So you've got the shag and you're watching this video the shank is an awful awful shot i'm going to tell you why it happens i'm going to give you three drills different videos three drills it's how to fix the shanks the shank a shot that comes right from the heel shoots forward. And then.

Ridiculously to the right obviously if you're riding the golfer it's a horrendous shot and you'll be confidence will be going like this your scores will be going like that. And that's not something that we want to be doing so we're going to fix it today.

My name is rick shields down here at traffic girl center in manchester um if you enjoyed the video give it a click. And a like click not just a click the light click and then.

Move on to drill number one video which will be up on my page as well. So the shank it can come from two. Or three different outlets really a couple of most common ones is stood too close to the golf ball. So you can actually be stood just generally far too close to the ball good way of fixing that make sure you put your club down first try. And get your hands below your chin and then.

Get a distance away where you've got a little bit of room between you and the club that's really crucial to have that so that's just an easy one to be able to try and fix from that most shanks come from an obscured angle of attack so a real kind of either out to win swing or a massive into out swings it can come from either remember people saying oh shank must be over the top must be over the top no it can be over the top where the club can come sliding through the golf ball. And it can literally hit any part of the golf club anywhere in particular at all then.

You've got the inside swing. So the club can come from anywhere again. And hit any part of the club in turn and it's awful it's a horrendous shot to have another one as well is where the body will come forward as you come down to hit. So you've got into a good setup your distance away is good your bum's back here. And then.

As you come back this happens so the hips go forward and the hands have nowhere to go but to end up hitting the heel so please stay tuned obviously the shanks are in the shot i want i want to help you fix it i want to enjoy your golf a lot more we've got some drills coming up that's going to help you do that join me on my channel. For drill number one thanks very much for watching you.