve your golf in its simplest way yeah we're gonna do a training session quite a tough one i'm ready to sweat i'm ready to go i'm looking forward to it. And we'd like to say stay tuned because we're going to show you a couple of things. And how you can help hit the ball further better. And with more balance thanks for watching and let's let's go for it let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've been having a nice discussion about golfers that we see with very hunched up shoulders. So where their shoulders are too forward they have a roundness at the back. And it really restricts shoulders yeah it kind of kills rotation. So i see that quite a lot and after we just explained that i understand that that position struggles to rotate yeah. So that this stick is practically off my chest it's touching my shoulders only the outside of my shoulders. And it really restricts my shoulders so you end up making more comfortable sliding you know lateral sliding yeah dipping things things like that that's it at speed that's what your body will do to a certain position it's going to get the any way you can. But we've got a stretch to fix it though yeah a little bit of a stretch that you can do before you play it yeah if it's a big problem that you have the stretch that you can do at home with the driver you know we use we use a broomstick. But you know you can use your drive you can use a seven hour use yeah. So what you're going to do is you're going to get your hand behind your back to 90 degrees okay we'll call it the driver hit the driver on your bum cheeks touching the back of your head. And all rick's going to do now is he's going to put his other arm on top of the driver okay he's going to pull okay. And from there he's just going to force his elbow. And his shoulder backwards now watch richard feel is as you feel a deep stretch here in the front of your shoulders okay okay i'm down. So before you play you would lift out one two three go and again up eight one two three and down eight to ten reps both sides before you play alternately if you're at home then.

Hold two to three sets of 30 seconds per side okay there's lots of other exercises that you can do to help with to help with your posture you know we can't go through them all today.

But over the weeks hopefully we can get a few more straight away though i feel like i feel yeah it feels good it feels really nice absolutely yeah. And it'll just help you to feel [Music] done opens our shoulders pass it so our shoulder rotation should become much greater during the laughing yeah that's it perfect practice that guys that will improve your turn flexibility that's it turn with. For all the good stuff we're going to keep doing some more exercises. And stay tuned and you can see how you can keep improving your golf okay this is trx raw. So what we're going to do is what we're going to do is we're going to get this be this position plant his feet on the floor keep his arms in close to the side as he lifts up using his big back muscles in his arms good stuff this will help with his power in his strength big strong back muscles these are called rows yeah inverted law. So keep your head up keep looking up at the sky that's the way two more we can two to three more gold one more good control okay okay explosive medicine ball turns he's going to do a quarter back swing. And a full follow-through ball should hit the wall straight that's the way she'll come straight back at you behind us we don't want it too far to the right and again big power really create as much power as you can. And though we need nice tempo in our swing but this is one exercise where we really want to set ourselves off balance by throwing us as hard as we can two more last one opposite way i always do the other way we know it's not a left-handed player. But we need to be both sides and balance if you can see just a little bit less power in that position that's better two more big power big power [Music] over at the smaller band over over rich shoulder he turned his shoulders. And kept his hips still now we're going to do the opposite way now. So the trick is to keep his shoulders as still as possible by rotating his pelvis on the band she's good to strengthen up all this hip rotator muscles his obliques his core just spin those hips as far around as you can keeping those shoulders as still as possible. So i'm trying to keep these really square that's it yeah. So i'm gonna hold we're gonna hold rickshaws if you feel as though you're moving a little bit then.

Just get someone to hold your shoulders you can do these in the mirror. So you can see yourself i can feel it in my obliques like you say yeah good we need to strengthen your obliques up with shoulder rotation. And we need to stretch them up with pelvic rotation and do how many knees barry we tend to do between 10 15 20 reps dependence upon strength you know we need to make sure that you fully rotate on each rep i'd rather you stop at 15. And try and get an extra five out there that are only half reps opposite way. So rick's obviously more used to turning this way in our obliques rotate that pelvis want it to be specific but we don't want your body to turn with your pelvis good yeah i can. So as soon as barry takes hold i can really feel feel the restriction yeah. So do five more then.

Hold your last one two one three four last one five hold now when i let go rick's shoulders he just piles around a little bit not as bad this way as he is the other way yeah okay you know something that we need to what we need to work on. But everybody needs to work hard yeah that needs addressing you know i mean rick's got that separation than i've got yeah you know because rick's the better goal. For the night you know i try you're about training okay. So now we're going to move on to some cardio work. So okay this is where rick starts to sweat. And this is where we're getting straight that's where we get the extra half a storm off [Music] [Music]. So [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh right don't finish finally done that was good that really you can get you can get three. Or four of them for 30. what they've got they're just power bands how about you yeah yeah. So 30 pounds or 40 dollars yeah that's it i mean you can get them you know you just just search ebay. And they're great different lots of different strengths and lots of different exercises keep them in your bag and we're going to do quite a bit over the next.

Yeah yeah that's it yeah um i like to say keep posted guys to my facebook my twitter. And also barrys put the links down here i'm going to be blogging as i go along with this as well about what i'm eating how i'm trying to stay trying to complement the programs that barry's giving me with the healthy eating plan that he's also given me um. So stay tuned for all that we're going to be back here next.

Week yeah we do some more training some more exercises. And hopefully guys you can take some of the information we've covered in today's session in last week's session to help improve your fitness. And your strength when you play golf as well guys you can also come down here to barry to get a proper training session with barry i'm gonna again put his website down here at the bottom. So you can go. And check him out on there and i think it's definitely worth it if you are super serious about your golf. And a serious about improving it's definitely a good way to complement your golf swing with your golf coaching your golf fitness and then.

You can take your game to the next.

Level guys thanks. So much for watching i've been rick shields down here with barry edwards strength at uk come subscribe to my channel by clicking here and you can click next.

You can check out the next.

Video just in the window here thanks. For watching [Music].