All right guys so we are with today.

Lee from the whole who is sport psychologist specializing in golf lee thanks. For joining us we're down here at hailey park in cheshire where lee's mainly based you really are everywhere aren't you really yep anywhere in the world. So lee works with quite a lot of top players it works with everyone from from top players in the world for um you know multiple pga tour and european tour winners so really kind of high high esteem players uh but joe average as well yep something just like you and then.

There's yourself as well so players as low as you rick ability as low as mine so um lee we're going to talk about today.

About a pre-shot routine yeah because i know a lot of golfers out there don't have one simply i don't think they do we kind of read in books. And magazines you know about the importance of a pre-shot routine yeah. So let's make a nice simple one you know but the reason why we need a pre-shot routine is key yeah really it's because golf is what we call self-paced okay. So that means that you decide when to hit it yeah. So it's not like a reaction sport which would be a return in tennis where the obviously the server decides when that ball is going to come to you. So react to then.

You react and you don't have time to think then..

So they're actually easier so what we need to do is make golf a reaction sport okay. So what we can do is we can you know we can do all the simple things like you know taking practice swings i'm not one of these who says you have to have one practice swing. Or two practice swings just take as many as you need until you feel comfortable yeah then.

Once you stand behind the ball you know what we want to be doing is asking an effective question you know we might have seen that in another video just what would a good shot look like what would the start ideal start target b you know picking something small in the distance. But then.

If we if we bring if we bring you into the golf ball because this is the key point okay just address that ball. For me what we want to be doing is getting the eyes working properly. So what i want you to do is i want you to shift your eyes to your start target then.

Back then.

Maybe do it once more then.

Back. And then.

Go straight away did you feel as though that was rushed no not much okay well your your pre-shot is probably okay then.

You know what it felt because i i know i've i've worked on something similar before i don't spend a long time over the ball you know that's something that i've always tried to do. So as soon as i look at the target i'm off yeah yeah. So you know it's not but it's not rushed but i can understand why it could be some players who have not done it before it's you know a lot of club players if they have lessons they might be you know all the kind of you know higher handicaps you might be thinking is my grip right am i stood correct. And these are fundamentals that we need to have in place. But when you're on the golf course just accept that you've got your golf swings okay yeah you're gonna have to react to that yeah you're gonna have to react to that. And also you know you're gonna have to you can't go manipulating your golf swing whilst you're out on the golf course especially in competition but i saw tiger do a warm-up it was on youtube actually. And um it was out in asia when he was in about 2000. And he didn't he didn't really stood there and said i'm going to find out how i'm swinging it today.

If i'm swinging it great i'll hit it with a soft draw if i'm not swinging it's good i'll little bit left to right. But i'll play with that so he played with this this was the weakness at the time yeah this is the world number one goal just when he was playing phenomenally as well you know. And he didn't know until he got to the range which way he was going to hit it interesting it's very interesting isn't it. So accepting what you've got and then.

Taking you know the goal is to not think as much as we probably do. So i always say the best way to think in golf is to not think at all yeah. So it's a and when i you know more advanced kind of routine for this would be what we call the mooching state which we might we might i might we might have a future video yeah i might do a future one that's the really exactly no it's actually really really simple. But it's it's a very much advanced level so you have to kind of have a pretty solid secret weapon when i fail against all these other guys so keep that opportunity but i mean i use a brainwave monitor. And actually it's like trackman for the brain or flight scope for the brain and so we can actually read what people you know what people are looking at. And also how quiet the mind is wow. But for now you have to contact lee for all that stuff check out his website for that reassuringly expensive that stuff but what we need what we need to do is basically just trust what we've got except what we've got we need to keep nice. And relaxed in the hands and arms take a look up at the target and then.

Just let it go because we've seen one cut and then.

And then.

Go because what we find a lot of club players doing is kind of freezing over the ball thinking about too much well we need to take that thinking out of it. So couple of practice swings yeah ask myself the question what is the correct shot on this hole perfect shot on this hole yeah i'm visualizing that i'm seeing where my start line is one lock just at the target one look another ripper nailed it are you getting good at this game this is what lee's done. For me so guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up that's a little just taste about how you do a pre-shot routine there's hundreds out there i'm sure there is. But one of you know this one is just very simple it's very direct it's it's asking you the correct things at this correct time. And helping you react to the shot that you've got that day guys do check out lee on his website you can click on the link down here that'll send you to his website where if you stick in my name as a code you get discounted membership guys. So it's worth going on there. And if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up please do subscribe to my channel by clicking the link down here do comment down below tell us what you think about the the pre-show routine tell me if you tried it tell we'll get on there. And comment back and do check out our next.

Video in the window just here that's up hopefully if it doesn't start absolutely throwing it down it's starting to rain a little bit. So we're going to do as many more videos as we can stay tuned. For those and hopefully that will help you improve your game. And thanks again lee your advice is always appreciated thanks. For watching.