There you go guys on youtube here's a video today.

Of new client man nick thompson uh we've made some amazing changes today.

And the way that he's striking the golf ball so much better is is just scary what we see here on screen at the moment is nick's before. And after set up positions now nick was just a bit confused with his technique wasn't quite sure what he should have been doing in his golf swing. And was kind of in in a couple of different minds really. And we can see on the left hand side this is his setup. For the seven and obviously you know that's that's what we would class as being quite a strong setup with his shaft leaning forward but then.

Funny enough his body was almost leaning backwards quite a long way really. And he was hitting these high fat golf shots that would generally move to the left as well we see issues with his grip his grip is far too strong at the moment. But we're not going to touch that just. Yet i know you might see lessons me doing before and me talking about not changing the grip just yet it's for the reason because he's not hitting the golf ball as far to the left as he should be hitting the golf ball just yet so he's hitting it left a target but not ridiculously left and i think with this grip he should be hitting it further to the left. So we're not just going to change his grip until we actually get get him hitting the golf ball slightly first left which we'll probably cover in next.

Lesson. But the big thing i just wanted to highlight here was two big changes made in the setup. So that was before. And after now this is just amazing i love this setup on this left on this right hand side i think it's. So so solid what we notice here in the right screen is that the middle of his sternum is much more over the top of the golf ball that's the middle of his golf swing now he felt like he was slightly more to the left of his body that time which is understandable because it certainly looks that way. But it's the fact that it's not it's just that his sternum is much more over the top of the golf ball we've also changed his path today.

In his plane of his golf swing which i'll show you from down the line he was very steep before. And then.

Lean backwards get a bit of scoop going on. And you can see how much he hit the floor you can actually see uh the the debris. And the dust being hit off my map there as he makes contacts on the golf course that would be deadly and it's only because he's sternum and his body is. So far behind the golf ball that's where he's going to hit um that's why i'd hit the ball high. And he looks very crumpled up and you can see there by the way he's looking the ball has gone way off to the left. And now here on the right hand side this is just amazing we talked about keeping the sternum more over the top of the golf ball that top of backswing position is just amazing i love it great shoulder rotation he stayed more central in his golf swing. And as he comes into the golf shot now even at this point we know we're going to make a good connection because the sternum the middle of his golf body is still over the top of his butt over the top of the ball. And the strike was. So much better he still gets a little bit flicky but the strike was. So much better and actually even at the end position this was something i didn't notice earlier at the end position just notice how much more onto his left side is you look at the two uh f's of trafford golf center. And they've vanished now and the ball wasn't in any different position but so it just shows how much he's got his weight onto his left side better i think though the best thing we've changed this is is his swing playing his swing arc around his body this was before now we noticed a couple of things he obviously got his he's got his feet miles to the right. And that's to help what this was before by the way give him the feeling to help him not hit the ball to the right. Or left as much and up but it's weirdly though his shoulders were aiming massively to the left. So nick's feet with amy right but he would of course counter at that by aiming his feet shoulders to the left so really he didn't really need to do anything with his feet what we've done today.

Is talked about aligning his uh posture up i don't mind him aiming to the right i've got no big issue with that at all. But make sure that his shoulders and his hips and his knees aimed in the same direction as well because then.

He's more aligned to his golf swing then.

Rather than being one way and the other and everything else this is just this swing change we've made it's just amazing i love it. So in the past nick's been very very steep and upright a couple of horrible positions obviously you can see the club face quite close because of his grip he gets really kind of quite steep at the top of the golf swing looks like he's got nowhere to go then..

So we talked about today.

Just creating a slightly more rounded arc to his golf swing oops there's someone walking past the cup of coffee we talked about swinging more around the body. And the downswing watch how good the downswing is in a minute you're ready. For this honestly this was this was one swing change he made he made one very small change to his golf swing swinging slightly more rounded watch this. So on the way down nick's club would come in really unbelievably steep here you can see the shaft angle you know almost through the top of his right shoulder. And come into the golf ball very much from the outside look at impact there oh god it's scary let me zoom in on that so you can really see the club head just on the outside of the golf ball that looks like it's a recipe. For disaster but he's very skilled nick he's a very skilled golfer and he's learnt to manage to pull the club across the golf ball in some fashion to make the hit the strike happen however. now he doesn't have to do that just watch this right hand side image i absolutely love this golf swing now on the right. So he's gone from super steep horrible and close and everything else to slightly more rounded so much more square lovely approaching to the golf ball as he comes into the hit into the hitting zone the club head is in line with the golf ball. So everything just looks so on on in sync and in line and he just hit some great golf shots so guys that was a little transformation we've done there today.

With nick thompson. And his golf swing he plays off about 20 but i can definitely see that score coming down very soon um well don't say nick i think he did a great great session. And i look forward to seeing you again next.
