Hi welcome to rick shields golf tips today.

I'm going to show you how to grip the golf club correctly every time very common mistake i see with a lot of golfers that hold the golf club incorrectly they'll actually hit the golf ball everywhere. But i have a fairly decent swing so i'm going to show you how to do this right every time the first thing i'd like you to do is make sure that the writing. Or the alignment on the golf club is nice. And straight so that the golf club is square it's really important now this is instruction. For right-handed golfers but if you're left-handed just swap the instruction round first thing i'd like to do is just place your left hand on the club first. And make it sit in between the edge of your index finger and the middle of your palm wrap your fingers around first and place your left hand on top now a couple of checkpoints here i want to be able to see is two knuckles here on your left hand really clearly from this view. And the v here between your thumb and your index finger running out towards this right shoulder now your right hand goes on in a very similar fashion we wrap the fingers around the golf club first and place the squishy bit of your hand straight on top of the other thumb so it covers it completely now what you'll see is most golf clubs will have some sort of writing. Or logo there make sure that sits right in between the thumb and the index finger this also runs right up towards your right shoulder now the final bit of this is just the back of the club. So the fingers are all connected together they're all nice. And close but the two that touch here my index finger my little finger can do two things we can either overlap the little finger. Or we can interlock the fingers together i personally use the interlocking techniques i find that the hands are much more connected that way try both. And let me know you get on but when we look at the golf club there we're seeing that the golf club is absolutely held perfectly. And if you can do that if you can model yourself on that grip you won't go too far wrong let me know how you get on with that if it is your first time at trying it absolutely rehearse it on the driving range first don't take this straight onto the golf course because it will feel incredibly weird let me know you get on look forward to hearing from you. And i'll see you again soon.