Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And today.

We're going to talk about a little bit of kind of engineering work with that regarding the driver head. And why heel and toe shots shape in the way that they do. So if you weren't aware of this if you catch the heel of the golf club certainly with the driver more with the driving nines really more the driver if you catch the heel of the golf club the ball will generally start more to the left. And curve to the right so it would look like a slice so it would hit the left the the heel start left and turns right i'll tell you why this is in a second if you hit the toe the ball would generally start more to the right. And then.

Curve to the left generally if you hit the top of the club the ball would go up but then.

Come down fairly quickly if you hit the bottom of the golf club the ball will start lower. And then.

Rise up higher and the reason for that is it's all about off-centered hits. And what's what something's called gear effect so on a golf shot if you hit off-centered so if you hit the heel of the golfer that's that's probably your most common one if you hit the heel of the driver what happens to the golf club is it rotates around the golf ball. So as you hit it the collision of the golf ball so once you've hit the heel the collision would create that face to almost turn into what would appear like a closed position now you think well that then.

Surely would make the golf ball go left. But the thing is the ball the club face as it closes has no impact no more impact on the golf ball because the ball is on the face. For a microsecond so it's not going to have any influence once you've hit as you hit the heel the collision between the two components you've got the heel one way. And the ball in the other they actually rotate in opposite directions so the club face rotates in but the golf ball actually rotates outwards more to the right and that's what's called gear effect that kind of conflicting movement between the two components one spinning one way and one spinning the other so if you catch the heel generally pretty much as long as you don't catch the right off the back heel if you catch the heel the ball will generally turn to the right because of the club. And the ball have collided in a way where it's making the ball spin in one way or the other same with the toe if you hit the toe of the golf club the face actually rotates into what would appear like an open position sometimes you can see this on tv screens when you're watching the golf on sky sport that the club face would almost do this. Yet the ball would actually finish to the left and again the main reason is because the balls hit the toe one collision has moved one way. And one's moved the other creating that gear effect again making the balls turn to the left so you might not have realized this but a club face has face bulge it has a dome to the face now you think well a golf club that we're trying to hit 250 300 yards why would we make it like a dome why would you make it like an upside down walk what would be the point of that because that just wouldn't make sense it's engineering work it's at its best it's marvelous engineering work the manufacturers of these golf clubs know what they're doing. And the reason why they obviously know what they're the reason why they've made it bulged bulged the face is to help with gear effect to help eradicate it to help minimize the damage of an off-centered golf shot. So what generally happens if you hit the heel of the golfer like i say before the ball will spin to the right. So they made it bulge so that it would project the golf ball further to the left first because it's on that bulge further to the left first and then.

The ball would spin back towards middle better it wouldn't be your best golf shot it wouldn't go the distance that you would be hoping for but it wouldn't be massively slicing out of bounds it would be hitting somewhere near the fairway the same with the toe if you hit the toe the ball would start further to the right because of that bulge and then.

Because of the gear effects because the spin that's been applied to that golf ball that would spin it to the left so you've got from the heel the balls start left and spin to the right from the toe the ball will start right. And spin to the left yes go out right around there's also obviously top. And bottom bulge so if you hit the top of the golf club generally the ball will spin less. So the ball will spin less. So what's happening then.

Is that because as it's hit the ball is going to spin almost downwards. So not not top speed not at all there's no such kind of thing with the topspin in any club really apart from it will even just it's even backspin with a putter. For the initial bit of the uh roll and then.

It starts to roll forward it turns over on itself and starts to roll forward as a bit of skin in the wrong sword but with the drive there's never ever topspin there's only ever backspin because a lot of manufacturers you know you look on the gc2 i mean the last driver that i just hit i must have hit it very well at 3250 revs per minute of backspin. And the golf ball's up in the air for about seven or eight seconds so it's not going to be spinning that much in that frame that time frame. But it is spinning a lot. So why again that with that crown on top it's projecting the ball higher so that when it dips down less spin let's say less spin as it hits down it's being projected up off the face better same with the bottom of the golf club the bottom of the golf club would generally create more backspin more upward spin so they may going downwards. So it would start the ball lower so if it does rise up again you're not losing too much distance. So you've got to be aware of where you're hitting it on the face that's so important i mean you can get target tape you can get impact stickers where it helps you look at where you're hitting it from. And these are available you can click on the link down below this is a product this is actually one of the best ones i've seen it's oval shapes it's good. For right-handed left-handed and irons and as soon as you hit a golf ball it'll mark the face and you can see exactly where you're hitting it from. So if i hit this one um i'm going to purposely try. And hit this out the heel so i'm going to purposely try. And catch this one a little bit out the heel and that started slightly to the left and curved to the right and you can see there that's that's only gone 228 yards. So it's not gone particularly fast i've caught it right from the heel of the golf club and it's had a 10 degree of right tilt axes so it's tilted on a 10 degree left to right spin axis so it looked like a fade it looked like a slice but it wasn't you know this path was still on the inside. But the actual strike you see on the on the camera there was very much from the heel of the golf club um. And that's how that ball would shape back to the middle so what you've got to be looking out for as the reason why i wanted this video i saw a driver recently in the second hand um been at the american golf we have down at trafford golf center it was a tail made sldr. So one of the newest golf clubs on the market at the moment and this driver was set in ultimate draw best draw you can possibly get on the golf club with the setting of the slider at the bottom ultimate draw i think we even had it the the shaft was even enclosed head. And this club was in the second hand bin because obviously it hadn't fixed this certain gentleman's. Or ladies slice i think it was a gents club. So we presume it's a gen it didn't fix this gent slice so i looked at this club and i thought this is mental i can't believe this club. And it must have only been out this club's only been out two or three months so far it was already in the second hand bin. And the main reason for that every single strike every single golf shot on the gold club face was massively from the heel of the club. So this guy was slicing his driver what felt like he was slicing his driver he could have been swinging it incredibly well. But every golf shot was hit from the heel. So he would create that left to right curvature and suddenly would be scratching his head and probably buying the jet speed next.

Um so you've got to look out where you're hitting it from on the face it's so vitally important because of gear effect and because of face bulge the flight of the golf ball doesn't always represent how well you've swung it so you ever see technical videos on how to shape the ball this is all down to centerness of strike if you hit the middle of the golf club then.

Obviously your swing then.

Has the biggest influence on what the golf ball does. But off centered hits it's surprising how much curvature from left to right or right to left you can get even with a very decent swing plane. And a decent angle of attack guys thanks so much for watching if you are hitting it check if you are hitting it from an off-centered hit on the club face you need to go. And get that sorted you need to go and have some lessons you need to work out why you are doing that get some target tape. And you can have a look at where you're hitting it from. So pop that on the club face have a look where you're hitting from like so you can get that in the link below i wanted to do this video today.

Just to give you a bit of information. And the main reason because i saw that driver like saying the second hand bid and i was desperate to give some advice about this this technology. And why the ball would fade or slice if you hit it from the heel and how you need to monitor it much better guys thanks so much for watching that was a little bit more of an in-depth video than what i've done in the past a bit more information hopefully hopefully you've enjoyed it a bit about the clubface technology uh do give it a thumbs up if you want to comment down below you're welcome too too check out my next.

Channel here. And you can subscribe by clicking the link down here below. And guys i want you to practice hitting the middle of that club face because it'll make a huge huge difference thanks for watching you.