This putter is like nothing i've ever seen before. And the company that's designed it reckons they've come up with a groundbreaking new way to put to help you hold more puts let's see if that's the case [Music] [Music] so i am very intrigued but also excited about trying this new putter. And the new style that this company straight shots recommend now it's so new they've actually had to send me a manual to explain how to use the putter they reckon the traditional way of putting is flawed the way that we put normally with our eyes over the golf ball. And we're almost looking to the side of target is incorrect. And they reckon with this putter and the way that you use it is a much more efficient way because if you use knowledge from other sports such as let's say i'm playing darts i'd be looking at the target when i'm throwing my dart. Or if i'm throwing a ball i'd be looking at you and throwing it towards you i wouldn't be looking at the ball as i'm throwing it so they reckon with this style you can be looking at the target as you hit your put now there's lots to dive into in this in this review. And i'm going to do most importantly i'm going to test it against my putter to see how it compares. So the record on here you aim behind the ball you draw back the putter and you slide it forward and stroke the ball ready for this first time using it so you line it up there's this big line on the top of the putter but look how different the angle of this club is. So i'm gonna stand here you stand almost behind the golf ball but weirdly you're not allowed to stand on the on the line towards the hole because that's deemed illegal and basically i don't even know how to stand here i'm basically going to pull it back. And then.

Push it as i'm looking at the hole [Laughter] a lift out but that wasn't a bad first effort so i'm not standing on the line i'm going to pull it back. And slide it i must be aiming incorrectly this is. So different to normal putting like completely and utterly different so i have to stand to the side pull it back we get one in right i'll tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna spend a little bit of time practicing with this putter getting used to it. And then.

I'm gonna play nine whole match against my traditional putter let's get used to this first and see what i find what's good and what's bad about this putter and this new method so [Music] okay lots to unpack with this how weird is that the way i stuck to it is just totally different to normal putting i've seen some advantages. So far and some downsides and i'm going to test it against my traditional putter in a minute on a nine hole putting comp a couple of things i want to note first off i'm unbelievably conscious about standing on this line. So with this style of putting as a legal ruling golf you are not allowed to stand under your target line. Or even straddle it so i can't put like this i i cannot even put my foot here on that line so i have to be stood off that line which does make it very challenging because you really got to get in this quite a agile position you're only using one arm. So i've been using my right arm i did also try my left arm. But i must admit i definitely preferred my right arm but i am right armed anyway and also i bet there's a little bit of science about which eye you're most dominant with i am more dominant with my right eye anyway so i feel like my right arm my right eye pushing that along would work it just doesn't feel like putting i feel like i'm playing a different game it feels like i'm playing i don't want to call it is it like shuffleboard where they have these big courts. And they push the thing along like discs it feels like that now the putter itself at the moment is not approved by the rna. And usga they've actually not put it in for approval yet so whether it'll be deemed legal for competition use who knows this does feel like a very much a prototype model. But price wise it's like 200 dollars so it's not dead cheap the other big thing i noticed and this might really affect the putting competition when i first started trialing this this morning there was a little bit of moisture on the grass that was a little bit of overnight dew. And it made the bottom of the putter super slippy now that was the first time i tried it. So i just expect it to be like that all the time fast forward an hour or so since i've been testing this putter now the greens have now dried up and the bottom of the putter is getting more stuck to the green which is a massive downside on distance control let's see if that massively affects the nine hole putting comp because the worst thing you could do is have a putter that could only be used on wet slippy greens that'll be a nightmare right nine holes let's get to it crazy straight shots putter with the mad style versus my traditional putter. And the more traditional style nine holes let's see how the scores get on so first hole just a little up the hill now using my normal putter now now to some degree i do understand the kind of science behind that certainly when it talks about other sports where you would be looking at the target on this port i can't see the hole it's out of my view. So i have to trust that line on the putter line on the ball is going towards my target as i stand with my eyes over the ball. And then.

Roll it towards my target [Music] just missed out where this butter is completely different like it honestly actually look i've had some funny looks while being on the putting green this morning testing this because it does look like a different putter i'm lining it up i'm standing more here. And the idea is you have to look at the hole which does make it quite hard you've got to really trust it page control not great on either of those two. But the traditional one was closer let's knock these two in. For a two each oh so that's the issue that instantly got stuck on the ground like come on look at this because the greens have gone drier like that's sticking to the floor now these putters might have been tested over in the united states where they've got lovely slippery fast greens but get this putter over here in the uk manchester that went in in manchester it gets a little bit more stuck the holes are quite shallow at the moment just because of everything going on. So that's in for three so to go one up already in this match [Music] one up for the traditional putter okay this time i'm gonna go with this putter first the straight shots i'm gonna go on a long putt. For the second hole it's going to require quite a bit of break off this right to left really got to be conscious about this leg not standing on the line that's not bad from that range slow down a bit not bad left myself still a bit of a tricky one right traditional putter [Music] oh wow [Music] yeah very nice [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha oh i'm just i'm just not convinced this puts her whatsoever i felt like that was uh an absolute given that i would have hold that i feel like i feel confident over it like i said the biggest downside i'm seeing. So far is the bottom of that club even though it's lovely. And smooth and you know made of shiny plastic it's just not gliding on this surface and therefore. it's getting a bit snagged up that's two down or two up to the traditional putter [Music] foreign [Music] three up for the traditional putter so currently a traditional putter is three up with three to play. So this has to win the next.

Hole my review on it my my summary so far is i somewhat like the idea i'm not completely opposed to the idea i think. For golfers out there who really do struggle with traditional say you have really severe yips. Or there's real issues in your putting that you think i just need to try something totally different to help me. Or maybe even puts like this could help you if you had disabilities or some description so let's say you only had one arm and you could only put with one arm this could maybe help you who knows it'd be interesting to see how this develops and whether we'll ever see this again or whether this will be the last time you ever see a putter like this let's get through to the seventh hole this has to win the fight this whole has to win it okay last hole this is to put the match to bed if this goes in oh there's a little bit of room left there as well there's a glimmer of hope right. So to keep the match alive this has to go in the hole oh it's snagged absolutely terrible last put with this putter it's snagged on the floor that's his biggest downside maybe maybe if you have some sort of wheels on the bottom of this or something that even made that bottom slippier to help you on putting surfaces like this maybe that's something that would work but the moment it doesn't work just because it gets a bit too snagged all right it's going to be a three-part i think that's the match over guys if you've enjoyed the video make sure you smash like always interested in trying new things new designs who knows what we see from a putter style like that. But for me at the moment traditional still wins but who knows what's going to happen in the future to win the match traditional takes it guys thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come and that's the straight shot putter what a crazy crazy idea and is it groundbreaking i'm not too sure anyway we'll see you next.
